expenditures. b. In a business setting, managers sometimes do not realize they are behaving unethically, primarily because they: Which of the following ethical theories states that it is an organization's social responsibility to pay attention to the interest of every affected stakeholder in every aspect of an organization's operation? 22. a. U.S. corporations' use of illegal payments and bribes in international business dealings. which of the following is not an ethical principle? Hence, the company has a zero- tolerance approach toward grease payments irrespective of any of its host nations' perspectives toward such payments. Anything that is legal is ethical. D. Such practices do not produce beneficial consequences to children. Principals of Marketing Chapter 3 Test Questions - Quizlet b. Hence, the firm has now been able to gain competitive advantage by avoiding costly pollution controls. b. True He was also known as mahatma, which means "great soul.". At postconventional morality level of ethical development, people are less concerned about what others think about them and more concerned about how they handle their problems over the long run. However, the execution of the contract has been delayed due to certain unproductive, bureaucratic procedures in the less developed nation. A. b. Jason, an editor, who has noticed that all his managers agree that it is okay to plagiarize a small amount of content occasionally Which of the following best exemplifies noblesse oblige? 1. It also promotes organic farming and helps nonprofit agencies who focus on food and nutrition causes. Corporate cultures are static in nature. D. Righteous moralism E. Naive immoralism. b. A. B. a. During his tenure, he has witnessed numerous incidents of ethical misconduct. D. Training managers to avoid moral imagination and veil of ignorance D. normative myopia, Missing a highway turn-off as a result of speaking on a cell phone while driving is an example of _____. D. Monitoring and learning from the outcomes, Which of the following considerations can sometimes override consequences when comparing and weighing alternatives for ethical decision making? Role ethics Which of the following statements are true about Utilitarianism? b Decisions must benefit the maximum number of people through the fairest and most universally just means available. B. Egoism Which of the following ethical theories believes that people should abide by their obligations and duties when stuck in an ethical dilemma? C. cultural pluralist. 28. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. d. Ethical relativism. True Which of the following levels of ethical development does Hallie's behavior illustrate? D. Andrew is responsible for deciding whether he should upgrade the manufacturing unit with new machines and reduce costs for clients, or retain the impoverished manual labor. Businesses can make sure that they are hiring individuals with strong personal ethics by: Cultural relativism C. Righteous moralism D. Sullivan principles E. Just distribution. D. speed money. It's really simple: if the Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment grants all Americans the right to own a gun, then Americans have a right to own a gun. Employees Keeping in mind that each decision has a moral dimension C. They provide benchmarks of desirable societal conditions. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . It fails to consider the benefits, costs, and risks of a course of action. b. However, scripts can have specific equirement. countries. According to Bazerman and Chugh, this omission is an example of _____. C. acting only out of a self-interest. Which of the following statements about sentence length is true? D. Immanuel Kant E. David Hume, Cadmium Technologies Inc. believes that the sole purpose of its existence is to maximize profits for its stockholders. In the analysis of the statements from round 2, items B8, B12 and B13 were found to constitute the subtheme epigenetics and ethics. A. 1 E. repatriation fees. As the air flowed over the___ side of the boat, the sails filled and our speed increased. c. E. Treating employees as conscious moral beings. C. rights theories. c. Casuist ethical theory The company has recently implemented changes to its pollution control policy that has adversely affected Jim and his family. 4 0 obj Which ethical theory does not believe in absolute rules and states that during an ethical dilemma, a person makes the most appropriate decision by considering all the alternatives and choosing the lesser among evils as the resolution? A. help them navigate through difficult ethical dilemmas. A. a. B) It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. C. Practicing superior standards of employment in the host country D. Empowering people with fundamental rights and privileges Which of the following is a reason why a rights-based framework of ethics would object to child labor? Utilitarianism holds that an action that affects the majority adversely is morally wrong. 63. c. Moral relativists believe that the most beneficial choice for the most people is ethically correct. a. Preconventional morality Solved Which of the following statements about | Chegg.com Utilitarianism's fundamental insight is that we should decide what to do by: Utilitarianism: Review Quiz | SparkNotes D. considering the consequences of our actions. D. These cultures are perceived to be more flexible and far-sighted corporate environments. b. Opportunism D. Virtue ethics. This reflects that: Which of the following refers to the idea that socially responsible companies will outperform their peers by focusing on the world's social problems and viewing them as opportunities to build profits and help the world at the same time? C. outsource the majority of the jobs in his company to a developing nation which has lax a. should include an operations schedule of day-to-day activities. a. Morning Ethics Collection: Farewell Black History Month Edition Which of the following ethical theories states that the most ethical choice in a situation is one that produces the greatest benefit to the most people ? a. c. economic sustainability. Facilitating payments are payments to secure contracts that otherwise would not be secured. All of the above. b. a. Self-regulation C. Cultural relativism d. Cause-related marketing, 70. D. developed nations. A. Kantian ethics E. Multinational corporations moving production to developing countries to exploit their lower The three major categories of an ethical framework are: B. E. According to this declaration, people do not have a right to join trade unions for the The nonprofit organization in turn reaches a wider range of audience across the country for its training program. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was subsequently amended to allow for speed money or grease payments, which are payments made to: C. Ensuring that a fair decision is an impartial decision According to Bazerman and Chugh, this phenomenon is known as _____. d. Both theories are beliefs based on time-and-place ethics. E. establish political imperialism in host countries. b. Solved Which approach to ethics is focused on achieving the - Chegg E. Moral courage. a. his coworkers had a strong ethical culture among themselves What is a decision procedure in ethics? d. Ethnocentric morality. Moral judgements are made by considering the utility of moral rules. Environmental sustainability B. the attainment of fair and equitable distribution of economic goods and services. C. Ethics of principles is based on rules, whereas utilitarianism is based on consequences. In this context, the roots of unethical behavior can be traced to: A. secure contracts that would not otherwise be secured. D. protecting multinationals in case they violate fundamental human rights. Which of the following statements is a feature of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)? Q2. C. rich corporations abusing their power for private gain. c. Conventional morality B. Act utilitarianism What Maria exhibited conforms to the ethical theory of c. Casuist ethical theory Solved Which of the following statements is TRUE? Group of | Chegg.com D. cultural relativist. When the responsibility for the decision lies with one person a. Deontological theory However he fails to get a job since the school he studied in did not equip him with the adequate knowledge to find a job. Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? C. It applies most appropriately to ethical personal behavior E. It recognizes that actions have multiple consequences. A. normative myopia b. Behavioral norms of corporate social responsibility B. Descriptive imagination Which of the following people is MOST likely to disapprove of unethical practices more strongly than the others? B. cultural relativism. Question: *ETHICS Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian ethics? C. Cultural relativist D. Naive immoralist E. Righteous moralist. This scenario illustrates _____. True A. respecting fundamental human privileges. B. b. C. opposing ethnocentrism and righteous moralism. B. B. a. Decisions must benefit the maximum number of people through the fairest and most universally just means available. and decision making. C) It. Twenty percent of the fee that the participants would pay is given to the nonprofit organization. B. deontological ethics Code of ethics d. Economic responsibilities, 35. 65. D. It overemphasizes the significance of maximization of stockholder wealth. Determining the facts of the situation True B. Utilitarian C. makes grease payments mandatory in order to obtain exclusive preferential treatment in a Your task in this discussion is to summarize the ideas that you have gathered from your . In order to ensure that the company starts operating in the most ethical manner, the CEO should: It is most effective when presented in a long list of dos and don'ts. c. Social control B. c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. Green Quantum is most likely following: C. particular characteristics such as race, sex, and nationality. D. hiring only those people who are relatives of current employees. D. Neon Synergy will extensively advocate the idea that universal notions of morality transcend different cultures. Which of the following statements is true about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? A. it provides stability that can be a benefit at one time and can be a barrier to success at another A. It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be B. maximize stockholders' wealth. d. the top managers of his firm had little control over organizational culture, a his coworkers had a strong ethical culture among themselves, Finance 3000: Corporate Finance Chapters 11-13, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. 26. Intentional deliberation C. expatriation taxes. a. care about the ethics of research process at all. b. His policy does not always lead to profits because of the vast cultural differences between the two nations. d. Which of these statements is not true for prima facie obligations? A. b. a code of ethics was absent from his firm The deontological theory compares a current ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is a belief in time-and-place ethics. E. It fails to consider the idea that actions have multiple consequences. Auditing past decisions made in the company C. Satisfying the maximum decision criteria Jeremy is of the view that this practice is ethical. C. universal rights, cultural norms, and morals. D. human beings have fundamental rights and privileges that transcend national boundaries Which of the following occurs when a resource held jointly by all, but owned by no one, is overused by individuals, resulting in its degradation? Use of values as the principle for decision making Such payments are typically referred to as: Later, added sound effects (makes, make) the fight sound realistic to the audience. Professional and personal interactions depend on ethical behavior. E. geographical distance between employees and the parent company. D. Utilitarian philosophy E. Just distribution, Who asserted that the only social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the rules of law? B. Which statement about Kantian deontology is true? C. To treat each person as an end in themselves C. Multinational corporations altering the laws of a host country to suit their businesses d. Competitors. Which of the following statements is true regarding utilitarianism? A A. Solved *ETHICS Which of the following statements is TRUE of - Chegg B. The Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions: a. Deontological theory C. Auditing of decisions It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. In stating that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and that they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood, Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights echoes: A. maximize a firm's profit. Solved 5 5) Which of the following statements is decisive in - Chegg d. To make profits. A utilitarian believes that arson is sometimes ethical and not always wrong. B. D. A compliance-based culture. Using a dictionary when needed, define each word. False, 15. The code of ethics of a company draws heavily upon documents such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which itself is grounded in Kantian and rights-based theories of moral philosophy. D. income statement, Which of the following involves the disclosure of unethical or illegal activities to someone who is in a position to take action to prevent or punish the wrongdoing? A. C. change blindness The socializing force that governs what is ethically right and wrong is called _________. Answer: It is an objectivist theory because the moral law applies to everyone at all times. According to which of the following ethical theories does a person choose to act in a way that benefits the most people, regardless of law or personal feelings? True Difference principle Objectivity is vital to ethical thought. D. utilitarianism. A. False, 19. E. makes it obligatory for companies to adopt a zero-tolerance approach toward grease Multiple Choice. a. Preconventional morality d. They set absolute standards for good and bad that are enforced by the law. 62. 71. d. Ethnocentric morality, 54. It is permissible to lie to someone as long as there are no negative consequences. C. Establishing a moral intent E. national differences in factors of production. Which statement about the pyramid of corporate social responsibility is true? Keeping managers psychologically and geographically close to the parent company 2 0 obj A. annual report Which of the following is a fundamental moral duty according to Immanuel Kant? Employees In this context, the company is most likely to be criticized for: Environmental sustainability It involves the cooperative efforts of a for-profit firm and a nonprofit organization for their mutual benefit. c. Rule utilitarianism the deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not b.) Which of the following is most likely to lead to unethical behavior in a business setting? a. Which of the following is a true statement about norms? Control headlines (N = 20), in which the headline could easily be determined true or false (e.g., In 2018, the average adult human's height was 10 feet).Neutral headlines (N = 20), in which the headline pertained to current events or pop culture, but wasn't politically/socially divisive (e.g., New McDonald's restaurant opened . E. Identifying the concerned stakeholders, Which of the following is most likely to be a function of ethics officers in firms? d. Utilitarian ethical theory. But for the . (c) Utilitarianism appears counterintuitive to many people. 78. c. should be in written form to avoid confusion. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) was enacted because congress was concerned about b. Utilitarianism: A. states that any act that jeopardizes the individual's rights is wrongB. Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian d. Utilitarian ethical theory, 66. b. environmental sustainability. Both theories may lead to actions that are not ethically correct. D. Flyposting. d. David, who has noticed for the first time that a colleague misrepresented data in a report, d David, who has noticed for the first time that a colleague misrepresented data in a report. A utilitarian believes that arson is sometimes ethical and not always wrong. d. Moral relativism, 47. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? E. Multinational corporations advocating the concept of noblesse oblige. Ethics of duty is a principle based ethical theory attributed to Emmanuel Kant. normative ethics, that branch of moral philosophy, or ethics, concerned with criteria of what is morally right and wrong. <> When considering ethics in other countries, which of the following statements is true? Some contemporary moral philosophers view Kant's ethical philosophy as incomplete because his system has no place for: C. what is ethical depends on one's cultural perspective. C. partner In a business setting, the term noblesse oblige refers to: C. It is ethical to have a zero-tolerance approach toward facilitating payments. 5 . 27. c. A current ethical dilemma should be compared with similar examples and outcomes before deciding on a course of action. The company recently decided to use a third-party recycling logo. Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? % Which statement is true of cause marketing? A. C. customs duties. B. organization vision c. It cannot prosecute cases of bribery. D. Unity of command Mark comes from a very poor family yet he works hard and scores high in his school exams. Teleological ethics | philosophy | Britannica ethics? Moral relativists believe that an act is always ethically wrong if it is legally wrong. B. Principle-based ethics C. strong personal ethics among employees. C. Trustees d. It requires corporations to use anticompetitive measures. b. Postconventional morality After seeing a whole new collection of phones at a store, Max is regretting the purchase of an outdated phone he made last month. c. Social control Which of the following statements are correct? It holds that an action is judged desirable if it leads to the maximization of stockholders' wealth. a. Philanthropy The best decisions, from a utilitarian perspective, are those that produce the greatest profits for businesses. a. The CEO of Gold Chip Software engages in corruption and uses his power in the company to enrich himself and his family members. It renders utilitarianism incapable of giving concrete advice. C. cultural relativism. . A. decision makers fail to notice gradual changes over time C. promote employees on the sole basis of their particular characteristics such as race, sex, D. Adopting an organizational culture which emphasizes that all decisions should be purely She does not raise her voice when she speaks and is very careful about the way she speaks and the words she chooses. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethical theory, which states that the best action is the one that produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the greatest number of people. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? To be a good corporate citizen. Some goods are preferable to others. D. Multinational corporations bribing poorly paid government officials in a foreign market The CEO of United Synergy Inc., a company in its embryonic stage, believes that unethical behavior will result in premature decline of the company. What was an important effect of blackstone's commentaries of the laws of england? a. Pyramid of corporate social responsibility 18 The principles that we will cover are utilitarianism, universalism, rights/legal, justice, virtue, common good, and ethical relativism approaches. c. Both theories have flaws associated with predicting the future consequences of an action. The highway will benefit the entire community . D. When the stakeholders in the decision cannot be determined, _____ refers to shortsightedness about values. The best decisions, from a utilitarian perspective, are those that: D. Ethics can justifiably be allowed to take a backseat in a business context. A. c. Casuist Of the following business associates, who would fall into the category of internal stakeholders? C. autonomy. B. rationality. Which of the following is a disadvantage of cause-related marketing? A. An ethical leader refrains from placing her or his own ethical behavior above any other consideration. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an Utilitarianism is primarily concerned with the legal aspects of business decisions. Actively open-minded thinking is key to combating fake news: A
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