Welcome to The Galvanized Yankees facebook page. GALVANIZED YANKEES ON THE UPPER MISSOURI: THE FACE OF LOYALTY. The Galvanized Yankees were ordered westward. For a brief picture of Galvanized Yankees sent to Ft. Rice in the Dakota Territories from Point Lookout Camp for Confederate Prisoners in Maryland read, Cottages: A Chesapeake Bay Novel by Paula Farrar. Company B marched across Kansas to Fort Leavenworth and mustered out on November 3. The regiment is probably better known as the "Galvanized Yankees." The story of how the soldiers came to occupy Fort Rice, a Dakota Territory military post named after a Civil War casualty, is too long to recount in its entirety here. Provisions and treaty goods were often shoddy or were stolen by traders. They were Confederate soldiers who were recruited from Union prison camps in the North to serve in the West. The Union had raised five others between 1864 and 1865 enlisting at total of 5,600 Southerners. However, Fort Rice was not a good assignment, and many died of disease or violence during the winter of 1865. Sent by steamship to New Orleans and Madisonville, Louisiana, the 3rd Maryland Cavalry took part in the Red River Campaign, in the Atchafalaya Expedition in the first week of June 1864,[n 21] and in August was dismounted to participate in the siege of Fort Morgan. [n 5]. The book is available on Amazon.com. Condition Used Edition First Edition Thus (1963); unstated. Dee Brown relates the little-known story of Confederate prisoners during the American Civil War who switched sides and joined the "United States Volunteer Cavalry". It was ordered to the Department of the Missouri and sent by rail to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where it was assigned to duty in the District of Upper Arkansas along the Santa Fe Trail from the Little Arkansas River to Fort Dodge, Kansas, and along the Cimarron Crossing to Fort Lyon, Colorado. In 1863, however, the prisoner exchange system had broken down, causing prison camps to become permanent areas of incarceration, where growing numbers of men had no hope of release until the end of the war. Like the metal, these galvanized soldiers in many cases were still "Good old Rebels," or "Billy Yanks," underneath their adopted uniforms.[1]. Photos: Rays thump Yankees at Disney Yesterday Sports Guide to Plant City's Strawberry Festival, one of the largest festivals in the nation Yesterday Life & Culture Advertisement The unit was folded into the U.S. Armys Eighth Corp and sent to Louisiana where it would eventually take part in the Red River campaign and the Union assault on Fort Morgan and the capture of Mobile, Alabama. Dodge's recommendation was accepted, however, and the prisoners were permitted to enlist in the 5th and 6th U.S. William Tamblyn, and posted respectively at, Col. Andrew Patrick Caraher commanded the 2nd U.S. Volunteer Infantry. The book primarily draws from primary sources and has many appropriate citations. [n 15] was enlisted at the Alton and Camp Douglas prisoner camps in Illinois in March and April 1865 as a three-year regiment, then ordered to Fort Leavenworth on April 28, 1865, at the urging of Maj. Gen. Grenville Dodge, commanding general of the Department of the Missouri. However, desertion rates among the units of galvanized Yankees were little different from those of state volunteer units in Federal service. They made the journey from New York with surprisingly few desertions, surviving on salt pork, hardtack, coffee, and whatever water they could find. Of those, more than 250 had begun their service as Union soldiers, were captured in battle, then enlisted in prison to join a regiment of the Confederate States Army. [n 24] In July and August 1864, Capt. arrived at Fort Kearny on the date that, Lt. Col. Charles C.G. She accompanied the regiment up the Missouri River and shared the soldiers hardships on the march. Lot of 4 - Vintage The Galvanized Yankees, Third Alabama, Orphan Brigade,Cavalr y. Some units suffered high desertion rates. Donate . Among these pioneering "Galvanized Yankees" were brothers Samuel Kael Groah and Andrew Jackson Groah. Galvanized Yankees were Confederate prisoners of war who joined the Union Army and went west to fight Indians. Four additional companies were recruited between June 26 and July 31, 1863, including approximately 40 Confederate prisoners from Camp Chase who became members of Company E. Originally called to service to repel John Hunt Morgan's raid through Ohio, the companies were also sent west to combine with the 1st Independent Battalion into the new 11th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Galvanized Yankees was a term from the American Civil War denoting former Confederate prisoners of war who swore allegiance to the United States and joined the Union Army. At first glance, the men from the regiment were indistinguishable from their fellow bluecoats. The experiment of enlisting prisoners became a concern for the U.S. War Department, and policies surrounding this practice continually changed. Confederate prisoners captured at Fishers Hill, Virginia. Companies A and B were stationed at Fort Kearney; C and D at Cottonwood, Colorado; E and F at Fort Rankin; and G and H at Julesburg, Colorado, protecting overland mail routes from Indian attacks. [n 10] Their muster out in July 1865 was canceled and in October, they were ordered to build and garrison Fort Fletcher, Kansas, and man two outposts at Monument Station and Ponds Creek Station, also in Kansas, to protect the new Butterfield Overland Despatch stagecoach route. The state of Tennessee replaced losses in at least one of its regiments from the ranks of Yankee prisoners too. After spending a harsh winter on the prairries, in July of 1865, the 1st USVI repelled an attack on Fort Rice by Cheyenne and Lakota Sioux led by Sitting Bull himself. In August Gen. Patrick E. Connor ordered regimental headquarters and three companies to garrison Camp Douglas, Utah; and two companies west from Fort Rankin, Colorado, to replace the cavalry along the telegraph line west of Fort Laramie. It was July 26, 1865 when a force of 3,000 Sioux and Cheyenne descended onto the U.S. Army outpost at Platte Bridge in Wyoming. Died 1911. Brown (1963), pp. Binding Paperback Quantity-available 1 Seller Black Cat Hill Books Oregon City, Oregon, USA Seller rating : Description: New York, NY Curtis Books, 1963. [25] The companies in Utah were relieved by regulars in April 1866 and marched to Fort Bridger. Along with approximately 2,600 fellow . As most probably know, Galvanized Yankees were Confederates who, at different points after being put in POW camps, not only took the oath of allegiance, but also opted to enlist in the U.S. Army. Also briefly mentions the occasional use of Union prisoners in Confederate forces. They became known as "Galvanized Yankees," for swapping their gray uniforms for blue, and would serve a largely forgotten role in settling what became North Dakota. It traveled by rail to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on May 1011, 1865, the only regiment of "galvanized Yankees" to arrive on the frontier intact and at full strength, 976 officers and men. It was apparently over-recruited in numbers. Approximately 5,600 former Confederate soldiers enlisted in the "United States Volunteers", organized into six regiments between January 1864 and November 1866. Another 800 rebel prisoners were absorbed into various state regiments from Northern prison camps. escorted a wagon train to Fort Union; and a detachment of 10 men of Company H, 1st U.S.V.I. [22] Companies A through G reassembled at Fort Kearny in August 1866 and mustered out on October 11. The 1st U.S. Yet by the beginning of 1864, with the war dragging on, manpower reserves dwindling and native uprisings breaking out all along the frontier, the War Department in Washington found itself compelled to offer bluecoats and muskets to rebel detainees. The author throws in a short conversation of Galvanized Confederates as well. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Dee Brown including rare photos from the authors personal collection. It was also the only unit to travel to New Mexico. Despite this, a number of ethnic regiments quietly drew replacements from the ranks Confederate prisoners, although their recruiting targeted only recent immigrants from those regiments respective old countries. Seddon had as early as March 1863 granted discretionary permission to commanders including Gen. John Pemberton to recruit prisoners, but few if any, were actually enlisted. Study the history of Federal POW camps during the War Between the States, and you'll have your answer. Since the Galvanized Yankees were now considered enlisted men rather than prisoners, they were allowed . [n 12] was authorized at the Rock Island prisoner camp in October 1864 as a one-year regiment but not organized until February 1865. This is the only book I ever stole from a library. Conditions were hard over the winter, and fully 11% of the command died of illness, primarily scurvy. As usual, Dee Brown finds subjects of interest to write about. Volunteers, one of the units of "Galvanized Yankees," or Confederate prisoners who earned their release from prison by volunteering for Western duty. Two companies were stationed at Fort Rice, then at Fort Sully; one at Fort Berthold; and three at Fort Randall until June 1866, when the six companies were recalled to Leavenworth, mustering out as they arrived between June 18 and July 2. The Fault Lines of Empire Elizabeth Mancke 2005 Elizabeth Mancke presents a comparative [return][return]An interesting and well-documented book about a little known group. [13] In October 1865, the battalion returned to St. Louis to muster out November 27. Volunteers and commanded by Northern officers, to the frontier to protect the trails, telegraph lines, and U.S. Mail routes. The last of the six regiments lasted a year longer, with the final Galvanized Yankee becoming a civilian on November 13, 1866. [6], In January 1863, following issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation, the United States began to actively recruit black soldiers. The term of deprecation came from the process of galvanizing metal, where a coat of zinc was added to the top layer to prevent corrosion. More than 450 Southerners captured at Gettysburg agreed to join the 3rd Maryland Cavalry regiment in early 1864. Major General Dodge recommended on March 5, 1865, that all the former Union soldiers as well as a number of Confederate troops be enlisted in the U.S. The Premier Online Military History Magazine. Thoroughly enjoyed the chapter on Henry Stanley. The expression "galvanized Yankees" sprang up as a term of deprecation among Confederate prisoners for those who chose to enlist. Volunteers and were designated the 1st Independent Company, U.S.V..[n 20] The 1st Independent Company remained on duty in the District of Minnesota until mustered out on November 16, 1865. [n 11] was not organized until February 1865. Volunteers were recruited in the spring of 1865 to replace the 2nd and 3rd U.S.V.I., which had been enlisted as one-year regiments. From Fort Leavenworth the unit marched to Fort Riley, and stationed companies there and at Salem, Fort Ellsworth, Fort Larned, Fort Zarah and Fort Scott, Kansas. Afterward, Galvanized soldiers were shunned in the South and neglected by the Grand Army of the Republic. After marching 150 miles, they were recalled and marched to Fort Laramie between September 2 and October 10. The little-known true Civil War story of the Confederate soldiers who served in the Union Army by a #1 New York Timesbestselling author. Both events highlighted a problem for the settlers; Native Americans were beginning to fight for their lands, yet only a handful of U.S. soldiers and frightened civilians, many armed only with pitchforks, were available to protect themselves from the Indian Uprisings. As a result, General Ulysses S. Grant ordered a contingent of Galvanized soldiers, by then called U.S. I discovered the Galvanized Yankee connection because a librarian kept insisting to me the pension record of my family member was for a Federal pension, Since I now know of unit designations of the Galvanized Yankee Units, I have found another family member who was also a Galvanized Yankee. It is your entirely own mature to play a part reviewing habit. in aug 1865 he deserted and went back to arkansas. Number of Pages: 255. It was sent west for duty on the Indian frontier in February 1862 to resolve a political dispute after its commander refused to consolidate with the 6th Ohio Cavalry. The Lincoln Administration wished to avoid any legal wrangles over the prisoner cartel that might be construed as recognition of the Confederacy as a legitimate government. The Galvanized Yankees. Great research and interesting story, but sometimes I felt the story got bogged down in just following army units all over the place. A fantastic account for those interested in the Western Frontier during and immediately after the American Civil War. About 600 of them. It was ordered to the Department of the Missouri, arriving at Fort Kearny, Nebraska, April 9, 1865,[n 13] where it was assigned to duty in the Districts of Nebraska and Colorado. Companies saw periodic duty at Fort McPherson, Nebraska; Fort Collins, Colorado; and Fort John Buford, Wyoming. After suffering a number of casualties, the 2nd New Jersey Cavalry responded with a charge in which it took severe casualties, including 22 dead, and lost 80 horses but captured more than 500 prisoners, among whom were Burke and 254 former Union soldiers from Burke's Battalion of the 10th Tennessee. In August 1864, Grant ordered it to the Department of the Northwest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Thanks for adding that. The young Colonel quickly learned that not all the Indians around the fort were as friendly as Two Bears, and soldiers were frequently ambushed and mutilated. While the vast majority of Confederate recruits were eventually sent to the frontier far away from the battlefields of the Civil War, at least one unit was sent into combat against rebel forces. [36] A concerted recruiting effort began on October 12 and continued to the end of the war. [n 17] was recruited from prisoner camps at Camp Chase, Ohio (two companies); Camp Morton, Indiana (two companies); and Camp Douglas, Illinois (six companies), as a three-year regiment, and assembled on April 2, 1865, at Camp Fry near Chicago for outfitting and drill. Read the new book, Putting on Blue by Dr. Al Hester, historian and former professor at the University of Georgia. Approximately 5,600 former Confederate soldiers enlisted in the "United States Volunteers", organized into six regiments of infantry between January 1864 and November 1866. There has not been much written since then so this remains the primary . Had no idea about how POW confederate soldiers from the civil war were recruited to help tame the expanding western prairie. It is an interesting story, with a wide variety of quality and problems that faced them. Also mentioned is the brief effort that the Confederates made to recruit from Union Soldiers held in POW camps in the South. The National Park Service describes the origin of the expression "Galvanized Yankee" in a bulletin published in 1992 for visitors to the Gateway Arch National Park, which was then known as the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial: The term "galvanized" is most commonly associated with metal when it is coated with zinc to protect it from corrosion. Though he befriended Two Bears of the Yanktonai Sioux, he made the mistake of considering Two Bears enemies to be his own. [4][n 1] The ban continued until 1863, except for a few enlistments of foreign-born Confederates into largely ethnic regiments. During the American Civil War, many captured Confederate soldiers were offered a choice of rotting in a Union prisoner of war camp or entering the Union army to fight Indians on the Western frontier. The Galvanized Yankees. I had never heard of the Galvanized Yankees before, so most of it was interesting reading. [18], The 4th U.S.V.I. "All hardcover, with Dust Jackets. Approximately 5,600 former Confederate soldiers enlisted in the "United States Volunteers", organised into six regiments of infantry between January 1864 and November 1866. I also came across the Galvanized Yankees while researching my Southern family history. Weight: 0.74 lbs. From New Mexico to Montana, they endured Indian attacks, cold winters, disease, and grueling marches. Companies A, F, G, and I of the 1st U.S.V.I. under Lt. Cyrus L. Hutchins traveled by steamboat on May 12, 1865, to Fort Benton to control trade between there and another post at the mouth of the Yellowstone River. In the case of the 4th USVI, more than a tenth of its recruits slipped away from the regiment before it even arrived at its first frontier outpost. War story of the Northwest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin prisoners, they were allowed by called... Also briefly mentions the occasional use of Union prisoners in Confederate forces POW camps the. Yankees were little different from those of state volunteer units in Federal service stolen traders... To arkansas began on October 12 and continued to the end of Confederate! Ranks of Yankee prisoners too mentioned is the brief effort that the made! 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