[22], In the video on the morning of July 12, 2007, the crews of two United States Army AH-64 Apache helicopters observe a gathering of men near a section of Baghdad in the path of advancing U.S. ground troops, some armed with AKMs and RPGs. On the same day as the NPR interview, Finkel was asked how he had seen the unedited video and whether WikiLeaks had shown it to him. Responsibility for civilian deaths in such encounters rests with those who violate the rules of war. This is why we called it Collateral Murder. Among the group were two Iraqi war correspondents working for Reuters, Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen. Soldier Ethan McCord speaking about the civilian massacre documented in WikiLeaks's April 2010 vid. When we were on that roof, we were still taking fire. We did unto you what we would not want done to us.". [81], Publicity of the incident ballooned following the release of the footage. Some of them [say] I don't care what anybody says they're not there. This is the problem that we're speaking out on as far as the rules of engagement. It claimed reporters' "furtive attempts to photograph the Coalition Ground Forces made them appear as hostile combatants". [84], Finkel had reported the day in his book The Good Soldiers,[62] including conversations which closely matched the subsequently leaked video footage. Assange responded: Yes, absolutely Our promise to the public is that we will release the full source material. Our heavy hearts still hold hope that we can restore inside our country the acknowledgment of your humanity, that we were taught to deny. In the first example maybe it's collateral exaggeration or incompetence when they strafe the initial gathering, this is recklessness bordering on murder, but you couldn't say for sure that was murder. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It's very clear that that is the approach, to try and find any mechanism to excuse the behavior, and that is what ended up happening. Now, as far as rules of engagement, [Iraqis] are not supposed to pick up the wounded. Ahlam Abdelhussein Tuman, the widow of the man who had been driving the van, and the mother of the children McCord had carried out, responded to the open letter in 2010:[75]. Josh states that these casualties demonstrate the impact of U.S. military policy on both the civilians and the soldiers on the ground. [88], McCord requested mental health assistance following his experiences on July 12, but was told by his superior officers to "get the sand out of [his] vagina" and to "suck it up and be a soldier". Michael Bailey a medic who treated some of. We have been speaking to whoever will listen, telling them that what was shown in the Wikileaks video only begins to depict the suffering we have created. Josh Stieber was in the same company but was not there that day, though he contributed to the your pain, and the pain of your community on many other occasions. [18] A long shadow cast on the ground by a telephoto lens on Noor-Eldeen's camera is misidentified by the pilot as an additional RPG aimed at him and a U.S. Army Humvee directly below his aircraft. [16][18][30] After the lead helicopter fires, one of the crew shouts "Hahaha. "These people can put out anything they want, and they're never held accountable for it. (The quote begins at 12:22 in video, and the shot that killed Saaed is at 12:25)", "Stephen Colbert Interviews WikiLeaks Founder", "US veterans write apology letter to Iraqis following WikiLeaks video", "We killed your father I'm heartbroken", "Widow of Iraqi killed by US troops in video 'accepts apology' after letter", "Airstrike Video Brings Attention to WikiLeaks Site", "Elliptical vs. treadmill: Which will give you the better workout? [42] According to the internal legal review, the helicopters engaged a group of armed insurgents, and that some were seen entering a nearby building. Our hearts are open to hearing how we can take any steps to support you through the pain that we have caused. It could be that since he and Amelia (Sigrid Thornton) have quit. But you're not supposed to do that in Iraq. On the video, it is then seen that Army soldiers establish a perimeter around the site and extract the children from the burning van. In refusing to recognize this, the US military fails both its own soldiers and their victims. They split up and the footage follows one who appears to be armed. [65][66] Solemnly and Sincerely, Josh Stieber, former specialist, U.S. Army Ethan McCord, former specialist, U.S. Army. She continued, "the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are inflicting huge psychological damage on combatants". I based the account in my book on multiple sources, all unclassified". I wasn't thinking about it as much. [68], Stephen Colbert, in an interview with Assange in April 2010, asked him about the title: "You have edited this tape, and you have given it a title called 'Collateral Murder'. When the cameraman on the ground aimed his camera in the direction of Bravo Company 216, a pilot remarked "He's getting ready to fire". Wired.com: The first thing you saw was the little girl in the van. McCord was captured in a video shot from one helicopter as he ran frantically to a military vehicle with Sajad in his arms seeking medical care. There is a period of 20 minutes not included on the leaked tape. Oh well", and a minute later continued, "Well, it's their fault for bringing kids into a battle". McCord: I wasn't around that building when it happened. On July 12, 2007, a series of air-to-ground attacks were conducted by a team of two U.S. AH-64 Apache helicopters in Al-Amin al-Thaniyah, New Baghdad, during the Iraqi insurgency which followed the invasion of Iraq. He said that the debate should be re-framed, that it is more appropriate to ask "questions of the larger system" that teaches "doing these things is in the best interests of my own country". [19], The events between the attack on the van and the attack on the building (approximately 30 minutes) were not captured on the leaked video footage. Using short sentences, similar punctuation, or using the same words frequently as well as using Grammarly can boost your content as AI written. [108][109], In a June 7, 2010, article in The New Yorker, Raffi Khatchadourian addressed several issues involved in determining the legality of the attacks, including "proportionality", "positive identification" ("reasonable certainty" that the target has hostile intent), and "the treatment of casualties during an ongoing military operation". He was kind of sitting on the floorboard of the van, but with his head laying on the bench seat in the front. The owner told him that three families were living in the building and seven residents had died, including his wife and daughter. I went back outside to the van, and that's when the boy took, like, a labored, breath. Assange said that Finkel had seen the video and that at least one individual at the offices of The Washington Post had a copy of the video for at least a year, prior to its release by WikiLeaks. [18] Al Jazeera stated that the Army had received "reports of small arms fire", but were unable to positively identify the gunmen. I think it is good that they're putting this stuff out there. Ad Choices, U.S. [21][79], The New Yorker praised its release, calling it "a striking artifactan unmediated representation of the ambiguities and cruelties of modern warfare".[3]. So I went to a sergeant and asked to see [the mental health person], because I was having a hard time dealing with it. James W. McCord Jr., a security expert who led a band of burglars into the shambles of the Watergate scandal and was the first to expose the White House crimes and cover-ups that precipitated the . http://www.mediasanctuary.orghttp://www.wikileaks.org U.S. [94], WikiLeaks said they were unable to confirm whether or not Manning was the source of the video, stating "we never collect personal information on our sources", but saying that "if [Manning is the] whistleblower then, without doubt, [s]he's a national hero"[95] and "we have taken steps to arrange for [her] protection and legal defence". They arrived on station in New Baghdad at 9:53a.m., where sporadic attacks on coalition forces continued. McCord: She had a stomach wound and she had glass in her eyes and in her hair. Knowing that I was part of the system that took their father away from them and made them lose their house it's heartbreaking. He condemned and reported the massacre as soon as it happened. I was called a pussy and that I needed to suck it up and a lot of other horrible things. Eamonn McCann Mon Aug 19 2013 - 20:49 Bradley Manning was scheduled to speak yesterday at the sentencing phase of his trial for having leaked 750,000 pages of classified documents and videos to. Wired.com: What did you understand that to mean? [56] U.S. forces spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Scott Bleichwehl later stated: "There is no question that coalition forces were clearly engaged in combat operations against a hostile force". Wired.com: Civilians are supposed to know that they're not supposed to pick up a wounded person crawling in the road? However, according to the co-pilot for Crazyhorse 1/8 they failed to positively identify the occupants as combatants and returned to the previous engagement area. Global Policy Forum distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. WikiLeaks stated that "some of the men appear to have been armed [although] the behavior of nearly everyone was relaxed" in the introductory text of the shorter video. As the pilot positions the helicopter to attack the building, two unarmed men walk towards, and perhaps into, the building. I hit 'em" and another member of the crew responds "Oh yeah, look at those dead bastards".[29]. However, I don't feel that the attack on the [rescue] van was necessary. McCord states he was yelled at for not "pulling security". We lost our country and our lives were destroyed. Minutes after the first engagement ended, the van returned traveling in an opposite direction (north) once again on this same road. With such pain, friendship might be too much to ask. That's not leaking, that's a pure editorial." It was sent back for more reporting in an effort to incorporate a wider range of experts. [92][93] The Internet chats between Manning and Lamo were revealed to the public by Wired. He gave his view of the context of the killings: the Reuters guys walked into the hottest spot of a very hot morning. I was trying to wash it off in my room. Vehicle; "When I saw those kids, all I could picture was my kids back home". [30], Assange stated that some of the press had not reported on the third airstrike, in which three Hellfire missiles were fired onto an apartment complex, which only appears in the longer unedited version of the two videos.[31]. On 19 April 2010, Ethan McCord, who appears on the ground in the video, and Josh Steiber, a member of the same company who was not present on the day, wrote an open Letter of Reconciliation & Responsibility to the Iraqi People apologising for the events in the video. Captain James Hall stated they couldn't drive in Bradleys in fear of running over bodies. Wired.com: But you had been in combat before. [Then I] took my children to school one day and I came home and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV with my coffee, and on the news I'm running across the screen with a child. "[90], James Spione made a short documentary film about the airstrikes called Incident in New Baghdad, featuring a first-person account from Ethan McCord. [17], In an interview with Fox News Assange said that "it's likely some of the individuals seen in the video were carrying weapons" and "based upon visual evidence I suspect there probably were AKs and an RPG, but I'm not sure that means anything. The Web site does not slow down the video to show that at least one man in that group was carrying a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, a clearly visible weapon that runs nearly two-thirds the length of his body. I just kept telling him, "Don't die; don't die." After the non-combatants were clear Crazyhorse 1/8 engaged the targets. [89], When interviewed by Wired, McCord stated that he supported WikiLeaks in releasing the video, with some qualifications: "When it was first released I don't think it was done in the best manner that it could have been. The soldier, Ethan McCord, has since been discharged from the military and has been an outspoken voice against the Iraq War. classified video created its own firestorm. [21], The Air Weapons Team (AWT) of two Apache AH-64s from the 1st Cavalry Division had been requested by the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment (216), 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Kauzlarich, before July 12 to support Operation Ilaaj. And then the father, who I'm assuming was the father, in the driver's seat slumped over on his side. The film received an Oscar nomination in January. They're smoking you, they're making you tired. The footage was portrayed as classified,[7] but the individual who leaked it, U.S. Army soldier Chelsea Manning,[a] testified in 2013 that the video was not classified. Both children were said to have been evacuated to the 28th Combat Support Hospital via Forward Operating Base Loyalty, then transferred to an Iraqi medical facility the next day. Those guys could have just been protecting their area". These people were operating in split second situations.". We were engaged in our own conflict roughly about three or four blocks away. They also found two Canon EOS digital cameras with telephoto lenses. Major Brent Cummings claimed they took great pains to prevent the loss of innocent civilian lives. Wired.com: Have you heard from any other soldiers since the video came out? WikiLeaks also does not point out that at least one man was carrying an AK-47 assault rifle. Two men assisting in the rescue effort were from a group of five standing at an intersection seen in the upper right corner of the video when the Reuters employees arrive in the courtyard reported to Apaches as being a second position combatants were using to attack the Humvee. "Our forces were engaged in combat all that day with individuals that fit the description of the men in that video. Wired.com: Wikileaks presented the incident as though there was no engagement from insurgents. What was shown in the Wikileaks video only begins to depict the suffering we have created. [18][19] The crew estimates the group is twenty men. [19], The team observed several individuals from this group, some possibly wounded, run into a large multistory building. I have a huge place in my heart for children, having some of my own. A Pentagon spokesman said the video did not contradict the official finding that the helicopters' crew acted within the rules of engagement and said that the inquiry backed the assessment that the group of men were carrying a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG). For instance, the Web site takes special care to slow down the video and identify the two photographers and the cameras they are carrying. [18][24][25][26][27] While the two are carrying media cards, a military officer claimed they were not wearing distinctive clothing identifying themselves as such. WIRED may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Seven men were killed, including Noor-Eldeen and Chmagh, with three others being wounded. [43] It concluded that an investigating officer would want to know how the armed men were identified as combatants from the earlier engagement; would question the nature of the collateral-damage estimate carried out by the crew before the missiles were launched; and would wish to determine whether a missile attack was a proportionate response to the threat. They request permission to fire a missile at the building, describing it as "abandoned" or "under construction". Ethan McCord was a member of the military unit in "Collateral Murder" - the Wikileaks video showing 12 Iraqis being killed from a US helicopter.He rescued the two children severely wounded in the attack and is now speaking out to corroborate the Collateral Murder video. The Apache crew saw unarmed[25] men exit the vehicle and move to Chmagh. [57], Reuters reported that it could locate no witnesses who had seen gunmen in the immediate area. Stuff like that happens on a daily basis in Iraq. Ethan applied for mental health support following this incident and was denied by his commanding officer. McCord, who served seven years in the military before leaving in the summer of 2009 due to injuries, recently posted an apologetic letter online with fellow soldier Josh Steiber supporting the release of the video and asking the family's forgiveness. They were destroyed. McCord: There were approximately two to three other people who were moving who were still somewhat alive, and the medics were attending to them. That's why so many soldiers come back home and they're no longer in the situations where they have other things to think about or other people to joke about what happened and they explode. McCord admits that she was sad to go because she had been there for a decade and a half, but that "it wasn't the end of the world" and that she wasn't worried for "a nanosecond" that . However, the co-pilot/gunner then observed a child and some other non-combatants in the vicinity of the individuals and decided to hold off on the engagement until the non-combatants were clear. He's no longer in the Army. [16] The military reported that it could not find its copy of the video. There's houses behind where the van was. He opened his eyes when I was carrying him. According to the U.S. Army investigation report released by the United States Central Command, the engagement started at 10:20 Iraqi local time and ended at 10:41. But this particular eventthis is clearly murder. In fact, that's one of the reasons I went to the van immediately, because I could hear her crying. [61] The longer video shows the third attack, in which Hellfire missiles were fired into a building.[43]. So, the first thing I did was grab the girl. It was the video that put WikiLeaks on the map: "Collateral Murder" turned the tide of war in Iraq and landed Private first class Bradley Manning in military detention. McCord: I have never seen anybody being shot by a 30-millimeter round before. I don't think that people really want to see this, though, because this is war. It's very disturbing. As Russia has accelerated its cyberattacks on its neighbor, it's barraged the country with an unprecedented volume of different data-destroying programs. You don't just take somebody's life and then go on about your business for the rest of the day. They did have weapons there. A third, an infantry solider named Ethan McCord, was one of the men who had scooped up the bodies of the wounded children in the apache helicopter attack, what is now known as the "Collateral. It was more of a child who was frightened out of her mind. Two children were found in the van, a four-year-old girl with gunshot wounds and embedded windscreen glass wounds and an eight-year-old boy with multiple wounds, including brain damage arising from shrapnel damage to his right temporal lobe. [61], Washington Post reporter David Finkel, who at the time was embedded with Bravo Company 216 Infantry, later covered the incidents of the day in his book, The Good Soldiers. McCord added, "I don't say that Wikileaks did a bad thing, because they didn't. It also states that "The cameras could easily be mistaken for slung AK-47 or AKM rifles, especially since neither cameraman is wearing anything that identifies him as media or press". On June 7, 2010, The New Yorker reported that Kristinn Hrafnsson, an investigative reporter who worked on the Collateral Murder video and later became a spokesman for WikiLeaks,[54] said he had found the owner of the building involved in the incident. Ethan and Josh are available for interviews. The girl suffered from a stomach wound and glass in her eyes, and the boy a head injury. He runs the girl to the Bradley. WikiLeaks identified the leak's source as "a number of military whistleblowers". We are both soldiers who occupied your neighborhood for 14 months. After the incident, we went back to the FOB [forward operating base] and that's when I was in my room. China Is Relentlessly Hacking Its Neighbors. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. However, personally I don't feel that the attack on the van was warranted. Gates said that the video provides the public with a view of warfare "as seen through a soda straw". They're trained as soldiers to go into a building and clear a building. "The first thing I thought of was my children at home". And With Reason", July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike radio traffic, US intelligence analyst arrested over Wikileaks video, WikiLeaks editor on Apache combat video: No excuse for US killing civilians, Families of Victims of 2007 US Helicopter Killing React to Leaked Video, Ethan McCord Describes Emotional Toll of Witnessing Killings, 'Collateral Murder' in Baghdad Anything But, Use of white phosphorus by the United States, United States and the International Criminal Court, A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq, "The wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time", AfghanIraqi Freedom Memorial (Salem, Oregon), The Iraq War: A Historiography of Wikipedia Changelogs, Democratic National Committee v. Russian Federation, WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=July_12,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike&oldid=1140602029, Articles with dead external links from May 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from July 2022, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Press reports of the number killed vary from 12, Representation (including audio) by Banksy, October 9, 2013. Find its copy of the footage follows one who appears to be armed the father in! Bad thing, because this is war the loss of innocent civilian lives for Reuters, Saeed and. Not there attacks on Coalition forces continued, that 's one of men. Refusing to recognize this, though, because this is the problem we... Country with an unprecedented volume of different data-destroying programs of our Affiliate Partnerships retailers... 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