We learned SO MUCH! In the Old Testament the brides price was negotiable, but it raised her status, and it set her free of her current household. This period of preparation during an Ancient Galilean wedding traditions of a long period wait and aligns with another statement Yeshua (the Bridegroom) told His Disciples (His Bride) during the Last Supper; I go to prepare a place for you. - Genesis 24:57-58. ( OMEGA =FIRST) "It's the middle of the night. The groom never knew the day nor the time; "But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the son, but the father." (Besetting Sin) Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 12:1-4, THE TWO NATURES & STANDING & STATE OF THE BELIEVER - Dr. Michael E. Todd. The top six most likely explanations (LIES) that Satan may use to explain away the Rapture. The groom and groomsmen would not know the day or the time he would be allowed to collect his bride, but only the grooms father would know and tell him (sound familiar?). The groom, accompanied by his male friends (Judges 14:11), would go to the house of the bride at midnight, making a parade with torches through the streets. 24:32-44, HE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME! Your eyes are doves behind your veil" - Song of Solomon 4:7. A FALL FROM GRACE Galatians 5:4 Can A Christian Fall From Grace? 4:1-6; 1 Tim. Just as the bride, we are to not to fall asleep (Spiritually) as the world but to remain pure and ready at all times because the Groom WILL appear at any moment. - Mark 13:32. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom. ~Matthew 26:27-29. Your eyes are doves behind your veil" - Song of Solomon 4:7. ! Materials and fabrics had to be bought for the brides wedding dress and this took lots of time in the 1st Century. Dr. Paul Fedena - Jeremiah 49:8, A NEW COMMITMENT FOR THE NEW YEAR Dr. Paul Fedena 2 Chronicles 34:31, MIDNIGHT MADNESS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 16:22-26. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 13:1-5, The Gift Of A Thorn - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, BIRD WATCHERS GUIDE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Spotting Heresy, Equality Act - The Sleeping Church V. The Woke LGBT, MAKING SENSE OUT OF SUFFERING - Dr. Paul Fedena - Job 5:6, BUT WHERE IS THE LAMB - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 22:7, Ancient Words - Song and Bible Verses - King James Bible, A NAME CALLING SERMON - Dr. Paul Fedena - Amos 6:1, GOD IS LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN (& WOMEN) - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Cor.6:9-11, ELIJAH - ISRAELS WEATHERMAN - 1 Kings 17:1 - Dr. Paul Fedena, 20 Questions The Left Should Be Asked But Will Never Answer. DR. PAUL FEDENA - Preacher, Teacher, & Evangelist & "Friend To Churches" (KJB), In Honor of Paul and Shirley Fedena, for all the years of Faithfulness - Legacy Five - Faithful to The Cross, REMEMBER ME AFTER I DIE - Paul and Shirley Fedena, Pastor Paul Fedena's Doctrinal Statement and Disclaimer for Website, FAITHFUL WORDS From the Sermons of Pastor Paul Fedena, SERMON Helps for the Pastor and his Church - Paul Fedena, Sermons (1976 1994) By Dr. Paul Fedena Faith Baptist Church Fairless Hills, PA. Fedena Website Leftovers - Compiled by Rob Madden TREASURE TROVE OF ALL THINGS KING JAMES BIBLE! The Nisuin Lifted up and carried away to the Wedding Banquet and place prepared The bride was taken in procession to her new husbands house;In many coloured robes she is led to the king; behind her the virgins, her companions, follow. The Chuppah - Preparation of the wedding chamber The groom went back to his fathers house to prepare the "bridal chamber," called a Chuppah. The bride carried under a canopy painted with gold crescents; later the newly married pair would sit under this canopy (Chuppah) during the festivities and there was a great feast, which could several days. What are some of the similarities between a Galilean wedding ceremony and the rapture? What about the parable of the Ten Virgins? - YouTube A wonderful illustration of the plan of God from the beginning, to have a wife for Himself, The Jewish. or THE PRODIGAL WHO STAYED HOME - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 15:24-32, When you need a promiseopen your Bible - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOUCHING THE UNTOUCHABLE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Mark 1:40-45, DWELL DEEP! And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. - John 14.2-30. Using Galilean-style wedding traditions as a metaphor, Jesus revealed the uncompromising sanctity of marriage, how the world will end and how much He loves His church. In the New Covenant - Yeshua (Jesus) is in Heaven preparing a place for us, His Bride. So, we see that in the New Testament the Holy Spirit goes out to choose the bride for Christ; "for many are called, but few are chosen!" Is Victory Available? "- 2 Corinthians 11:2. This was done after the exchange of gifts, which were costly. The procession of men to the brides house was neither quiet or sedate as the groom was sounding the "SHOFAR" to warn that he was collecting his bride; "They looked out and saw a tumultuous procession with a great amount of baggage (this would be gifts for the bride and her family); and the bridegroom came out with his friends and his brothers to meet them with tambourines and musicians." (3) Mohar - The price negotiated for the bride. 22:9-11, Rom. The Marriage Supper of The Lamb! 17:1-23, Responding to Social Justice Rhetoric: A Cheat Sheet, PURGING FOR POWER - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 2, AVOIDING PASTORAL BURNOUT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Num.11:1-29, LETS GET PERSONAL! The Galilean Wedding Tradition The pattern of the Galilean wedding helps reveal the mystery of the Rapture and the 2nd Coming of Jesus. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:1, CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL & THE SAINT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 53:6, SHEPHERDS, SHEEP, GOATS, WOLVES & SHEPHERDS or FEEDING OR FLEECING THE FLOCK? At the sound of TRUMPET, the Bride and her bridesmaids wake up and execute their preparedness. The Eyrusin the Betrothal In the Old Testament there was a legal bond between the betrothed couple. (2) Consent - The bride's consent. For close to a year, the bride and groom would wait with their bridesmaids, groomsman, and guests for the father to say to his son, go, collect your bride.. After the betrothal contract the bride and bridegroom WILL live apart for a year while the groom prepares for his bride the groom goes to his father and builds a room onto his fathers house, builds new furniture for their new place, and purchases items for the feast and their home. 12. Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support especially during these very difficult times. The Rapture Must Happen Before the Day of the Lord Starts In 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, Paul tells his readers that the start of the day of the Lord will surprise people on the earth "like a thief in the night" with its sudden destruction from which "they will not escape." - Dr. Paul Fedena - Job 1:6-12 & 2:4,5, STANDING BY THE SAVIOR - Dr. Paul Fedena - John 19:25-27, BACK FROM THE BRINK - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Cor. If we look carefully, we are able to connect the rituals of Ancient Galilean weddings with what Yeshua (Jesus) told His Disciples about the Rapture. Every Galilean wedding lasted 7-Days, but that of a king lasted 7-Years. We celebrate communion ("common union") each time we gather to remember Christ. In the same way when Yeshua (Jesus) returns at midnight hour for His Bride and when least expected the Bride of Christ MUST be ready always and NOT asleep! 2. It is a pre-millennial, pre-tribulation Rapture, and the early Church, understanding the Galilean vernacular, knew this. God's Hebrew Alphabet & Prophetic Meaning. or THE PRICE OF REVIVAL- Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Chron.7:14, FROM NOTHING TO NOWHERE? In the New Testament - the Church belongs to Christ even though we dont live together yet, we belong to Him; "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. Thomas De Witt Talmage Sermons From Genesis To Revelation - Over 500 Sermons, John Gill's Commentary On The Bible - Verse by Verse of the Entire Bible, Commentaries On Every Book of the Bible - HUNDREDS OF BOOKS & WRITINGS, Christian Workers' Commentary on the Old & New Testaments - Dr. James M. Gray, Welcome to David Guziks Bible Commentary Bible Teaching Resources Free (More Than 11,000 Pages Of Bible Commentary), OLD TESTAMENT WRITTEN COMMENTARIES - Dr. Bob Utley, NEW TESTAMENT WRITTEN COMMENTARIES - Dr. Bob Utley, Ten Thousand (10,000) Commentaries On The New Testament & Old Testament of the Bible (Conservative), Commentary On The Bible by Arno Clemens Gaebelein - Plus Articles and Lectures, Book of Hebrews Commentary by Dr. Paul Fedena, Gospel of John Study BEHOLD THE GLORY By Paul Fedena (Part One - 67 Sermons), Gospel of John Study BEHOLD THE GLORY By Paul Fedena (Part Two - 69 Sermons), Book of Acts Commentary by Dr. Paul Fedena, Lewis Sperry Chafer Commentaries and Articles, William R. Newell Commentaries and Articles, Harry A. Ironside - Books, Commentaries, and Writings, The Wiersbe Bible Commentary On The New Testament, The Warren Wiersbe Commentary on the Old Testament, Bible Commentaries and Articles By J. TO WANDER - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 91:1,2, Mortgage Burning @ FBC Easton, PA - Dr. Paul Fedena Pastor Art Gilmore, Bible Study Tools - Sermon Illustrations - Sermon Quotations, Bible Verses by Topic - KJB Bible Dictionary, THE BIBLE ALMANAC - ALL PEOPLE AND PLACES OF THE BIBLE, How to Study the Bible by Dwight L. Moody, Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Thru the Bible Commentaries, Notes and Outlines Articles On Biblical Truthes, Dr. McGee's Book-by-Book Notes & Outlines for the Five-Year Bible Study, Dr. Neither the Groom nor Bride knew the day or the hour that the wedding would take place! . A. Seiss, C. H. Spurgeon - Commentaries, Articles, and Lectures, Oliver B. Greene Books, Sermons, Audio, Tracts, Booklets, and Listen Online, John F. Walvoord - Books, Commentaries, and Writings, Parables of Christ Series (8 Sermons) - Dr. Paul Fedena, King James Bible Outlines For Every Book of the BIBLE, Articles and Books by Louis T. Talbot - BIOLA UNIVERSITY. 15:13-37, Make A Wish - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 3, GO AHEAD, MAKE MY DAY! during the Great Tribulation - some Jews are saved, and some Jews will not be saved. Matthew 24 - The American Dream has ended, THE BEGINNING OF BIRTH PAINS - Matthew 24:3-8, TWO DISTINCT PHASES OF THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST - This Could Be The Dawning Of That Day, WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?! What will you do to better prepare for Christs return? . After a year of waiting and preparing, the bride and groom are finally together, reunited, forever. You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant. - Malachi 2:14. is our contract is sealed with the Blood of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. NEW Preamble to the Constitution - Lewis Napper of Mississippi. Notice how perfectly parallel this presentation is with our relationship to our Lord: we are united with Him by the rebirth, but we are not publicly and everlastingly reigning with Him until by faith we leave our honeymoon cottage (where He has dwelt in our hearts and prepared us for service) and abandon ourselves to Him, ever after sitting at His side, attending His will. When the Saviour of the world came, He came of that despised nation; like Israel He Himself was; despised and rejected by men, and there is that despised element; things that are despised God has chosen, 1 Corinthians 1:28. Fantastic movie depicting a Galilean wedding so you understand the rapture. Galilean wedding is a year -long sequence of events Jesus, the church, the rapture and the second coming are a sequence of events that occur over a long period of time The Groom begins the marriage tradition by leaving his father's house and going to the home of his prospective Bride We celebrate communion (common union) each time we gather to remember Christ. - Mark. By Dr. Paul Fedena, THE SATANIC TRINITY - Pastor Paul Fedena - Revelation 16:13, THE END OF THE WORLD - By Dr. Paul Fedena, A Study on the Book of Revelation by Dr. Paul Fedena, THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF REVELATION 2 & 3 By Dr. Paul Fedena, The Four Horsemen Of Revelation 6 - After The RAPTURE, THE WORLD VS. ISRAEL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 2. This is the first of Jesus Miracles. Yeshua (Jesus) will marry His Bride at the time of the Rapture. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information. The bride was taken in procession to her new husbands house; In many coloured robes she is led to the king; behind her the virgins, her companions, follow. And she said, "I will go." Psalm 19:5. And throughout the Bible we read about these events. The Rapture Must Happen Before the Day of the Lord Starts In 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, Paul tells his readers that the start of the day of the Lord will surprise people on the earth "like a thief in the night" with its sudden destruction from which "they will not escape." If so - when is He coming? Then the Groom would come for His bride in the night. That is why they needed OIL in their lamps and always to be lit and the Bride and Bridesmaids are to be dressed and ready. In the same way only our Heavenly Father knows the day or hour when He will tell Yeshua (Jesus) go forth and fetch Your Bride the Church. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 3 John 4, WHY DOESNT GOD DO SOMETHING?! And so, the people of those days understood what He was saying to them? The groom had up to seven years time to raise it; And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had for her. Genesis 29:20. (1 Maccabees 9:39). 12:2 THESIS: To illustrate the biblical doctrine of separation. How to Read your Bible without Getting Confused How to rightly divide the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), Dispensationalism rightly dividing the word of truth - 2 Timothy 2 15, Salvation In The Old Testament Verses Salvation In The N.T. By Andrea Widburg. You ask,Why? It is because theLordis the witnessbetween you and the wife of your youth. and rejoices as a strong man to run a race." - Abortion and Sodomy - Dr. Paul Fedena, Homosexuality - THINGS ARENT ALWAYS WHAT THEY SEEM - Dr. Paul Fedena, HOMOSEXUALITY THINGS ARENT ALWAYS WHAT THEY SEEM Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-28 - By Dr. Paul Fedena, MALE & FEMALE? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 19:6, MY PREDICTIONS FOR 2021 - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ecclesiastes 1:9-10, WITH JESUS IN FAITH UNIVERSITY or DISTRACTIONS THAT LEAD TO DEFEAT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 11:6, BREAKING OUT OF YOUR RUT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Mark 10:46-52, SATAN IS NOT AFTER YOU - Satan's Strategy - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 14:12-15, AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE - Paul Fedena - James 1:7, JESUS BIBLE INSTITUTE or FAITH 101 - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 5:1-11, ITS TIME TO CALL 9-1-1! - Ezekiel 16: 11-12. With lockdown and difficult recovery still lying ahead we ARE reminded that the Wuhan Corona Virus has caused many dire needs and continue to increase here in Israel upon the already most vulnerable! The New Covenant is our contract is sealed with the Blood of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. Just like the Ancient Galilean bride and bridegroom we too MUST wait until the FATHER says its time! - Gender Confusion - Dr. Paul Fedena. The joy was in his marriage: in the public and permanent union of his bride with himself. During Ancient Biblical times, a wedding was the biggest event in town for anyone. When the bride hears the trumpet call, she knows the bridegroom is coming to get her. This speaks of a pre-tribulation rapture since, in this context, the seven days represent the seven year Great Tribulation. to fetch his bride and the wait was finally over! There is excitement as the bridegroom is preparing and as the bride awaits always prepared for her Groom Here are some extracts from the Bible that tell us what that Ancient wedding was like; the bridegroom wore a crown or garland on his head; Go forth, O daughters of Zion, at King Solomon, at the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding - Song of Solomon 3:11. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 5:13, IFTHEN! Caliphate and kingdoms vs The Kingdom of God. By Dr. Paul Fedena, HURTING and WANDERING SHEEP - Psalm 23:3 - By Dr. Paul Fedena, THROUGH THE VALLEY TO THE VICTORY - Psalm 23:4 - By Pastor Paul Fedena, SHEEP IN THE VALLEY - TEXT: Psalm 23:4 - By Pastor Paul Fedena, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SHEEP - Psalm 23:5 - Pastor Paul Fedena, THATS ENOUGH! The Bible we read about these events us, His bride 3, GO AHEAD Make... Galilean wedding ceremony and the Rapture FALL FROM GRACE a strong man to run a race. sealed! 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