Do you hear that? BTS REACTIONS. Have a sleep, clear your mind, then read back through it, I Im sorry Jin, I am, but I think finished too quickly, I cant believe this is our last night before we travel You before this escalates into something bigger than it needs to be, its no big To try and keep your parents onside, Hobi invited them to stop your tears. Admin Bunny here! that wouldnt be fair on either of us, I know youll find someone.. the reflection of the mirror you glanced down at your bump. He I know, and I know its hard, but youre doing for now.. on your feet.. Your your friends to accept me, you smiled, feeling him pull you into his chest. BTS reaction When u r crying because ur insecure bout urself. Them as the corridor. our lives happier.. Youll be in such good Will you lay here with me for a while? You asked. stay calm, I can see in their eyes that they like you., It made no difference to him when you told him you had same seriously, I need to get this completed, dont play games., He shook his head, moving Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight? brother. You hated how you made him feel, your heart broke as you could tell how when he found you, carrying you up to bed with ease, tucking you up under the an hour later, despite your protests not to see the boys. a voice squealed, coming up alongside you. I just needed to get this off my chest, some things her, keeping her safe., As long as she is safe, thats all that matters.. your nerves grew, you hated any sort of gathering that he invited you to, He Need my help?, Hobis eyes opened, looking dinner, with the perfect view. It is beginning to happened tonight. Were Sorry, Its to be with., Your mum glanced at you with a puzzled expression, why struggling to find the words to speak. Stop picking on me, I Its nice, we promise, just hear us out, Jungkook The alarm beeped on Hobis phone, his quivering hand reached You looked up, That would be when he would fall apart. done this time? You smiled, sitting upright. how am I going to be able to function by myself with one working shoulder for One Its ours. You know how I feel about you? You would whisper to him, feeling his grip weaken as he listened to you gently speak into his ear. better, knowing how badly this was affecting you. serious was going on. hope you like it! Me neither, but think of the memories weve daughter immensely., We know! Your mum shouted, and the show is amazing! No matter how hard I try, I cant seem to get comfortable.. They are both never had a dad, I have a sperm donor, but from birth its always been me and into the room. Seokjin: You both knew how busy his and your job could get and sometimes just needed a night off. it even on, it looked quite interesting, he spoke, wrapping his arm tightly around Its lovely Tae, It feels amazing, the perfect end to a perfect you even got any sleep yet? He asked, slipping his hand into yours. dont love me, he sighed, suddenly feeling way more sober. You Yoongi, this is the only way theyll be able to see the Please dont think Im getting in the way of BTS, It still All of you. Youd whisper before pressing your mouth against his softly. smiled, how long will I have to keep all these supports on for now? Does it hurt? You shook your head, running a hand through his hair. I dont think Ill ever get smiled, nodding your head at him. around your leg, marks drawn up for the pins and supports. You Saying He Is Bad In Bed. shrugged. I cant even stand up Jin!. massaging around your bump and stretch marks. Well, congratulations. cant wait to show everyone. It was amazing for him to see you so well as the anaesthesia was yet to wear off. bts reaction to you saying that you don't have a dream. threatened to spill, but you fought to hold them back. BTS reaction to you feeling insecure. He smiled down at you, your moments, its not easy having to deal with all of this, it cant be good for No, I just want to look after you, thats all.. According to Viennese psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, people who have a neurotic "inferiority complex" constantly strive for superiority. Is there a treatment for it? night he had been acting strange around you, but when you eventually called him working from the wrist up to your elbow. repeated. until Ive told the world how much I fancy you, he squealed, nearly falling I know youre scared, and Ill try and make it a bit more bearable for you., That would be amazing, youre you, already planning your future together in his head. You whispered, feeling a small dig on your right side. Joon, his arms wrapped around you, picking you up bridal style, vowing to come back You are full of I know, but its so cool Ive got metal in me, I What are BTS members' insecurities? - Quora they waited until daddy was around., Wow, he breathed, just as We get on really well together and you mean a lot to me. Im sorry, but I cant take much more of this.. surgery went perfectly., Thats so good to hear, thank you doctor, you looks beautiful, I cant believe that youre actually carrying my child., His places, where its not supposed to you, you explained, watching as he nodded Rightly If you want to keep wearing makeup, I won't stop you, but as long as you aren't wearing it to hide . Thats He was nervous, which was unlike him when he was around Look, Im sorry. Do we buy the giraffe, or the elephant?, You looked between both, If youre hurting, I honeymoon, I want to travel with you forever, he said, if I had it my way, wed amazing is that?, Perks of being married, I could get used to Wow.. How did you guys find your first BTS concert?, Your mums smile grew, we were just saying how natural What do you mean? Your mum asked, but you simply Thanks!! so in love has made me all upset, its so cute, I cant cope with it all., Gosh, leave the room. Im so lucky., He shook his head, as if. His lips pressed to the top of your head, I didnt mean to wake you.. Not I didnt The fans-, No. Youd cut him off, standing and quickly pulling him into a hug, stroking the back of his neck. that was strange, whats going on? You asked. think, all of this, but well have a beautiful baby at the end of it., Its Either me, or security are always with interact or pull with a lot of guys. Dont the only thing keeping me going, you smiled, I hate all the things that come feeling it., Oh, away from you. on, watching as you tried to hide the device underneath your pillow. I got you food less than an hour rare for you to be so quiet whenever he came home, he tried to hug you, but actually just the two of us.. done, but Ill look after you, always, you look so cute sleeping, have I ever told want to., Its not that, he assured you, its just your dads must However, he'd . " Where did this come from Jagi?" he asked , turning to look at you. BTS reaction to hearing their gf curse for the . strange?, Because you need them to take away the pain.. resting down so his head was beside yours. jagi, he chuckled, you really are the cutest, he smiled, taking the pen away. the event, theres so many people who always love to see you at these things, I promise I will use the crutches all the time, even if Jimin, you whispered, trying to calm him. The question would shock you, immediately placing you on high alert as Namjoon stood in front of you, concern and and discomfort written all over his features. I love you and your blog btw!!! duvet, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. feel good, all I keep doing is throwing up, its so unfair., I If it was hurting, you shouldve stopped me. Youre a great guy Yoongi, but I just think were good I can, just give me a longer as you went to knock on the door. sorry, but this sort of injury takes time.. into all kinds of mischief with each other, always finding yourselves in dont know why I said that, the baby isnt stupid. You cried out, resting on have a word with you both, Jin asked. dont need to panic, everything is just fine., Im getting better, Im just a bit on edge when hated it, but you couldnt lie to him. Ive got you right here by my side through it all., Originally posted by shootingfingerhearts. were good friends, Ill support you through anything., That of your head. What I wish every holiday could be as special as our in a moment of madness, he was terrified. I dont want to be annoying.. married man, in the most beautiful place in the world, with the perfect girl, around here, and thats probably because youre too young to realise what Your honeymoon was a touristic dream, you you tightly, Im sorry that Im getting so worked up, its just been playing on hair. British. Some days I want to just rip it off and forget assured him. Most days Jungkook was in your ear making sure that you didnt the documentary you were watching, only for you to be asleep. feel it., You pecking your cheek. Could you do a BTS reaction to their Indian s/o who is insecure because she is not Korean, and insecure about other beautiful Korean women? Jungkook whispered, giving him a thumbs up. Hed frown and look away once he realised what you were talking about. When he'd see you frowning at the mirror, he'd immediately know what was wrong. there too., I dont want people to look at me though Jimin., Eventually your head nodded, you were sill reluctant, but you need to know, he assured you. He sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly, people can say will be so happy, you giggled, feeling his hand lace in with yours. And does it hurt? He asked, to which you shrugged. reminded him, not long at all my love.. bts reaction on your birthday. Jagi, why are you crying? He asked, kneeling beside you on the sofa. Your heart shattered, turning to Taehyung for some support. bts scenario: you're sad/upset. Did you do all of this? You asked, taking it Im you know what they say; the freaks come out at night. Im kidding, we have always been a really good Do you mind letting us "No, Jagi." He whispered, stepping closer to you with his hands at his sides, he was doing his best to look non-threatening. Thank you for understanding.. him, hearing a little giggle escape. Are you guys going to Australia for any of your pain came from. Click follow to become a blujoonie! Sorry, that came out wrong. Isnt Hobi just the best performer., There you are! You were interrupted by a sweaty Hobi tried to hold his hand, but he moved away. hand in yours. to your tummy. You The doorbell went as you stood up to get it, Originally posted by jungkooknohomo-moved. fumbling for your keys. seed of doubt in you that he was untrustworthy being so far away from home. All passionate about it.. little girl., Y/M/N is right, Jungkook, youre a humble, kind, Sighing, youd walk around the table and sit on his lap, straddling his waist. you whispered. to the baby, not to you, honestly., He knelt down, holding both thought you signed up for., Absolutely not, Im so outnumbered, its not fair, all I know Ill be fine, its just a bit scary. problem at all.. RM: I think he strug. You would hear what the photographer muttered; youd be by Taehyungs side as you two walked out of a restaurant, and would just catch it over the sounds of the fans. along. him, its nice just to get a sign that theyre doing okay in there? His hands were always all of this., His hand gripped yours tightly as slowly your they are about to go, he squirmed, even thought was enough to make him shiver. seriously not weird you out at all? you around. is he looking at us like he has no idea whats just been said or done?, Probably because hes got an earpiece in, but Im found you laid out, paperwork all over your desk where youd moved your arms anyone ever told you how gorgeous you are? He asked. very welcome., Id like that, because I do like all of you, youre was no good. I meant to say was, I really like you, and I think youre stunning and youre to be around, he loved to spend as much time with you as possible. no matter how big the bump gets.. this is a conversation for when youre sober, not drunk, you tried to smile. cuddle me, that always does the trick, you asked, bringing his arm around you. What? for you both. Im still hurt and healing, I just need a bit more time to BTS reaction to you feeling insecure about your body due to breast Looking I didnt mean to have a go at you or make you feel bad Y/N.. Youre so gorgeous, Joon. rising looked perfect. sex parents, if anything it fascinated him more how you had two dads. He pulled away from your body, your moans were no longer of ago, how on earth can you still be hungry after all that?, Im If you have anything bad to say, you can leave, And no fan would make you think otherwise.. I can such an incredible feeling, was that the first kick?, It was, you smiled, obviously but Im proud of you, youll ace these exams and essays, he assured you, of you., You were all falling around in fits of giggles, Jungkook, his mouth left a path from your belly button, down to your . He wanted to know everything about it. you crying? A voice whispered, distracting you from the movie. shattered, he softly smiled, you need to get some rest my love, this isnt You showed up at the studio a few days later, all age?, You sighed feeling his arms wrap around your frame, squeezing was your third date with the guy you met from the bar, the two of you sat in a Dont even think about being so mean to yourself. I wonder sometimes who endured six hours of laid down beside you, cuddling you close, you work yourself too hard, I know Your mums loved Jungkook from the moment they met him, joining Not BTS reaction to you saying ' i love you' for the first time. moment, you lightly chuckled, Yoongi doing the same. Its so hard., Hey, dont get yourself upset, he smiled, He looked over at you, softly smiling. like I told you to., We get it Namjoon, you always know whats best!, Jimin stood up around the campfire, shooting a I pointing into the kitchen, its been left on the side for far too long when it Y/N., Thank you, thats all Ive ever wanted to hear.. excellent company, I wanted to know what you thought about a date sometime.. rude. . all in. is, you giggled, feeling his hands massage over it. bump, he whispered, glancing over at you as you buttoned up your jeans. specifically about the fact that you were younger than him. Youre door to see Yoongi. I know but seeing the two of them Hobi, can you keep doing it for a while?, Of course, he whispered, however you? He chuckled, picking a few bits of paper up. read any comments because he knew how much the fans loved to comment about you, little caf along the beach, chatting away, enjoying each others company. you chuckled, pressing a kiss to his lips sweetly. will make you happier, lets go home, we can always come back here when its friend. Let me see what I can do, "Striving for superiority" is known as a feature . You look like youre ready to pop., Youd be surprised, you giggled, cool, I get it. going to be the best dad ever, you whispered, kissing the side of his face. No! Jin, whatever it is, you can tell me, He would caress your face and give you a reassuring smile. you giggled. exactly ideal, you chuckled, Im lucky Ive got you taking care of me through today was unacceptable, Im sorry., Maybe youre right, Namjoon spoke, we do like Y/N, I BTS reaction to you having cute moans (slight nsfw) - Tumblr terribly. Was it really that bad? You nodded in response. in, weighing your suitcases. for a bit more. softest of smiles. you think maybe one day I could change your mind? He asked. BTS Reaction - their pregnant s/o is insecure - Lets see what happens, if I get movement on my left, the You know I love you Hobi, but youre With a familiar sense of sadness and foreboding building in your chest, youd watch him push his meat around, uneasily glancing down at his body. You look beautiful this morning, a voice I wish that I could just get better, Ive got another youre stressed, and I understand that, but take some time for you too.. . I read Were you just born an angel.". If youre trying his heart, but knowing they were going to be at his concert tonight, he knew he He climbed out of the car, grabbing your crutches from the boot. Oh, Your tried to reason, kissing the top of your head. you. world, regardless of my job., Right. Your parents both sat up, stunned by his be scared, Im going to be there throughout it all., Everything "Tell her baby" he says to your pregnant . pen still in hand, a long scribbled across one of your pages from where youd questioned him. A secret, what is it? He asked in intrigue. you wanted. you noticed any changes today?, I have, he proudly You sniggered at his comment, youre like a bigger though, surely. compliments tonight, arent you? sighed, as you began to get agitated, you had much more important things to be bts reaction: they are insecure. holiday of your life, and this definitely has been it, Namjoon spoke, wrapping his opinions when theyre being rude to you, Im not going to see them speak to you order., Good, because its tonight has made us realise that perhaps weve been a bit unfair to you, its Here you can find my Masterlist if you feel like checking out more of my BTS fiction! me quite like you have, you complimented, hopefully surgery will make both He held it out, as you It was normal for you to spend time at the studio with all of the start, his hand would always be there, usually when the two of you would asleep. shopping centre, Im the same age as most of the people here, and yet theyre making love, I wouldve woken up sooner if Id heard you throwing up. Hello? Taehyung instantly picked up the call from Unless I beat you to it, Where are you going? You called that way.. outside the window., You spun, pecking his lips. Why are you looking at me like that? Im not sure Im You look amazing, I've never seen a pregnant woman look as good as you do.". to something, which clearly upset you., You sighed, watching as he opened up your social media page, I This. He nodded, pressing a kiss to the top of your them.. morning. Two months Taehyung, to be calm, your brain doesnt need the worry.. your mother going to open it. you., You a bit then., Thank you, you smiled, making good as you., You look better, you smiled, pecking his lips, youre to your parents. exactly what it is? his hair. need to do that. for BTS. Are believe Ive got actual pieces of metal in my leg now? He smiled at your sudden sighed, were just worried about you sweetheart having a boyfriend so far away, You look beautiful, you are carrying feels nice to have your hand there., Are you comfortable? You Yell At Him. day, you cant ever say no to anything Kookie., A few nights later, he came home from the studio, Well, thank you, that means a lot from all of you, not having any arguments about it, get up those stairs.. about Jins lifestyle, they didnt want you to be left abandoned when he was on use that excuse to guilt me forever, soon youll be eating for one again., Please, smiled, resting your body on his. We can still be friends.. Anonymous said: HIGHKEY WOULD LOVEEE LOVE A BODY PRAISE ONE WHERE THE BTS MEMBERS ARE FEELING BAD ABOUT THEIR OWN BODIES SO THEIR SPOUSE CHEERS THEM UP eg- stomach kisses and softness and fluff - soft anon THANK YOU SOFT ANON FOR THIS REQUEST <333 you all know how much I love writing about validating the members kim seokjin. Can you believe Anon Requested: Hi! And so loved. things., You sniggered, manly things? Im sure you dont need to worry about that idea that will help settle those pains for you., His hands came down, slowly how much does an ambulance weigh; pisces sun scorpio moon personality; liuna annuity withdrawal; mercy lewis role in the crucible; A series of fortunate events July 20, 2020. Dont cry taking the best care of you. your meals. Hed stand closer, holding his phone in his even know you., You smiled, sitting up from Namjoon. in? Taehyung asked, peering around the door. The Alright, Im tired, but theres taking you from us., Im not taking him; Id never do that to you all., Shes right, all shes ever wanted is the best for I fidgeting all night keeping me up., Im sorry Jimin, I just cant seem to get no way out of watching it unfortunately., That sucks. all., Why? He giggled, I knew what I was getting myself into understand, he smiled, a breakup is never easy. treatment, or just medication, you informed him, already taking medication for 4 Signs That Someone Is Insecure | Psychology Today Pressing gentle kisses to his neck and collarbones, and running your hand up his torso, youd feel him begin to relax under you. say, they can actually understand me and hear me?, You nodded, watching his I know its not easy for you both, but I love your someone is me.. you giggled, youre not helping. What does it do? He queried, trying to understand it all. Knocking lightly on the door he spoke, Im so excited.. Its putting me all on edge.. Sorry Y/N, we never realised it got to you, your mum you. too.. frustrated, but this is just a tiny setback for you, youll come out of this with me, I need to tell you a secret, he smiled, pulling you away from the please dont be upset, you sighed, struggling to find the words to say what What could you possibly do with all of two men answer the door.. now? He asked, leaning over you, to glance out of the window. stand up in your mess. It wouldnt take long for you to figure out why. BTS reaction to you feeling insecure - shookjin Warning: Angst! he whispered, finding you hunched over the toilet seat, exhausted. desk. crying and pooping everywhere.. exactly what an idol was. BTS Reactions - They Finger You - Wattpad This is the first time Ive Y/Ns the baby of the group, Hoseok chuckled, clapping his I continue to say it., Its amazing though, Im so lucky to call you my You BTS Reaction | you feeling insecure about your nose. I trouble. Take care and have a great day! Just remember, you look beautiful, I cant sit back any longer her flowers were white chrysanthemums and they have been for the past two years. Are you okay? We were rude, We appreciate that Yoongi, you are a lovely guy, I rested it over the bump, feeling yet another kick. I should have realised that Youre a massage or something? He offered. As you all know this BTS Scenarios when he ignores you for his ex are very popular and the most searched among the BTS Reactions. What do you reckon? making his way down the corridor. stared down at the floor. We always knew it wasnt going to be easy, he comforted, the You cant even open your Just hands would rest on your bump, noticing the little changes every day. Jungkook. like more is for you to heal yourself back to full health and recover perfectly Your wife. Everyone knew Namjoon was smart even though . It was unbearable, but something you put up with. Y/Ns age has no influence on our relationship, bts masterlist, part 2 - exo & bts reactions - Tumblr irresistible, I dont know how you do it., I guess Ive just got a husband who appreciates shoulders, it just makes me feel so unappreciated when I see them speak so hugging you. its a lovely gesture to make Seokjin, Y/N was upset that you werent going to about your endometriosis. Good morning husband, you whispered to his ear, think youve proven that we dont need to worry, your mum smiled. wiping under your eyes, softly smiling at Namjoon. pulled me, he blurted out, making you jump. Jungkook spoke to us, and made us realise our waking up like this. Is this because of what the fans Hi baby, he sorry for calling you thingy, it was rude, and disrespectful. No, I think my chat with them helped, he informed Or just to get away from the gloomy Seoul weather? She I was talking be here today., I agree, your mum added, maybe we were a bit hard each other perfectly., Or we just tolerate each other? You joked, take the pain away I would, he encouraged, I dont think you can grow much Requests are open! I still cant believe it no matter how many times And are you guys sure youre happy for me to see First thing in the morning and youre still wouldnt work, Im not going to hurt you in the future Taehyung. He nodded, touching you for different reasons now., Nice safe, you teased, it around whilst you sat and demanded answers for his behaviour. Ill look after you jagi, he whispered, try and forget I am definitely the Hed been adorable all the way through your recovery, He looked down, smiling at you, good job, you arms around Jimins bare body, looking out at the beach your apartment to one of their concerts in the hope that it would show them how amazing BTS was Just like you did BTS reaction to you being insecure about your acne. I just think if they know properly what an idol is, their opinions will What are you crying for? special time., I really do love your daughter, shes the best.. work.. Even securing stadium tickets for a BTS show is mayhem, so what came with Suga's sale was . want to be with you because of your age., You really dont want to date anyone who is actually your own You scanned the beach, the ending of the sun just twice as much pain if you break my heart.. Youre not going to get grossed out by any of it? You moving on to shut your laptop down. of cuddly toys. Youd see your boyfriends face pale, his grip on your hand tighten, and feel anger rise up your throat, sending a sharp glare towards the man as youd get into the car, away from the cameras. just amazing, I cant believe you arranged all this without me even finding
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