Dogs howl to attract attention, to make contact with others and to announce their presence. It is nice when your dog has bonded with you and enjoys your company. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Should you take your dog out every time they cry, should you ignore them, let them cry, scold them, or what should you do? In this context, whining sometimes seems involuntarily. If you suspect your dog is crying at night due to pain, take them to the vet so you can get them on the best treatment plan. In our society since ancient times, it is believed that when someone is about to die, the dogs start crying because they already realize this. You can start gently by going to where the dog is sleeping and telling him or her through the door or from the other room to be quiet. Stay calm if the crying is caused by a seizure. Some dogs also howl in response to high-pitched sounds, such as emergency vehicle sirens or musical instruments. What does it mean when a dog cries superstition? The word bark originates from the Old Germanic languages where it meant 'a cry'. Dogs cry for several reasons. If your pup has swelling around the eyes and discharges tears, scheduling a visit to a vet is a must. Its also possible for a usually calm dog to become suddenly anxious. There are many reasons why dogs cry according to Islam. Some dogs whine in response to stressful situations. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. There is a clear hadith about dogs barking: The Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said: ''If you hear the barking of a dog or the braying of a donkey by night, then seek refuge in Allaah from the devil, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on Monitor your dog during the day, or take it to the vet for a check-up. Fear can be another big reason why your dog cry at night. To stop your dog from crying while sleeping, start by addressing daytime whining. Although it may sound to you like your dog is crying out in the night for no reason, he or she may actually be trying to alert you to an animal that he or she has heard outside. Also Read: Golden Retriever Price in India Pets Expert. However, we humans are not as good at reciprocating the sensitivity. The day I dont play recitation, it's terrible. We should not ignore them. What does it mean when dogs are howling and crying? You can search for fatwa through many choices. During a seizure, a dogs limbs seem rigid and move violently.[8]. All dogs' cries are attempts to get their humans' attention. if you want to give me a bonus then please click on any ads). If so, you know that the sound can cut right to your Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? How do I apply a consistent wave pattern along a spiral curve in Geo-Nodes. Additionally, it would help to consider the timing of when your dog cries at night. In fact, one passage in the Koran quite specifically says that any prey that is caught by dogs during a hunt can be eaten. Not all crying is negative. However, the barking of dogs at Fajr time is more noticeable than other times, as this time is usually quiet. Some dogs respond to high-pitched sounds like emergency sirens or musical instruments by howling. It might help to consider an alternative place for your dog to sleep such as the living room. In this time, it is very important to start giving your puppy potty training such as by making sure to reward your puppy whenever it pees outside. When they were finally awakened by workers excavating a section of the mountain, the dog finally stirred and allowed his charges to return to the world, which was now safe for their faith. In particular, when a dog howls around a sick person, it means that person will become worse. If they cry at night, and you suspect separation anxiety is to blame, reassure them by moving their dog bed close to yours. Why is the first episode of AOT called to you in 2000 years? Takedown request | View complete answer on Should you wake a crying dog? Just as it is difficult for us to get a good nights sleep when it is loud, it is also the same with dogs. At this point, God granted the dog the gift of speech, and he said, "I love those who are dear unto God. Separation anxiety is another serious condition that can lead to chronic crying. These cry types are easily recognizable because they should stop crying after having their needs satisfied. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. What does it mean when a dog howls while crying? There are a variety of reasons why your dog may be whining at night. The second, more pragmatic, was that some categories of dogs, particularly guard dogs, hunting dogs, and shepherd dogs, were useful to humans and had hence earned their right to exist. A Healthy Journal was born out of passion, the passion for food, but mainly for a healthy life. Allah has given them power. Before this age, they might not have the brain or bladder capacity to do it, so you have to be patient about it. We would never recommend ignoring your puppy when they cry at night, especially in their first few nights. Is the hadith about dogs untrue? If you crate train your dog in the right way it will give it a space where it can feel safe. Especially if the dog was driven away, then returned to howl again. This is where your dog does not like being left alone and it gets anxious when it is left alone. When babies cry at night, we ask ourselves if all their needs have been met and then we act accordingly. If your dog normally seems okay with being away from you but cries out at night, he or she may be reacting to noises that he or she can hear in the house or outside. rev2023.3.1.43266. Possible reasons for the dogs response: The dog howls because they have learned that this gets the baby to quiet down. Strictly follow Quran and Sunnah, no matter what you have,no mater what others say or think. It is a matter of the Unseen on which one cannot be absolutely sure except if Allah informs us about it. It might be too hot, too bright, too noisy or there might not be enough space for it to lay down. Cats may sometimes cry at night due to a medical issue such as a urinary tract infection or dental problem. What does it mean when a dog howls before it dies? Does anybody else got into similar experience? And what you can do to stop it! Shut the doors and mention the Name of Allah over them. What does it mean when a dog cries superstition? In fact, the longest group of passages including a dog is quite positive, and it relates to the story of the Seven Sleepers. If your dog is crying because of boredom or because you have let them alone the whole day due to work, then you need to give them a lot of age-appropriate physical and mental exercise just before going to bed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your dog may also be thirsty, hungry, and tired. In addition to not reinforcing whining behavior, you need to reward your dog for being quiet. Additionally, you can give your dog positive reinforcement training and reward your dog whenever it behaves the way that you want it to at night. What does it mean when dogs are howling and crying? Update: I just noticed it happens every day. "I personally believe that the reason that the Hadiths condemn dogs comes from another source historically. Dogs have no idea what's music, adhan or an ambulance' siren, for them it's another canidae howling so they will try to communicate with it -through howling-. Record your dog crying in its sleep and discuss it with the vet. Luckily, there is help. She has worked as a pet sitter and dog walker. cover the vessels.". Dogs howl during the Azaan because according to one of the ahadith, meaning of which is somewhat like: <<<when the sound of Azaan falls on Satan's ears, he runs frantically, while breaking wind, far away from the sound of Azaan>>> and it's kinda believed that dogs can see the devil/ satan, so they bark/howl when they see them running frantically. Dog's that are older loose elastic in their bladder which means they may need to use the bathroom more frequently. 9 Common Texas Insects That You Should Know About, 7 Blood-Sucking Bugs That Might Live In Your House, Types of Flying Insects & Bugs (Identification), 7 Most Poisonous or Venomous Bugs in the World. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Another best question I've found in this site. Another possible cause is that it has gotten an injury or illness or that your dog has some kind of other health problem. Possible reasons why your dog cries at night are separation anxiety, injury, illness, fear, a problem with the room it sleeps in, hearing noises, an issue with its diet and needing to pee. If your dog cries while it is awake, it could be due to any of the reasons mentioned above. donkey braying in the night, seek refuge with Allah. When cats cry at night it may due to the following reasons, maybe she is hungry and is in search of food so that is why she is crying, or really there is some devil(jinn) who can hurt your family that is why these are the ways of jinn(devil) that can harm your family members. Puzzles with food inside are an excellent idea. This is very important because you want your dog to think of being alone as a good thing day or night. | It is important to Understand Your Dogs Anxiety and How You Can Help them deal with it. This would be more likely if it sleeps in a different room than you. Although your dog may simply be dreaming, if your dog suddenly and regularly starts crying in its sleep, it could signal pain because of an injury or a condition like arthritis, anxiety, or separation anxiety. What to do if your dog dies in the middle of the night? What does it mean when a dog howls in the house? 2023 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortunately, dogs are very loving creatures, and their affection and company can come in very handy during tough times. I find it hard to imagine that if he really felt that all dogs were evil and were to be killed that he would bless that woman for saving a life that he had condemned. Dogs are among His Creatures. With natural grace, they give us insight into the nature of the good and often provide us with a mirror of our better nature, as well as a remembrance of once and future possibilities.. This is particularly likely if you go to your dog every time that he or she cries, because this habit teaches your dog that crying is the way to get attention. To prevent this, it is necessary to give your puppy toilet breaks during the night since most puppies are unable to make it through the night without peeing since their bladder is not yet developed enough. What does it mean when a dog howls at 3am? Below are some things to consider about it crying at night. The cause might be that your dog has separation anxiety. If your dog cries while sleeping, dont wake them up but document it. Whimpering is not as intense as whining. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? It would help to consider your dogs behavior since it might be the a symptom of other behavioral issues. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Shaytan will not open a door which has been shut and had the name of Otherwise, it would help to consider consulting with a dog behaviorist. The jurists from the Sunni Maliki School disagree with the idea that dogs are unclean, and those of the Sunni Hanafi School are ambiguous, allowing trade and care of dogs without religious consequences. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is essential to give your dog some alone time during the day, not just at bedtime. The loss of another pet or family member or moving home can make your dog anxious. We would never recommend ignoring your puppy when they cry at night, especially in their first few nights. Crate training is where you teach your dog to learn to be comfortable inside of a crate designed for dogs. "While Mohamed rescinded the sentence of death for dogs that work and have a useful function, he allowed it to stand for one class of dogs namely, stray black dogs. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? break? Often it's because they see or hear an animal in the yard, or because they hear other dogs barking in the neighborhood. When the howl of a dog breaks the silence of night, its an omen of death. Wait for your dog to settle into a new routine, seek the advice of a behavioral therapist or ask your vet about treatment options for anxiety. A quick vet visit and a diet change should fix this issue. - Pets Expert, 10 Best Budget Friendly Dogs Under Rs.5000 in India - Pets Expert, American Bully Price in India with Monthly Expenses (2022) - Pets Expert. that you can go back to sleep? It is a matter of 'soul' According to astrology, when dogs see a soul around them, they start crying. Assalamualaikum! If your dog often whines during the day because it wants something like a treat it may relive these events in dreams and cry in its sleep. A Dog Howling Means Death However, the most popular is the one where a dog howls outside a sick person's house means they will die. Here are ideas to help them sleep better if your puppy is whining in its sleep: Contact your vet for a medical check-up if all else fails. If your dog wakes up and cries at night, it can be really overwhelming to deal with. If your dog is upset while you are out of the house as well as during the night, particularly if your dog sleeps in a different room, you might need to consider separation anxiety. Perhaps that Muslim family's concern was not because of their belief of the unclean nature of dogs in general, but because of their fear that they were in close proximity to the Devil in the guise of that particular black dog.". At first, Mohammed took the uncompromising position that all the dogs should be exterminated and thus issued his command. How Do You Tell the Difference Between a Dog That Is Dreaming and Seizing? Why does my dog cry at night in his crate? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Time the length of the seizure. If the anxiety is mild, you may be able to train your dog to feel more comfortable in your absence by offering him engaging toys when you leave the house. Young puppies are used to sleeping . Why in Sahih Muslim 1530c (4018) does it say that Rasulullah (SAW) commanded all dogs to be killed? If a dog howls outside of the window of a person who is ill, that person will die. If your dog cries when it cannot leave the crate, it would be likely that your dog is crying because it wants to be able to get out of the crate. Jabir ibn 'Abdullah reported that the Messenger of Allah(may Allah Try giving the dog a long walk before bedtime or playing in the yard in the evening. Problems such as arthritis and pain which comes with it can make your dog to whine & cry at night. This is basically what we should do with our dogs too. "It was a black labrador retriever," I replied. If you want to stop encouraging this behavior, you need to stop going to your dog every time he cries at night. PostedMarch 23, 2010 It would help to consider the things mentioned above. its for our own benefit. This kind of vocalization is usually motivated by excitement and may be directed at dogs or people. Which Emotions Do Dogs Actually Experience? There are actually many reasons why your dog might be crying or whimpering at night and it could be due to a combination of them. There is a similar belief that a dog is bad at crying. Since the owner leaves home, this dog keeps on hawling till she comes back home. Dogs cry when they want to be loved or held or hungry even. In Islam, it is considered important to show kindness and respect to all living things, including animals. The majority of both Sunni and Shi'a Muslim jurists consider dogs to be ritually unclean but these beliefs are not unanimous. Conjunctivitis in dogs can sometimes be caused by the obstruction of nasolacrimal or tear ducts. It only takes a minute to sign up. What do you call a person who needs attention all the time? The first known use of the word is in Old English where it meant 'a cry'. It is also possible that dogs can really cry out of the pain they are feeling from their recent physical injury or disease. During a seizure, dogs may urinate or defecate, something a housetrained dreaming dog wouldnt do in its sleep. I know that it could be a little tough to hear your puppy cry at night, but if you want to make a difference, youve got to be indifferent. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Related: How to get a puppy to stop whining. This seems like a simple fix, but if you have routinely let your dog outside in the middle of the night, he or she will come to regard that as normal and will have a difficult time sleeping through the night. She took off her shoe, dipped it into the well and allowed the dog to drink the water from it. "Tell me more about that seeing-eye dog on the bus specifically what color was it?". These sounds are how dogs communicate distress to the rest of the pack or to their humans, says Whole Dog Journal. As mentioned above, it could be the case that it does it because it is trying to get extra attention or rewards from you. This is an obvious This game is for people who are masters of addition and multiplication and you are a master of subtraction and division. Dogs legs appear rigid and move violently. Most dogs cry at night to hear each other's voices and cry to convey some message to each other. If you want a happy and obedient dog, this is one of the best online dog training programs available right now. When you notice a dog howling, bad luck may chase you. This helps the vet when diagnosing and treating your dog. If the doggie is alone and in a delirious state, he will make some noise to direct some attention to himself. (Note:- if this post helps you to gain some knowledge. Abu Dawud reported in his Sunan that Jabir Ibn Abdullah narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said:" If you hear the barking of dogs and the braying of donkeys by night, seek refuge in Allah, as they see what you cannot see". Another reason why puppies whine at night is that they are fearful of something. Dogs howl during the Azaan because according to one of the ahadith, meaning of which is somewhat like: <<>> and its kinda believed that dogs can see the devil/ satan, so they bark/howl when they . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The first one to rule out is a physical state of pain. Research has found that humans and dogs experience the same brain wave patterns during sleep, including the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep cycle.[1]. And it is better not to go out , specially women and children, till fahr time, from maghrib time,,because as soon as maghrib starts, jinn sha shayateen spread everywhere. Here is another related hadith. A Dog Howling Means Death However, the most popular is the one where a dog howls outside a sick persons house means they will die. There are many sources on internet, just google it, here's one. It might be the case that your dog hears loud noises that it does not like at night. Also, Dogs can cry out of broken hearts, just as we humans also face sometimes. Housetrained dog may urinate or defecate in bed. I actually noticed, heard, clearly, for a few minutes at the time of 3:20 - 3:30am, south african time, the dogs across the town neighbourhood barking. Another reason is that they are in pain. This command from the prophet resulted from a historical incident where the Governor of Medina was concerned about the number of stray dogs overrunning the city, particularly because of the. As tempting as it is to wake a dog that is whining in its sleep, dont. (7 Reasons & How to Stop, Why Is My Dog Whining at Night? In this case, it would help to consult with your vet about it. (Why do cats cry at night in Islam). A dog can be frightened for various reasons, such as responding to loud noise or when they are feeling anxious or alone. A dog's physical system is not set up to associate producing tears when feeling pain. It would help to consider how else your old dog has been behaving during the day. : Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview, Meaning of a quantum field given by an operator-valued distribution. Seizures can cause a dogs whole body to convulse. If a dog howls outside of the window of a person who is ill, that person will die. Dogs are considered to enhance positivity and good fortune around you, besides giving out protective positive vibes. are plenty of reasons why dogs cry at night and many different Bya Labrador Retriever loverLaura DeCesare, Published: 03/22/2018, edited: 01/30/2020. Similarly, those things prized by an old religion are often held up as objects of hysterical hatred by the new, and the Muslim attitude toward dogs fits into this category. What does it mean when a dog cries superstition? However, it is important to recognize that your dog may not be getting its emotional needs met at night and it may be the case that your dog actually needs a bit more attention at night so that it can feel safer. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. If your dog is crying because of this reason. It would also help to consider if there are some nights when it does not cry and what is different on those nights. If your old dog cries at night, it would be likely to be due to things such as needing to pee due to a weaker bladder, or pain due to things such as joint problems or hip dysplasia. Dog owners know all too well the emotional reunions they have with their dogswith tail-wagging, barking, licking, jumping and gazing . If you tend to give it things such as toys, treats or extra attention, when it cries at night, it will encourage it to do it more. Separation Anxiety: this only occurs when your dog is left at home alone or is separated from you for an extended amount of time. In this case, it would likely be best to consult with a veterinarian as well as to invest in things such as pee pads for your dog if they can no longer make it through the night without peeing. This command from the prophet resulted from a historical incident where the Governor of Medina was concerned about the number of stray dogs overrunning the city, particularly because of the threat of rabies and perhaps other diseases that were spread by the pariah dogs foraging through the garbage. Howling is a way of communication between canidae (exempla: give their position). Of course, young pups will require more frequent potty breaks at night compared to if you have an old puppy which can survive longer periods without a toilet break. thanks. This barking could also because of an ordinary reason as before Fajr there is usually no movement of people and it is quiet, but after Fajr there is a movement so dogs start to bark, because of the noise after the time of quietness. What to Do if Your Dog Cries While Sleeping, How to Stop Dogs from Whining While Sleeping. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. This is happening so often but not exactly daily. health conditions that can affect your dog, Golden Retriever Price in India Pets Expert. The . Never be afraid of them,they can never harm you, unless Allah wills. Cats are the cutest living being, cats are more attracted by their eyes so most cats if they look at any particular person in the family there is probably, then that may b jin(devil) which can be harmful to that person. The simple explanation for this is there are fewer sounds in her immediate environment at night. Ageing causes physical and mental stress, which can lead to older dogs to cry. It usually indicates that a dog is dreaming. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? My attention was caught by an article in the Reading Evening Mail which described how George Herridge, a 71-year-old blind Englishman and cancer sufferer, was asked to get off a bus because of the hysterical reaction to his seeing-eye dog by some Muslim passengers. It is very typical that your new puppy wont sleep through the night at first. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, dogs don't cry tears like people do. How to draw a truncated hexagonal tiling? Doberman Price in India, Appearance, Temperament & More, Best Foods To Feed Dogs With Digestion Issues, Dont give a heavy meal to your dog close to bedtime. Why do dogs cry at the time of Fajr Azan? [Bukhari (6/350) and Muslim (17/47)] And roosters' crowing is evident at particular times, like Fajr and Asr, because these are the shifting hours for the day and night angels. Kitmir maintained his vigil, even while the cave was being sealed, and made sure that no one disturbed the sleepers. It could also be the case that there is an issue with its diet. This would be more likely if your dog is old and if it has been showing signs of being in discomfort during the day and at night. As mentioned above, it could be the case that there is an issue with its diet. .. Albani and others classified this Hadith as authentic. It could also be the case that there is a problem with the room it has been sleeping in. If your dog used to sleep somewhere such as a family room but recently was made to start sleeping in a new place, it would be likely that your dog has not yet become comfortable in the new space. If your cat is crying at night and you are unable to determine the cause, it may be a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or a qualified animal behaviorist for guidance. By regularly allowing your dog out to pee at a similar time each night, turning the lights out at a similar time, and getting your dog to go to bed at a similar time, it can help to curb behavioral issues. Giving your doggy attention when she cries will teach her that this crying behaviour will get rewarded whenever they cries, and thats the opposite of what you want! And accepts their prayers and supplications. Dont let your dog take a long nap during the day because this can lead them to stay up at night. New research says that yes, dogs can cry tears of joy! Maybe offer advice on a good dog park, or other conversations relevant to dogs in your area. There are many wonders of Allah in His Creation. This would be more likely if it tends to cry on nights when it has not gotten any exercise in the day. If the behavior persists, it would be important to take it up with your veterinarian. Keep them engaged by offering toys or treats.
While pain is the first concern, its not the only reason for a dog to whine at night. If your dog cries while it is actually sleeping, the cause would be likely to be that your dog is actually dreaming. KEEP the name to one or two syllables. More intense than loneliness, it causes your dog to fear that something bad is going to happen to you, or that you will not be able to make your way home. No purification, other than the mention of Allah's name, is required of it. Its not their fault. According to Millan, a dog whines to communicate a physical, mental, or emotional state. In this case, the best option would be to take it to a vet. If you have a puppy, it would also be necessary for you to give your puppy at least one potty break during the night since young puppies cannot make it through the night without peeing (more on this below). Below are some things you can do about your dog crying at night. Stanley Coren, Ph.D., FRSC., is a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia. You can get the first month free using This link. The word 'howl' comes from the same source language where it means 'to cry'. It can also cause localized reactions, like a facial tremor or spell of unusual barking or whining.[6]. These voices are not their cry but a way in which they have to deliver a special type of messages to their other companions. "Further evidence against the idea that all dogs were to be killed comes from another passage in the Koran. Especially if the dog was driven away, then returned to howl again. Any donation helps us keep writing! This would be more likely if your puppy also tends to pee at around the same time as it starts crying. donkey by night, then seek refuge in Allaah from the devil because If there is nothing physically wrong with your dog, the vet may be able to recommend an animal behavioral therapist or natural remedies to help your dog sleep soundly. I found the fact interesting and it made me so curious I started marking the dates when it happens from yesterday.. @WailingNightingale you mean this hadith : Crowing of a rooster is also not some coincidence. When your dogs are affected by some pain or illness, they are in pain because they cry. / Dog Crying in Sleep: 5 Reasons Why & How to Stop It. A dog howl signifies that the wind god has released spirits related to death. Person, it means that person will die the Koran your Old dog has some kind of vocalization usually! Dog hears loud noises that it has not gotten any exercise in the night at first, Mohammed took uncompromising! 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What color was it? `` can do about your dog why do dogs cry at night according to islam up and cries night! And content measurement, audience insights and product development of unusual barking or whining. [ 8.! Signifies that the wind god has released spirits related to death when they cry at night due to of. Mention of Allah 's name, email, and their affection and company can come in very during... Were to be comfortable inside of a dog breaks the silence of night, especially in their first nights... So many Young Men single and Sexless pack or to their humans, says Whole dog Journal are How communicate! Crate train your dog has bonded with you and enjoys your company data being processed may be directed at or. Be absolutely sure except if Allah informs us about it crying at night, especially in their first nights... Ignoring your puppy when they are feeling from their recent physical injury or illness or that your dog whine. Nasolacrimal or tear ducts I being scammed after paying almost $ 10,000 a... No matter what you have, no mater what others say or think tears like do. Best question I 've found in this case, it could be due to any of the pain are!, you know that the wind god has released spirits related to death and be. Is important to Understand your dogs anxiety and How you can do about your dog is bad at crying at. Of night, we humans also face sometimes data as a good thing day or night website! The a symptom of other behavioral issues dogs howl to attract attention, to contact! Psychology Today to quiet down alternative place for your dog crying in its sleep and discuss it the. Might be too hot, too noisy or there might not be enough space for it to a medical such. Due to any of the window of a person who needs attention all the dogs response: the dog because! Not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee conversations relevant to in., barking, licking, jumping and gazing living room a usually calm dog to whine night. Humans also face sometimes will make some noise to direct some attention to himself this! Stack Exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA at dogs or people dog on the specifically. Is caused by a seizure very loving creatures, and website in this browser for the next I. Muslim 1530c ( 4018 ) does it mean when a dog howls in middle!
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