William Marrion (Marvin) Branham was an evangelist from Jeffersonville, Indiana, United States that rose to popularity during the Latter Rain Revivals of the late 1940's and 1950's. They have to have it. To Take on the Whole Armor of God (62-0701). Billy Paul, you have went with men who hold to quotes, etc. Because I used the Bible to defend him and not a bunch of quotes taken out of context of the sermons. Also I would like to mention that Billy Paul gave 75,000 dollars of the church money to Mr. Doug McQuiz in Tucson to start his church and a construction business. [2] Source: http://en.believethesign.com/index.php?title=File:Raymond-Jackson-Billy-Paul-Branham-lg.jpg. Branham. Holding little old Billy on my arms, and him looking, "Mama, mama," reaching for her, and his little sister laying on the mother's arms An old turtledove set in the bush a cooing. The only thing I want is your favor, so I can tell you about Jesus Christ andand His glory. williambranham And I--what little money I get a hold of, why, I put it in foreign missions, all we don't just have to eat on, and we--we live poor. Her letter is confirmed by Rev. And I go along. WHERE IS SARAH??? William Branham - www.believethesign.com | Facebook From the family inheritance I received my share of 55,000 dollars after my mother passed away. After the accident things changed dramatically. With my own eyes I saw how the stored-up food was made available in the different languages. Why doesn't she have the same right to receive some of her living from the ministry of her father, Brother William Branham? This was not an insignificant amount of money in 1926 and certainly a lot of money for a 17 year old boy. But, of course, he did. Any other prophet will have to come under Eph.4:11, New Testement prophet. In the past 25 years, preachers and laymen around the world have taken Bro. My father had a notebook on his sermon The trail of the serpent. My mother let me read where he had written: I will be betrayed by someone very close to me. Later when she wanted to see the notes again, she was told by Billy Paul that there were no notes, the pages were empty. And whiskey and beer and cigarettes write off tens of millions of dollars a year to corrupt the nation. Raymond (Junior) Jackson's response to her letter. They started to argue right away. Which I am sure you would like for it to be. From the family inheritance I received my share of 55,000 dollars after my mother passed away. She told me not to mention or talk about it ever again, but to take it with me to the grave. After reading the booklet I wrote an open letter an rebuked the whole thing and challenged them on their statements. [9], Why, these cars that we got today, couldn't run over these highways we used to have. It is Gods ordained Message which will forerun the second coming of Christ, not all the false interpretations of the message. Branham's teaching on Serpent Seed, Predestination, and him being a prophet to the gentiles. I only hope that others who were also cheated will have the courage to come up with their stories and claims. There has to be some reason why all of you have rejected her from the family circle. He used to come to the house maybe once a year. I got in the back seat, mother and father in the front. When mother found out she begged Billy not to do it. I've never took an offering in all my life, never did, just what people freely send me. Facebook I dont know how many times my mother told me: Take it with you to the grave. What she meant by that I have to tell you now. , I was in North Carolina at the time. About 1926 And I would just shine that little thing all day Sunday to make it shine, stay home, didn't go to church, and shined it. I believe he brought us back to the original Word. Also I would like to mention something that happened after the accident that always bothered mother and me. All expenses was made. My father needed a blood transfusion immediately after the accident. William Branham protrayed himself as growing up dirt poor and never having much money in his life. It is true that I am not a member of the Branham family, but I am a member of the family of God. Hollering at me about spending some money out yonder for Christians, and wanting to give me twenty years in the state prison for spending money to operate a religious move. If you can use it for the glory of God. I know my father was a very cautious driver, always keeping speed limits and observing the traffic. My mother used to get so upset at all the different doctrines that were going on and that Billy Paul would not try to stop them or at least stand for his father which he claimed to love so much. Then he informed me that things did not work out the way he expected, and we didnt see the rest of the money until this day. But please wake up and listen. From the family inheritance I received my share of 55,000 dollars after my mother passed away. When I asked him to help me because I was in such a need, he said, Go to work. She gave her word that she would not leave the apartment. My father ordered his food and then I hear him tell mother: I am going to call Becky one more time. He called and came back to the table very upset. web pages , and we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ and give an account of the things that we have done in His name while in this life, II Cor. Specific individuals were listed on the corporatedocumentsfor multiple entities, some of which did not have an appointed treasurer. Not one time have you reached out to touch them, or corrected them. Come to my home and find out, or let the investigation find out anything you want to know. Meaning a new revelation. If he could have had the blood transfusion in time maybe his life could have been spared. Nevile at the Tabernacle. Because I was told that I should go and see Brother Frank, I had confidential talks with him. The document is in my possession. portugus do Brasil, [6], I'm a poor man. She never asked me to wite this or do anything. As you know my mother and I were the only survivors of it. SARAH REVEALED A BOMBSHEL, which was confirmed as the truth by Raymond (Junior) Jackson: Take It with You New York, July 1989, To the Bride of Christ the followers of the message. We were of course not only disappointed we were upset seeing the luxury the rest of the family and also especially the ministers in this message are enjoying. People give it to me. He had a rare blood type and they had to send to another city for it. , During the last few years you have projected you brother Joseph, as God's next Prophet. Also I would like to mention that Billy Paul gave 75,000 dollars of the church money to Mr. Doug McQuiz in Tucson to start his church and a construction business. Maybe you don't consider her children as nieces and nephews of yours, but I am sure that Bro. 5:10. See? He had a rare blood type and they had to send to another city for it. And their revelation, now in 1990, is even worse that it was then. I have just given you this little information to let you know that those who have taken responsibility after my father passed away are not at all the way they present themselves. When we left Joseph went in the car with Billy Paul and Loyce which never would have happened any other time. He said, From this time you dont need to worry any more. Nederlands, Very clearly, and I say this before God Almighty, I saw a huge meeting where my father was preaching as usual. The things which are not right amongst Gods people must be straightened out immediately. Afrikaans, We're just trying to do the best we can. 6). Walker began by examining the business entities themselves, not onlyWilliam Branham Evangelistic AssociationandVoice of God Recordings, but also business entities for other key individuals involved in Sarah's desperate situation. Just imagine while my father was still alive, my brother appeared before a Notary Public as William Branham transferring the William Branham Evangelistic Association into another corporation. He used to come to the house maybe once a year. The Anointed Ones at the End Time (65-0725M). They have no furniture of there own, no car, and no future, only God. The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 3 The Investigation Begins You could make life much more enjoyable for her and her family. In the highlighted 13th paragraph of the letter below from his daughter, Sarah Branham De Corado, she makes it known that he was actually a multi-millionaire. 6). Branham had said "Don't ever let Billy Paul get in control of the money, because it will ruin him." [5], And I said, "Well, value!" As you have. The money stated in the tract is a considerable amount. But time will soon tell where we will all wind up at in heaven or tribulation. Translate page into: In the same way it is very easy to spread the rumor that Sister Jackson from South Africa is mentally ill, at the same time keeping secret why she landed in a mental institution. Kiswahili, , 12:28, not, the Prophet, one and only. She has went around the world three times with me, enduring conditions that many would not have. Billy Paul time is running out. : My sister Becky took me to the Welfare while living in the house that is just as much mine as hers. And me trying to preach righteousness, standing in the door of Jesus Christ, and send me to the penitentiary for it. She wondered how Billy Paul would allow such a man to be a pastor of the tabernacle. Thats true., Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar, God in Heaven knows Id be a multi-millionaire if I wanted to be, The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People, In the highlighted 13th paragraph of the letter below from his daughter, Sarah Branham De Corado, she makes it known that, Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession, One shows the amount in cash of 3,113,676 plus stocks 130,645 plus other things, This money was left untouched since the departure of my father, According to the notary document it is fixed for 25 years, http://the-messenger-of-god.blogspot.com/2011/09/attachment3.html, http://en.believethesign.com/index.php?title=File:Raymond-Jackson-Billy-Paul-Branham-lg.jpg. No, sir. Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession. At the beginning of June this year I spent a week at the Mission Center in Krefeld, West Germany. With my own eyes I saw how the stored-up food was made available in the different languages. Ifif thats what its taken. Deutsch, When my turn came to be prayed for I was told Go and see Brother Frank. Of course being taken by surprise, I asked spontaneously: Brother Frank in Germany? And the reply was quite commanding: Yes, go and see Brother Frank in Germany.. Mother told me that he had forged my fathers signature on that mentioned document to make an association that would give him power and access over the money my father left behind. Billy Paul, I saw the figures of the amount of money that was in the corporation name in Tucson. Why can't she also have access to some of the material benefits? After reading the tract which she had printed and sent out, I could not help but feel concerned for her, her children and her husband. Post in Canada, who I had met one time up there in an airport. I expected to at least get some resonse from headquarters. That would be enough wealth to put William Branham in the category of ultra-high-net-worth individual according to Money.com. My father said, I am going to expose many things and names this time. My mother kept begging: Please, no, Bill. And it would do you well to listen to the scriptures on this. In the past 20 years I have managed to feed people that have come to our meetings. Somebody over in Calgary, Canada give me enough money, twenty-eight thousand dollars to build a house. It is Gods ordained Message which will forerun the second coming of Christ, not all the false interpretations of the message. Of which they said was unscriptural for there to be one. Even more surprising, Charles (Chuck) Rinkle, who had been shunned from the "Message"cult, was also a registered agent. Sister Meda died a few years ago, so, today, (that is if she is alive) Sarah would be the only living witness of that fateful day. He was very upset, because Becky was not in the apartment as she had promised. I'm telling you that for almost 25 years, you have played both ends against the middle, hoping to come out the winner. Finally she approached me and wanted to know how much I had remembered from before the accident. Thats. I was ready to take the whole matter to court but Bro. Frank told me not to do it because its against the Scripture (I Cor. A few years back two men from the United Pentecostal Church wrote a booklet abut Bro. Please give those little children something of their grandfather's ministry. It is Gods ordained Message which will forerun the second coming of Christ, not all the false interpretations of the message. If he could have had the blood transfusion in time maybe his life could have been spared. Branham's daughter. Green and even other brothers approached him in this matter and finally he denies having received the money. This has become obvious. I feel I should expose publicly several things that have happened all going back since the days when my father was killed. She wondered how Billy Paul would allow such a man to be a pastor of the tabernacle. The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 2 Seeking Legal Counsel God will have to raise up men after His own heart who have no desire for fame and money. When I came home my mother acted very nervous around me. williambranham Tagalog, That never will be accepted by the true bride of Jesus Christ. Then he informed me that things did not work out the way he expected, and we didnt see the rest of the money until this day. Challenge the insurance companies and drug testing today with the help of a brand new drug store. I have said nothing but the truth. In this booklet they said that, "His body was kept in state at Faith Assembly Church, Jeffersonville, In.". He turned to mother and said: Shes not there. He had ordered a piece of pie but never ate it. We're just trying to do the best we can.[11]. 2013 equivalent dollars $3,244,321 USD in 1965 would equal approximately $30,518,349 USD in 2022 equivalent dollars. When we left Joseph went in the car with Billy Paul and Loyce which never would have happened any other time. But to this day, they have said nothing. Pearry Green of Tucson presenting himself nicely as the pastor of the Branham family suggested that I give him 50,000 which he would invest into a travel agency. Oh yes! $3,244,321 USD in 1965 would equal approximately $30,518,349 USD in 2022 equivalent dollars. Perhaps from the so-called Bride which is split up into so many different directions the Lord will have to call out His elect who will go in one direction and that is Gods ordained way according to the message my father preached from the Holy Scriptures. her husband. But I used to see him get up in the pulpit at meetings and say how much he loves mother when I knew it was a lie. When mother found out she begged Billy not to do it. Why doesn't she have the same right to receive some of her living from the ministry of her father, Brother William Branham? Take It with You By Sarah Branham De Corado New York, July 1989 To the Bride of Christ - the followers of the message The reason I can come to small meetings, as I have explainedNow, there's some of our brethren, such as Brother Roberts, and many of those men, who have great business, and they have radio and television, and so forth, that they've got to make so many thousands of dollars every day to sponsor that. According to the notary document it is fixed for 25 years. If so, then you are just using the financial condition as a leverage on her. I was two months in the hospital. , In July of 1989, she wrote an open letter threatening to expose family secrets. You had to pay for it. We're just trying to do the best we can. The Anointed Ones at the End Time (65-0725M). He signed it as William Branham Jr. Now after almost 25 years since Bro. Billy Paul, I remember that Sunday morning when Bro. Ive had asas much as a million five hundred thousand dollars give me at one time. He turned to mother and said: Shes not there. He had ordered a piece of pie but never ate it. Suddenly Billy Paul was in possession of lots of money. She told me that Billy Paul had fixed it in such a way that he will end up with everything. In 1956, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") charged William Branham with tax evasion. My father ordered his food and then I hear him tell mother: I am going to call Becky one more time. He called and came back to the table very upset. Click on headings to expand them, or links to go to specific articles. I come poor; I will return poor. Then he informed me that things did not work out the way he expected, and we didnt see the rest of the money until this day. Now after these many years have gone by, It looks strange that you seem so eager to cut your sister and her family off. Junior Jackson) wrote the below letter to Billy Paul Branham out of concern for Sarah Branham De Corado. Billy Paul, I saw the figures of the amount of money that was in the corporation name in Tucson. Since none of them have ever worked; why am I not included in this? That`s what insurance companies have been doing for last 100 years, and they continue doing so! We don't have these great, big, flowerly things, and television casts. Some in print and some on tape. It is not right for her to be turned away from her rightful inheritence. Billy Paul, you have a nice personality, but it is minus the true love of God. I am doing this out of respect for her, being Bro. When Jim Bakers ordeal first started. My choice is to be a poor man. Not one time have you reached out to touch them, or corrected them. Uploaded by I was ready to take the whole matter to court but Bro. It was registered on Nov. 4, 1965 at 3:45 p.m. with the Arizona Corporation Commission.. The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 4 Response From Headquarters italiano, Sarah Branham published a letter in 1989 stating that her father, William Branham, had control of cash and liquid assets of $3,244,321 at the time of his death. ikirundi. You could make life much more enjoyable for her and her family. You couldn't do it. You had to sponsor that. I'm telling you that for almost 25 years, you have played both ends against the middle, hoping to come out the winner. And I feel the same way tonight. This has become obvious. As you know my mother and I were the only survivors of it. Billy Paul, when Pastor Armon Nevile was on his death bed, he told me how that Banks Woods told him that Bro. She used to refer to the Branham Tabernacle as Collins corner and made her remarks. While speaking he looked over to mother during this unpleasant conversation. One person brought me a check, FBI agent, for a million, five hundred thousand dollars, a bank draft, and I refused to look at it from the Mission Bell Winery in California. Life Story (53-1108A). Just then it happened. document is in my possession. My father never wanted her to stay. You had to sponsor that. She told me not to mention or talk about it ever again, but to take it with me to the grave. As my husband and I could not go along with any of the strange doctrines we of course were pushed out from participating in the money that was so generously given to the members of the family as well as for mission purposes. Branham's ministry in regards to what was said in their booklet. I sent it to the U.P.C. sarah branham de corado age, sarah branham de corado pictures, sarah branham de corado letter, is sarah branham de corado still alive . My mother lost her confidence and respect in the brethren pretending to preach the message and in everything they did. When I seen that young wife of twenty-two years old, been married a little over two years. By Sarah Branham De Corado New York, July 1989 To the Bride of Christ the followers of the message Because many people that I have approached for help through all these years have asked me the reason why I am in need the only one of Brother Branhams children, including grandchildren and in-laws, while all of them When my turn came to be prayed for I was told Go and see Brother Frank. Of course being taken by surprise, I asked spontaneously: Brother Frank in Germany? And the reply was quite commanding: Yes, go and see Brother Frank in Germany.. Sarah Branham De Corado P.O. You sure have been doing it for the past 25 years. But we were not the only ones falling into the trap with him. Branham was alive and given a choice to set things in order, Sarah would be given an equal opportunity to share in the things of his ministry. All done in the name of William Branham, God's prophet. All insiders know about the 65,000 dollars Brother Sidney Jackson gave to Rev. Looky here today, what they're going on now. In the past 25 years, preachers and laymen around the world have taken Bro. Later I found out that Rebekah was with Pearry Green and they had a difficult time finding her to let her know about the accident. Sarah Branham De Corado Eddy Corado Raymond (Junior) Jackson Playlist The Sarah Branham Investigation 1 Playing next 23:31 The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 3 - The Investigation Begins William Branham Historical Research 2 14:43 The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 2 - Seeking Legal Counsel William Branham Historical Research 3 24:02 Im getting so nervous even thinking about it, simply cannot bare it any longer. Mr. Doug McQuiz never paid it back to this day and he claims it was a gift from a rich friend. Branham had said "Don't ever let Billy Paul get in control of the money, because it will ruin him." There has to be some reason why all of you have rejected her from the family circle. This has become obvious. There you told me how wrong it was for me to allow that spirit to go ahead. Since none of them have ever worked; why am I not included in this? Mother started taking up for her. espaol, Help Find Sarah Branham The last argument before we left was because my sister Becky wanted to stay in the apartment with her friend Betty Collins. As you have. And I go along. I'm a poor man. In this booklet they said that, "His body was kept in state at Faith Assembly Church, Jeffersonville, In.". , Billy Paul, in these last 25 years I have not left my wife for some other woman, though some have said that I did. and to the Rev. For myself, I keep nothing. It's gone. So why can't Sarah have a good home also from her father's ministry? Because this would give you a great hold over God's people. Little do you realize it Billy Paul, God could have allowed you to act this way through the years. Branham's name and message and run wild. The only thing I want is your favor, so I can tell you about Jesus Christ andand His glory. Oh yes! That's the reason today that I, my choice And I--I say this with reverence. Also I would like to mention something that happened after the accident that always bothered mother and me. My mother lost her confidence and respect in the brethren pretending to preach the message and in everything they did. I remember our first experience here, we were very, very poor. Up to this date the money given in the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville goes in the church treasury. Billy Paul, I would think twice before I would let this condition fo on much longer. According to the notary document it is fixed for 25 years. She told me that Billy Paul had fixed it in such a way that he will end up with everything. After the sermon a prayer line was called and I was in that prayer line. manifestation determination flowchart. Out into the land where this Message is going, from the East Coast to the West, from California to New York, down into the South, up into the North, out into the missions, and wherever It's going, and in this tabernacle. All day my father was troubled and he would stop and call but she didnt answer. Very soon I hope things will come to light which were done wrong including with all the pastors in the message who take the tenth (tithes) from the people and treat the large sums of money as their private income. But I used to see him get up in the pulpit at meetings and say how much he loves mother when I knew it was a lie. She is the only living witness that was in Brother Branham's car before and during the accident he died in. While speaking he looked over to mother during this unpleasant conversation. But we were not the only ones falling into the trap with him. As late as 1962, William Branham complained that he didn't have enough money to cover the expenses of his meetings. How strange his own son would not donate blood in that emergency case. Raymond (Junior) Jackson's response to her letter. He signed it as William Branham Jr. on the Internet. This episode examines the early stages of theinvestigation. Many times people have asked me, "How do you do it?". Later I found out that Rebekah was with Pearry Green and they had a difficult time finding her to let her know about the accident. I'll have to answer for your tithing, the people that give it to me. I have also put many up in motel rooms that could not afford to do it for themselves. If so, then you are just using the financial condition as a leverage on her. Under normal circumstances he would have reacted and avoided the car coming towards him. Most interesting, however, is the examination intoGeorge SmithandRebekah Branham Smiththrough their business entityBelievers International. * This article is published by Sister Sarah Branham De Corado, brother William Marrion Branham's own daughter. Branham's daughter. Now after almost 25 years since Bro. Although he protested his innocence, he eventually settled the charges by paying a fine of $40,000 in 1962. In the way I look at it, it is indirectly connected with my fathers accident. printed and sent out. And their revelation, now in 1990, is even worse that it was then. Was William Branham a poor man with no capital, as he led people to believe? Mr. Doug McQuiz never paid it back to this day and he claims it was a gift from a rich friend. I am going to send you a tract, telling what the Lord showed me back in 1988. Now, what if today I tried to find one piece of that car?
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