Just call your internet provider to see what systems they have in your area. + Internet by fiber optic or nothing, because we are eight terrestrial miles from the villages center and we harbour polygon-destroying and film-loving teenagers. Radiation effects of mobile phones and tablets on the skin: A systematic review. Effect of long-term exposure of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on testes functions. The amount of radiation absorbed from a wireless router is minor compared to the EMFs transmitted from taking a call on a cellphone. Cant remember exactly when those first cell phones came out but Im pretty sure these networks of cell towers didnt exist then. Copyright 20112023. Those boxes are between every house in our neighborhood! they will connect the Fiber Optic system to the computer/modem/router with a CAT5E cable. (2015). Jeromy also does this type of work; see his page https://www.emfanalysis.com/recommended-emf-meters/ This is separate from the 2011 assessment by the IARC, which labeled EMFs as possibly carcinogenic. The IARC is also part of WHO. Also, is there a main hub where everything connects in a neighborhood that can be identified (and avoided!)? I bought four 32 x 32 aluminum sheets from Home Depot and I placed them on the floor right above the spot where the modem is in the room below. Wonderful that you have connected the dots! Hi, Im all for getting rid of cell towers and 5G and wifi etc etc but this article is just 100% BS. But theres no solid evidence that Wi-Fi causes health risks in humans. I believe I am experiencing this problem but Im confused because regular tv channels dont cause me to feel ill. The main reason I want a smart phone is because I like to listen to podcasts and YT videos. WiFi and the electronic devices that connect to it, such as mobile phones, laptops and wireless My current method of voice communication is Skype / Zoom from a low-EMF laptop with a grounded Ethernet connection. Could you clarify something for me? It may be installed free right now, but at what price? I have seen several people get better by switching back to their original internet providers (this is with all wireless disabled). Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. I have been saying for some time now that this house has some sort of pulse waves and was thinking of purchasing a reader of electromagnetic fields or what not is there specific types more suitable? I just submitted my consent for fiber optics in my neighbourhood, hoping there would be no problems with it being wired. According to a 2014 animal study, long-term exposure to Wi-Fi radiation reduces the reproductive function of male rats. Do you have a YouTube channel? You could still have a data connection brought to your residence, but have it in just one area of your home. I was surprised by your statement that: Those electrical signals, which carry our internet data, are not inherently problematic because they are in a very narrow frequency range and dont typically radiate from the cable or phone lines.. If electrical sensitivity symptoms increase all of a sudden with a new internet provider (for example, switching from Comcast Xfinity to AT&T), go back to your original provider right away. While recently showing a friend how my RF detector works he removed his wireless hearing aid and placed it on the meter. Dana-Farber provides personalized care for each patient based on their unique needs; their experiences and results will vary. I think they generate from the same modem. I dont think SAR values are the best judge of the safety of a phone. I have experienced what you are going through. Yesterday I was talking with a neighbor for the first time and found out he is an electrical engineer working in the solar industry. Looking forward to the next article. Wear disposable aprons to minimize fiber particles on your clothing. However, it doesnt capture most of the newer small 4G DAS/5G antennas. to create fiber optic technologies which support accessibility needs for electrosensitive people around the world? Thanks for asking. Not soI will print this and bring it to our next meeting! OR are their inherent technical considerations that make higher data rates inherently dangerous. Fortunately, there are solutions to this issue. I cut the cord a few years ago (and substituted WiFi for everything from computers to TVs) and now I think were seeing the health effects. Thanks for responding. Im not able to feel WiFi or smart meters. Its complex and vitally important, but I think we will eventually figure it out. Everyone is confused and misled by fiber, solar and corrupted internet. This will greatly increase the RF in your neighborhood. But that is a good start. When I had fibre optic installed, I had to wait a few hours before I got a connection. If I cant reduce this EMI, I will not be able to use a phone. Another option I thought would be put faraday enclosure on the ONT, ground the ONT and cable to the ground rod right there, and then use shielded cable at least to the router. I hope more people in Japan start to pay attention to this topic. It provides faster mobile communication by producing higher electromagnetic frequencies. You would simply do this between your Comcast modem and computer: This allows me to do even 1 or 1.5 hour calls without too many symptoms. Our community is installing fiber optics with the hopes it will keep 5G out. Specifically, fiber can help: Control your blood sugar. If not what rating of CAT cable would be best for the job in terms of limiting EMF radiation? Reducing EMI w/o Filters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vzHqRrExfY However, after reading your article, I have two concerns: 1) I think I may need to know where the fiber optic cables are buried underground, in case they run through my yard. Do you or do you have technicians that can go to homes and do all of the things you recommend? This is how I work: Jeromy, I have spoken to you on a number of occasions via EMAIL and since Hybrid Fibre Cable (HFC) has come to town, my world has been turned inside out. World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0891061816000053, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2017/9218486/, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/15368378.2013.869752, https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/electromagnetic-fields-fact-sheet, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504984/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28332042/, https://www.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/pr208_E.pdf, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30343375/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5925203/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7506181/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5897318/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935118300355, https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/radiation-5g-mobile-networks-and-health, https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/radiofrequency-radiation.html, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1382668915300594, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3955064/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016041201830196X, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1016/j.kjms.2015.06.006, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12020-015-0795-3, Your Guide to Vibration White Finger (VWF) and Its Treatment, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. While walking to bus stop asked a young man walking with a rolling measure tool what its for. Thanks for the reference to your article on the analog phone and amplifier. just louder even when I used it for CD to play music. Theres concern that the radiation from Wi-Fi causes health issues like cancer. The other thing is that you really need an RF meter to test the power of the WiFi. 5.) When your WiFi router transmits data, it emits EMFs that the Its used to connect laptops, smartphones, and other electronic devices to the Internet. If you have a specific medical question related to this blog post, we would recommend talking to your doctor or other care provider. Here are my tips: Remember the brick-phone? Thank you so much, Jeromy, you are a godsend! I wasnt aware of some of this information! Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a074b2b7f5c2d3959e7396f7f57937d3" );document.getElementById("e284769192").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Welcome. Hi, we have just had fiber optic broadband fitted to all telephone poles in street. It is a new problem for my knowledge, so, interesting. What to check? We must recognise the problem and seek mitigation through improved design. Routers and electronic devices, such as cellphones, These are invisible areas of energy that are produced by electricity and are often referred to as radiation. Arrange a fiber optic bandwidth consultation. WebOptical fiber glass is just silica glass. Although the paper says there is no radiation in the area because of the observatory, the fact is that the observatory is old, outdated and seldom used other than for training purposes. + one computer tower is wrapped in a carbon plastic sheet, grounded Your advice to hold off on the fiber connection is absolutely sound. This month Comcast installed underground fiber optic cable and they turned it on yesterday. If fiber optics comes to your neighborhood, will you be able to notice a difference in the readings on either of the 2 DE meters or would you need an oscilloscope to pick it up? It seems to be dependent on the equipment used by the internet providers, along with multiple other factors including the home and the individual. Julia, I can help with question 2. While microwave radiation from wireless technology and magnetic & electric fields from electrical wiring are critically important, EMI is equally problematic for human biology. Then I would keep using a smart phone, but listen to the podcasts and music when the phone is on Airplane mode. By understanding how they work, we can understand how we manage to stay connected with people worldwide. Fiber-optic lines consist of up to hundreds of small strands of glass or plastic cables, each about 1/10th the size of a single human hair. Information on the bitrate systems and applications require should be made available, so as to aid selection of a suitable service. Should You Be Worried About EMF Exposure? I am just not totally sure how to interpret what Im hearing. We are in a rural area of FL and have only been in our home for 2 years, but with the addition of these new towers it really worries me. I have a master's degree in engineering and had a successful career in Silicon Valley before I began to experience negative health effects from wireless technology and electrical pollution. This is likely a situation that many of us will face in the coming years. etc If Jeromy has covered this somewhere on this site, just follow his directions. Thanks! I like to do my computer work in an area that has the circuits turned off. This is why for now I recommend that ES people continue with cable internet. In Illinois, where I live, if you are a homeowner and planning to do a renovation, you can call a number and they will put flags (different colors for different utilities) to show you where the lines are. If you check the category of locations and tools on that Facebook community you will find multiple tools to locate the towers and safe locations. Opinions vary on whether cell phones and other devices that produce radiofrequency energy On next street is another box they go to repair my phone landline (needed repair twice in last 2 yrs (he said AT&T was trying to rid landlines). Thank you writing this article on EHS and fiber optic installations, it was very interesting. Using your phone wont work. Examples of non-ionizing radiation include radio waves that transmit sound and visuals to a radio or television, or when you use the remote control to change the channel on your television. Thanks Jeromy. Im sure many others are facing or will be facing similar situations and could greatly benefit by your answers. I have an iPhone 12 max pro and My hands go numb after only holding the phone five or 10 minutes. Opinions vary on whether cell phones and other devices that produce radiofrequency energy cause cancer. This is the best way to bring fiber to the home. They arent spread via wireless technology. Should I be concerned about this? A spectrum analyzer would, along with an older AM radio, which can pick up wide spectrum common mode EMI from about 500 KHz to 2 MHz. Smoking may affect sperm motility. Do you know what non-registered antennas means in the list? Here is what I know about what will be happening: They will be installing the Fiber Optic cables at the street with vaults (presumably the converters you mentioned) and splice enclosure boxes on the outside of each home that has given consent. They came to my door after I had become ill to ask me to sign permission for them to switch my service to fiber optic. 0.1% of the time. Also, the music sounds better because theres no more uhm, buzz etc. Kamali K, et al. It sounds like your phone line is still part of the older network and shouldnt be a big issue. This process is automatic. Yes, I do have some good recommendations. Question, I am doing everything possible to mitigate EMF as Im super sensitive. If so, would Fiber Optic actually be a safe option for us to consider? Thank you for your article. I was unable to learn whether it was a fixed ground based radar or an AWACS plane. Wireless networks stream invisible radio waves, a form of radiofrequency radiation (EMFs), through the air similar to cellphones, computers, Bluetooth speakers, and other WiFi-powered devices. Both the power company and phone company have equipment that is very old and full of problems. At this time, there are no third party fiber modems that we could cherry pick (like we can do with cable providers like Comcast and regional ISPs). My question for you is am I getting this reaction simply because Im highly sensitive to fiber optics? What more can we technically do given that we want to keep the addiction? Every computer will be very loud within a couple feet of the device. Disconnect the existing cable and telephone lines in your home from the cable provider. I have wondered myself whether the conversion back to electricity (and the conversion to light) could potentially be a problem with respect to EMI emissions and electrosensitivity. My whole home is all wired and still my health is so effected from Fiber Optics that I am compromised by even being able to use my computer, my landline phone and my grounding mat cant be used anymore by grounding it outside because my lawn area is now compromised. You can do a search for cell towers and antennas here: Thanks Julia! And, if you are moving to VoIP through a fiber modem (ONT device), that will surely add more EMI to your in-home landline phone. However, the only data connection will be at the ONT device. Would that do a thing, or is the solution to get them to remove it, I think they were Ok with that. Ionizing radiation is high-level radiation, which is has the potential for cellular and DNA damage. Some forms of this type of EMF include ultraviolet (UV) rays and X-rays. Great question. (2014). You are likely picking up the electric field from the AC wiring in those parts of the home. https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/05/13/fiber-broadband-and-small-cells-an-unholy-municipal-alliance/, https://www.emfanalysis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Communications-Power-Grid.pdf. Is it usually on the outside or just everywhere? WebThe process of installing fiber optic cables can result in the disturbance of the environment. This is the key to safer fiber in my opinion. The reason that I wrote initially is that you suggest in so many words that the radiation is zero. I have so many within .5 miles of our home. In the review, Hardell says this is a conflict of interest. I guess Ill have to wait to see the article to understand better! Wi-Fi is a wireless technology. Dont know about using a radio and what is the difference. hooked up only to my computer and nothing elseand would this reduce/eliminate EMFs and EMIs? Are there any items that must be addressed at the time of installation? Or is easy to address them at a later date, when Ive gotten up the learning curve? The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. Having pure fiber run to each home with specifically selected/designed low-EMI ONT devices for the data conversion in the home and no small cells deployed in the community is a low-EMF future for all that also provides fast, secure and reliable internet. He said AT&T doesnt have records and wants to put in fiber on towns main road. In fact, the American Cancer Society (ACS) says Bluetooth earpieces send out radiofrequency waves at significantly lower levels than even cell phones. Also, I have no experience with the Furman Power Station. I see so much brain cancer this year. That is a big if though at this time and most likely the stock media converter they give you is going to be produce a lot of EMI, which will then go on all the copper telephone wiring in your home (if that is all it is hooked up to). Maybe a monthly update on new comments could be made available. Heres a new topic I must explore! Effects of acute exposure to WIFI signals (2.45 GHz) on heart variability and blood pressure in Albinos rabbit. (2018). But a flip phone wouldnt allow me to download anything. I dont think so, but it would be nice to have your opinion on this. I get an increase in EHS and MCS and get a decrease upon putting them somewhere else while all the time using WiFi only. I would like you to go to this site, it will give you some more ammunition and to understand what and why this occurs. Feel free to reach out to me for an email or Zoom consult if you wish to discuss. It was very timely, since Shaw presented the idea of future fibre optic installations for highspeed internet in the Gulf Islands at our Island Trust meeting last month! You will eventually want to measure the EMFs. Every room become a powerful transmitter. Do you have connections with people who may be able to create/propose solutions to manufacturers? Effects of melatonin on Wi-Fi-induced oxidative stress in the lens of rats. It started happening infrequently about the time I changed my internet to fiber (1 GiG upload/download) and after a few months it has become more frequent where im having the issue all throughout the day. How do I find out where the underground cables are? I started researching anything and everything that could be causing this and I realize they had just installed fiber optics at my complex unfortunately the box for my entire building where they put all the connectors in is right outside my bedroom window. I also know that it is best to use at bare minimum a CAT6 Shielded cable to reduce EMF emissions. They also noted that the questionnaire didnt ask if participants were smokers. Tk L, et al. Thank God you and others are on this. To summarize, not all OSP fiber networks operate the same way, and what you are describing (HFC design) is rapidly being replaced by larger fiber cables and passive splitter systems (GPON) that operate with no power in between the optical laser at the signal point of origin to the media converter at the end user. Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach. Insufficient transmitting power. Thanks. I am so adamant about this that if push came to shove down the road, I would go so far as to cut ties with the Internet altogether if it would make our home a safer and healthier environment for my Mother. Fiber particles on your clothing can later get into food, drinks, and/or be ingested by other means. Also, is there anyway to predict where future towers might be erected? I outline this process here: Im a teacher from Ontario, Canada. A disconnected cable. Ill show how I also do this with a fiber connection in my next article (to be published soon). + bought ten mechanical mice = one ball below and two buttons, no wheel. This is now how you use the AM radio. Sorry to hear you are going through this. Is that EMI unavoidable? 3) It would seem that the system/technology my town is installing is that which Mark Williams talked about in his comment. Thanks Jeromy a good article, but the sad thing in our country in area where there is hybrid fibre cable (HFC), we have no choice, as they are going to rip up the old copper landline. I know the modem is in the room below me and I know the side of the room where it is. After 35+ years of attempting to wake people up to the biologically destructive properties of electromagnetic induction, I have given up any hope for humanity. Ahh.. another informative blog that I have read today. https://www.electrahealth.com/cable_tv_current_isolator.html?a_aid=esh. You typically cant get cut but you can get a puncture and a splinter! Wishing you all the best, Dana-Farber Insight team. it is low-frequency, electronic devices are all around us, and always on. This is all getting so complicated and it seems the options are limited. Heh, heh Like every other bird, insect, plant, and living creature, I was born electromagnetically sensitive. I found this article because for some time Ive been having this buzzing and zapping and even running my hand across my face is like running my hand along an electrical current. This will prevent EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure from conducting along the cable and telephone lines in your walls. Im overwhelmed and can not figure out what to do. Their petition noted that children may be more susceptible to the negative effects of electromagnetic fields than adults. Yes, there can be an issue with EMI on the electrical wiring and the data line coming into the home. They just need to run it from the pole outside our gate and underneath the ground to our home. Are there Fiber Optic options or methods that manufacturers can use to make Fiber Optic systems more inert so recommendations can be made to industry, town councils, etc. My first question is whether Verizon is going to provide pure fiber to the home (with no copper / power backbone)? How to See Clearly While Wearing Glasses with a Facial Covering, 5G directly spreads SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, 5G impairs your immune system, increasing your risk of contracting SARS CoV-2, COVID-19 first appeared in Wuhan, China, because it was the first city to use 5G. So Im online looking for articles to convince me to switch back over to cable and what type is best, etc. There is likely quite an electric field and/or EMI coming to your computer. I knew there was EMI in my homenot DEand I pulled out my trusty old AM transistor radio and it picked a lot of induction around 10MHz from towers and I now believe the PLC that is am using for my cable Foxtel. Many wireless devices use Bluetooth technology, which may be used to connect your phone to your car or your televisions to remote speakers. My next article will cover what I do in a home that is served by fiber optic internet (see #7 above). Obviously, you want an ONT device with no WiFi as well. That is more for EMI coming in off the electrical grid. But there certainly will be some radiation. Electromagnetic fields and cancer. The residents are bathed in radar but dont realize where it is coming from. Where can I find information about whats best for switching back? Where future towers might be erected it on yesterday monthly update on new comments could be made available a cable. Start to pay attention to this blog post, we have just had fiber optic internet see! Can result in the coming years residents are bathed in radar but dont where. On a cellphone and shouldnt be a big issue to our next meeting optic cables result. It out the reason that I have seen several people get better by switching back negative effects of electromagnetic and! In just one area of your home an iPhone 12 max pro my! Function of male rats site, just follow his directions working in the list Im sure. Cable and telephone lines in your neighborhood however, the only data connection will be at ONT! 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