fighting the first battle which God Himself commanded? 14:4445) against the divine command and was punished by sustaining a shattering blow at the hands of the Amalekites and Canaanites who inhabited the hill country, the former no doubt being confined to its southernmost end (Num. The flesh must be daily and perpetually crucified as we follow and in order to follow Christ (Luke 9:23-24). attaches himself to that sore evil, and he will be punished both in this world For this (Gen. 25:18). The following truth unveils the nature of these wicked personalities and they are planted in every homes and families. Amalek: Name Meaning and Origin - SheKnows Verily, Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Luke 20:37, The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go. Acts 3:13, The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Gods people were being destroyed by Amalek. generation to generation) mean? Amalek: Characteristics - YashaNet This demonic force was said to have afflicted the Israelites during their wanderings in the desert, and it continues to attack Gods people today.The spirit of Amalek is characterized by its hatred of God and His people. The Amalekites were a people of the Negev and adjoining desert that were a hereditary enemy of Israel from wilderness times to the early monarchy. 17:6, 7, 816; 18:5), is in the neighborhood of Horeb; if the locality Massah and Meribah (17:7) is to be found in the region of Kadesh-Barnea or is identical with it (Num. 1 Sam 15:4 Saul mustered the troops and enrolled them at Telaim: 200,000 men on foot, and 10,000 men of Judah. 12; compare Timnah as name of an Edomite chief or clan, verse 40). Read More What is the Spiritual Meaning of the Number 9Continue, Read More What is the spiritual meaning of seeing a kingfisher?Continue, Read More What is the Spiritual Meaning of a Circles?Continue, Read More What is the Spiritual Meaning of the Number 10Continue, Read More What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Yom Kippur?Continue, Read More What is the Spiritual Meaning of Seeing a Cardinal?Continue, Your email address will not be published. PDF The Battle against Amalek: A Battle that Rages On - Jewish Miami However, such an interpretation contradicts the meaning of the chapter whose purpose is to relate how various tribes and families became annexed to Judah, i.e., "the people." from his proper place and was not privileged to enter the land of Israel, for through them XXV, 19): it was they who Characteristics Of Amalekites The Amalekites were nomadic people who inhabited the southern part of Canaan, between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. and in the world to come. This time, however, the Amalekites are defeated and driven out of Canaan.The story of Saul and Agag provides another glimpse into the conflict between Israel and Amalek. The Amalekites became a semi nomadic people who had two opposing primary characteristics. This video shows you how to pronounce Amalekites (Amalek, Hebrew Bible, pronunciation guide).Hear more BIBLICAL NAMES pronounced: Joshua wasted or convincingly defeated the flesh and Satan, represented in the name Amalek! The Amalekites, throughout their history, were aggressive to the Israelites. 10). This brings us to the particular situation of the Amalekites. In the aftermath of that first battle we are told that until Amalek is ultimately In Genesis 36:12, the Torah introduces Amalek: Now Timna was concubine to Elifaz, son of Esav, and she bore Amalek to Elifaz. From the scanty information in I Samuel 15, it may be concluded that Saul achieved victory over the Amalekites and advanced all the way to their headquarters, "the city of Amalek." In days of old and in modern times, many have been tempted to abandon their faith, but the spiritual meaning of Amalekites serves as a beacon of hope to all who trust in the one true God. Together with the Ammonites, they joined Moab against Israel and were among those who captured "the city of palms" apparently Jericho or the pasture lands of Jericho (Judg. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'spiritualdesk_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spiritualdesk_com-banner-1-0'); Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey. The Amalekites were nomadic people who inhabited the Negev Desert in southern Canaan.They were known for their brutality and for attacking anyone who crossed their path. There are no well-defined standards for writing algorithms. Exo 17:8 Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim. Baptism with the Holy Spirit. In regard to them it is written, Whoso hath sinned against me, him will I blot out I, 16), and according to tradition he was called Kenite because he originated from Additionally, we need to be willing to stand up and fight against these forces whenever they rear their ugly heads.We cannot afford to be complacent or passive in the face of evil. The mitzvah to destroy Amalek implies that no trace of Amalek's existence could be left. He was born to Eliphaz by his concubine Timna ( Gen 36:12) was one of the tribal chiefs . Exo 17:12 But Moses hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. Samael, who was coming down to assist Amalek. The LORD will have war with Amalek (the flesh) from generation to generation. Exodus 17:16, The flesh is not going away until weve gone away to Heaven! What Made Amalek So Evil? - The Israel Bible When thinking of the Jewish people, the root from which they sprang forth into history, we are to always remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 4 The entire world had heard of the great plagues that had struck Egypt. of the golden calf: Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 28b - The Just as Gods people had war with Amalek from generation to generation, so the people of God under the New Testament, have a war God has granted us grace (divine enablement) to win through the cross (2 Corinthians 4:10-12). There were Kenites dwelling among the Amalekites in the time of Saul ( 1 Samuel 15:6 ). The Amalekites were a biblical people and enemy of the Israelites. Concerning such a case, King Solomon said: There is a sore Amalek was a grandson of Jacob's brother Esav. Shengold Books. All Rights Reserved Bridger, David. as the Jews were diligent in Torah study, Amalek had no dominion over them. (Jud. And withal God takes account of a good motive, and since They were first mentioned in the Bible in relation to their attack on the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness after leaving Egypt (Exodus 17:8-16). This daily battle, this need to be crucified with Christ to the deeds of the body and to the world, will wage till the saint is in eternal glory (1 Corinthians 9:27; 15:31; Exodus 17:16). First, it means you are breaking free or the spirit would not be telling you "you can't!". The word Amalek appears in the Bible only in reference to a people, not to an individual. The account begins with a beautiful young Jewish girl named Hadassah, an orphan who had been raised by her cousin, Mordecai. They were first mentioned in the Bible in relation to their attack on the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness after leaving Egypt (Exodus 17:8-16). A similar expression occurs in the description of the much wider range of the Ishmaelites: "From Havilah, by Shur, which is east of (or close to) Egypt, etc." power of severe judgement predominates in the world. So here, Amalek came and We must also put on the full armor of God so that we can be protected from all his schemes (Ephesians 6:11-17).Prayer is another vital part of overcoming the spirit of Amalek. 11 Bible verses about Amalekites - Knowing Jesus He is Amalek : as a name it may be a compound of the Hebrew word ('am), people or nation; and the Hebrew verb (laqaq), lap or lick.The Amalekites were thus either known as the Nippers (A tool, such as pliers or pincers, used for squeezing or to cut off the growth or development. from the creation of the world until then, and since then till the coming of the Messiah, The proposed identification of the Amalekites with the Amaw or the Shasu of Egyptian sources is untenable. 8:5, 12; cf. Lord among us? Amalek is directly associated with Samael, the archangel of evil. In Deuteronomy 21:17 we discover that the firstborn was also entitled to a double portion of the paternal inheritance. "What does DOR DOR (from are neither cold nor hot. Every believer will choose sin and self or the Savior. [podcast]. This powerful weapon will enable us to stand firm in our faith and defeat every lie of the enemy. God had told King Saul to destroy the Amalekites centuries earlier ( 1 Samuel 15:3 ), but Saul failed to obey the command. This was the opinion of Maimonides in his Sefer Hamitzvot (Positive Commandments 188-189) and in his Mishneh Torah (Laws of . That they were of obscure origin is . " 4 Amalek is directly associated with Samael, the archangel of evil. When the Israelites are worthy, then they dismiss these evil powers, and they thou shalt blot out the memory of Amalek (Deut. etc. In 1 Samuel 15:2-3, God tells Saul, Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Hence he said: I will prepare myself for the emanated from the attribute of Severe Judgement and it was a war above and a war below. And Joshua discomfited (wasted!) reached at that time a high degree of spiritual perception, not, indeed, as high as Moses, These verses relate that some of the Simeonites went to Mt. [podcast], Moses, the Mob, and Mountain Madness [podcast], WHY were 24,000 of Gods People Killed at Peor? The command imposed on Saul to subject the Amalekites to the ban (erem), however, conforms to the version in Deuteronomy. Infamy notwithstanding, its roots are not so easily decipherable. Once we realize that, we can begin to take our stand against the enemy and resist his attacks.The best weapon we have against the spirit of Amalek is the Word of God. English translation by Avi Weinstein, Altamira Press, London, 1994, p. 320. The term "city of Amalek" is not to be understood literally, and it is possible that it means a fortified camp. This war Afterward, God told Moses that he would one day bring judgment on the Amalekites for what they had done (Exodus 17:14).Many years later, when Saul was king of Israel, God gave him an opportunity to fulfill this promise. insolent than all of them. 8:2627) except in special cases (Deut. Amalek! From this impurity this is the meaning of the words, blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, that The Amalekites were known for their ferocity and brutality, and they continued to be a thorn in Israels side throughout their history. *They are the polygamous enemies and powers maiming the destiny of men especially if you are from a polygamous family. By his sin, Esau forfeited the birthright to his brother Jacob. One kind is All the tragedies which Israel suffered are considered the direct outcome of Amalek's hostile act (PdRK 27). 25:1219), for in the early days "the wars of Israel" and the "wars of the Lord" were synonymous expressions (cf., e.g., Judg. it was launched against all the attributes of the Holy One, blessed be He. AND MOSES Haman is the antagonist in the book of Esther and an evil man who tried to annihilate the Jewish people. Perhaps the author merely wishes to define the normal range of the nomadic Amalekites in the time of Saul. While the Jews were still in Rephidim, the Amalekites, a mightily and fierce people, descendants of Esau, and well-trained in the art of warfare, suddenly attacked the people of Israel. side of the demons and evil spirits; and there is none so cursed among them as Amalek, who (3) The verse "Remember" is meant to remind all men of "the rule which holds good for all generations, namely, that the scourge [the staff of God's indignation] with which Israel is smitten will itself finally be smitten" (Mekhilta, 181). Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Amalekites. The Amalekites, not daring to take on the main host of Israel, attacked the tail end of the line, where the slow and weak plodded along. In Israel, by birthright, thefirstborn son inherited the leadershipof the family and the judicial authority of his father. Very difficult. By his sin, Esau forfeited the birthright to his brother Jacob. Amalek, a son of Esau's son Eliphaz, was presumably the eponymous ancestor of the Amalekites. Amalek's power is traced directly to the serpent, the master of planting Amalek is a quality that helps us develop optimally, and it constantly guards us. withal redemption will not be complete until Amalek will be exterminated, for against Fighting the Spirit of "Amalek" - Valley Ag Voice Amalek: A Pawn in the Rivalry Between Saul and David's Legacy Esau walked in the flesh and so he and his lineage are a type of the flesh, a type of sin, under Satans dominion, influence. of grace, the characteristics of a godly mother. Moses equipped himself for the war above. More closely historical than the Pentateuch's accounts of Amalek are the traditions set in the period of the Judges and the monarchy. Schreiber, Mordecai (ed.). Exo 17:11 And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. THE CHARACTER OF AMALEK It is strange that Amalek should have attacked the Israelites at all. Amalek | Religion Wiki | Fandom Sanctification, being set apart to Christ, choosing to love and obey Him over self is the primary battle of the believer, from the moment Jesus saves him, as hes on his way to the promise land of eternal glory (Romans 6-8, etc.). Amalek is directly tied to Not only that, but the Amalekites continued to be a thorn in Israels side throughout their history.They were always raiding and plundering whenever they had an opportunity. 20:114, 24; Ezek. 15:33). It was an unprovoked and cowardly attack upon a tired and weary people, just liberated from slavery, on the way to their homeland. The name Amalek comes from a Hebrew word meaning to be weary, and the spirit of Amalek is associated with fatigue, discouragement, and defeat. Scripture records the long-lasting feud between the Amalekites and the Israelites and Gods direction to wipe the Amalekites off the face of the earth (Exodus 17:813;1 Samuel 15:2;Deuteronomy 25:17). The Bronze Bow Characters - As children of God, as we are crucified with Christ, keeping our hands and hearts upward in worship-filled obedience to the LORD, we will defeat, discomfit the flesh and the evil one! In the course of time this biblical injunction became so deeply rooted in Jewish thought that many important enemies of Israel were identified as direct descendants of Amalek. Exo 17:10 So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. It is difficult to imagine that Mt. We need to be courageous like Moses and have faith that God will help us overcome our enemies. In 1 Samuel 15, we see that God commanded Saul to exterminate the Amalekites, but he disobeyed and spared King Agag and the best of the livestock. (Deuteronomy 17:7), Came Amalek (ib. They first appear in the Bible as enemies of Israel when they attacked the Israelites shortly after they had left Egypt. But the meaning is that Amalek was Deuteronomy 25:17(c) Here again Amalek is represented as a type of Satan and of the flesh, both of which attack GODs people, especially when they are weak, weary and sick. The Amalekites, descendants of Amalek, were an ancient biblical nation living near the land of Canaan. He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and He will always give us victory (1 Corinthians 15:57). Who were the Amalekites? - Bible Portal Moses, in order to screen the reproach of his father-in-law, sought to convert the We should also ask God to reveal any areas in our lives where we may be vulnerable to attack. Moderate. But ultimately, they will be defeated by those who follow God faithfully. The Jews had been living in exile in Persia, and, when King Xerxes (also known as King Ahasuerus) banished his queen . Amalek and Amalekites appears 48 times in Gods Word. Moses commanded Joshua to select men to fight, and the Israelites met the Amalekites in battle. In gammatria, the numerical value of "Amalek" (240) and the Get those hands up! wicked are literally the mazikin (goblins) of the world; and there is an impurity from the When you are bombarded with negatives -start rejoicing. Esau and Amalek are a type of Satan who was ousted by Jesus redemptive cross and lost his place of rulership over all who possess the born again birthright via being bought and paid for by the precious blood of the Lamb (Romans 5:9; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21; Colossians 2:14-19; 1 Peter 1:18-19, etc.). Amalek with faith on the part of Israel (and conversely, the lowering of his hands with When the Hebrew people doubt "Amalek is a symbol, it is a character trait. This gives us a clue as to what their spiritual meaning may be.The Amalekites represent those things in our lives that are unclean and unwanted. In Jewish tradition, Amalek represents pure evil, or those who have "given themselves over" to Sitra Achra, the dark side of impurity. Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau. This showed their stubbornness and unwillingness to change which earned Jehovahs wrath. history - Did The Amalekites survive? - Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Lord in our midst or not? Behold, I will deliver you to the dog!, and Answer: The Amalekites were a tribe first mentioned during the time of Abraham ( Genesis 14:7 ). (Some scholars (Edeleman in Bibliography) have argued that there was a northern Amalekite enclave adjoining Ephraimite territory.) In Jewish tradition, Amalek is pure evil. 34:5; Josh. 15:10; and perhaps also Judg. Although Amalek was killed long ago, the Torah and other writings What is the Spiritual Meaning of Seeing a Cardinal? Amalek the wicked comes from the power of the primordial snake, and it is there that he connects and draws his strength. Amalek's philosophy negates the concept that there is a purpose to humanity or to creation itself-again the antithesis of Jewish philosophy. This brought a curse of ultimate annihilation from Moses (Ex 17:14-16, Deut 25:19) and Balaam (Num 24:20). XXXII, 33), for they are of the seed of Amalek, of whom it is said, According to the Book of Genesis and 1 Chronicles, Amalek (Arabic,,Hebrew: , Modern Amalek Tiberian mlq) was the son of Eliphaz and the grandson of Esau (Gen. 36:12; 1 Chr. 3:1213). 15:5 Then Saul advanced as far as the city of Amalek and lay in wait in the wadi. What does the mitzvah to destroy Amalek mean? Though there have been other societies with . The Canaanite city of Sodom is destroyed by God It is a command that led the leading atheist Richard Dawkins to claim that the God of the Old Testament was "a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic. They were seen as backward "barbarians" for the most part, uncivilized and inferior to the Chosen People, and became the rallying cry for the Hebrews to "never forget" what they did to them dur. Numbers 14:25. They are the things that we try to ignore or push away, but which keep coming back to haunt us. The Amalekites are a people mentioned a number of times in the Hebrew Bible. testify to the idea that the spirit of Amalek will not be done away with until the coming We later learn (Genesis 36:22) that Timna was the sister of Lotan who was a chieftain of the land of Seir where Esav went to live. Why did God say again and again that there would always be war with the Amalekites? Jewish study became lax, they were in danger. We must also stand firm in our faith, knowing that God is ultimately victorious over all evil. This was an abomination to Jehovah and He demanded that His people have no dealings with them (Exodus 34:12-16). Who were the Amalekites and what do they Represent to us? Second, God inhabits the praises of His people and the spirit of dread and fear cannot stay in that environment. have no dominion over them. Said R. Abba: When the two (i.e. William Morrow and Company, Inc. 1991. 12:36 ). We are only able to do these things by the grace of God working through the gifts of Gods people. compared with it; and this not because of the mighty armies taking part in it, but because Amalek as having no regard for God whatsoever: Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2,Page 65a - And against him and prevail, and therefore he said unto him: go and fight against Exo 17:13 And Joshua discomfited (wasted!) Similar names: Anem Araunah Arnon Elzabad Huzoth Jagur Jattir Jazeel Kallai Maaz Matred Merodach Nason Nephusim Nimshi. In 1 Samuel 15, Saul is instructed by God to destroy all of the Amalekites, but he sparingly kills only their king, Agag. Worship Him! The Amalekites Attack Israel upon the Exodus Amalek represents the flesh and worshipping God is the only victory over the flesh! Amaleq: a descendant of Esau, also his posterity - Bible Hub 3 With cunning they conspire against Your people; they plot against those You cherish. The Amalekites represent Satan and the flesh and their war against God's people and all that is right. Moments with Our Master 365 Day Devotional [book], Grow in Christ Edification Pack Special [books], 40 Bible Verses Every Disciple MUST Know! The flesh, right? The Amalekites are the descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob (Genesis 36:12,16). trembling before Israel at the time of the Exodus, as it says: The peoples heard and 14:48). When it comes to the spirit of Amalek, there are a few things that every Christian should know. v. 16 the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.. *They are enemies that way-lay or set ambush. The district over which they ranged was south of Judah and probably extended into northern Arabia. first of the nations; but his latter end shall be that he perish for ever (Num. Amalek the wicked comes from the power of the primordial Amalek is stirring up hatred. Why did he tell Israel to utterly destroy them?. First they were cruel. We read in Exodus: "The nations heard. This Red Sea experience, miracle is a picture of the salvation of Gods people from Egypt, the world. It is a spirit of hatred and destruction that seeks to annihilate anything and everything that represents God.In order to overcome the spirit of Amalek, we must first understand who our true enemy is. in the study of the Torah, as we have explained on another occasion. AND MOSES SAID This may be seen in the record of Saul's wars in which the war of Amalek receives special mention: "He did valiantly, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of those who plundered them" (I Sam. Amalek, a son of Esau's son Eliphaz, was presumably the eponymous ancestor of the Amalekites. desert. 14:45). Amalek Overview & Facts | Who are the Amalekites in the Bible? In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Amalek is: A people that licks up. The Amalekites are the descendants of Esau, who sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of soup and in doing so forfeited his firstborn birthright (Genesis 25; Hebrews 12:16). Throughout Scripture, we see that the Amalekites were considered enemies of God and His people.They serve as a reminder that disobedience has consequences and that we are to obey God no matter what the cost. Just as God commanded Moses to annihilate them, He will also one day judge those who oppose Him and His people. The Hittite spirit wants to entrap you mentally. This is an around-the-clock operation that involves several God-fearing servants and much technological expertise and costs. spiritual foundations are traced back to the prayers Moshe uttered on that hill in the together being called Samael (lit. It is, however, a problem that is resource-dependent. Amalek: Israel's Ancient Enemy Lives among Us Esau was the son Isaac, who was the son of Abraham (first Jew). As a result, God rejected Saul from being king over Israel (1 Samuel 15:23). See1 Samuel 15:9-15. How to pronounce Amalekites | They were the first nation to attack the Jewish. He is the cause of all unchastity Their first encounter with Israel was when they attacked the rear of Israel but were defeated by Joshua at Rephidim (Ex 17:8-13, Deut 25:17, 18). The war with Amalek did not end with their defeat, and the Israelites were commanded always to remember the deeds of Amalek (Deut. world as long as God's holiness is not completely manifest. 3:26) and the areas mentioned in the previous verses (I Chron. Numbers 24:20 NIV 20 Then Balaam saw Amalek and spoke his message: "Amalek was first among the nations, but their end will be utter destruction." . Why Did God Command Saul to Eliminate the Amalekites? Who are the modern day Amalekites? - Quora Amalek the flesh, a type. The Book of Exodus relates that Joshua fought against Amalek under the inspiration of Moses, who was supported by Aaron and Hur, and that he mowed them down with the sword. war with with him: Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2,Page 66a - R. doers" of the Torah is of Amalek and the anti-Messiah. Amalek's chief weapon is to foment doubt . to infect the Jewish people at certain times in history, one being at the time of the sin When you think of Esau, you should picture his short sighted sin to trade the eternal for the temporal, and how it cost him his birthright. 9 And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek: to morrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in mine hand. At first these nations were afraid to join Amalek, but he persuaded them by saying: "Come, and I shall advise you what to do. spheres (Exodus 17:14-16) for as long as Amalek is around, spewing his venom, the The Israelites were victorious in this battle, but the Amalekites continued to be a thorn in their side throughout their time in the wilderness. were ever a strap of chastisement for Israel. and murder, and his twin-soul is the poison of idolatry, the two Answer (1 of 7): The Amalekites preyed on the Hebrews when they were weak during the Exodus from Egypt. Bible says Canaanites were wiped out by Israelites but scientists just 25:18; Josh. The spiritual meaning of Amalekites is a reminder to remain committed to the one true God, in the face of any opposition. VII) Amalek Exists and We are Still Commanded to Blot them Out. Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library, 1998 - 2023 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. (Ex. But as soon as Jewish study became lax, they were in danger. In the Old Testament, God commanded the Israelites to exterminate the Amalekites because they had attacked them during their Exodus from Egypt. Moreover, the attack of the Amalekites upon the Israelites encouraged others. They were the first nation to attack the Jewish people after the Exodus from Egypt, and they are seen as the archetypal enemy of the Jews. It is unimaginable that such a juxtaposition would have been possible after the consciousness of the divine war of extermination against Amalek had taken root in Israel. Thus Amalek became the "first among the nations" (Num . Therefore Moses did not participate in the war on earth, so that he Canaanite came down (ib. him, I shall make thee a nation greater and mightier than he (Ibid. Amalekite | ancient tribe | Britannica there has been and will be no war like that, nor can even the war of Gog and Magog be Establishing and confirming divine truth (Gods written Word) in His saints, for their edification and equipping, and preaching the convicting Law and saving Gospel to lost souls. "doubt" (versus faith) on the part of God's people. It should be noted that even the deuteronomic erem, though it does not allow for the sparing of persons (such as Agag), except for particular ones (like Rahab) specified in advance, permits the taking of booty (e.g., Deut.
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