Similarly, undistributed income retained by the fund would not be taxed, since it consists solely of tax free municipal interest income. Note that individual investors cannot buy creation units - only institutional investors. SPDR No load funds do not impose any of the following fees EXCEPT: A. B) ETFs were not popular in the 2000s but are so today. C. III only II. Investment clubs cannot group purchases for a breakpoint, nor can investment advisers group their customers purchases. To compute the new offering price with the reduced sales charge, the formula is: Net Asset Value $14.30 $14.30- = = = $15.294100% - Sls Chrg % 100%-6.5% .935 Nw Prc, $31,000 purchase amount / $15.294 price per share = 2,027 shares purchased. The reality is that, for most funds which have adopted 12b-1 plans, expenses have risen faster (due to the selling expense costs charged to shareholders) than asset size, and expense ratios have increased. Value Stock If prices rise, smaller dollar purchases must be made; while if prices fall, larger dollar purchases must be madeD. Both Treasury notes and Treasury bonds may be issued in increments of $ ________. It is commonly used by dealers in government securities who sell Treasury bills to a lender and agree to repurchase them at an agreed price at a later date. I, II, III, IV. True large capitalization growth stocks, All of the following statements are true regarding money market funds EXCEPT: I, II, III, IV. II The representative must believe that the customer would benefit from the product's features Any purchaser would pay the prevailing market price (which can be below, at, or above Net Asset Value) and would have to pay a commission to have the trade executed. When the proportion of the index a stock represents is proportional to the stock's share price, the index is said to be The national average interest rate for savings accounts under. The customer starts with 200 shares at $50, or a $10,000 position. For example, if an investor has 1,000 shares @ $1 ($1,000 total) in the fund, and the assets appreciate by 10%, then the customer will have 1,100 shares at $1 ($1,100 total). Types of funds Growth, growth and income, income, balanced, index, specialized (sector fund), and special situations fund Their yields are interpreted as real interest rates. permitted only if the 5-year fund return is doubled to make it comparable to the 10-year return of the Standard and Poors 500 IndexD. D B. an autobiographical sketch of Ivan Ilych. B. At the end of the second day, because the index goes down by 5%, the ETF value will decline by 10%. A. They are directly accessible to individual investors. A customer has $35,000 to invest in a mutual fund with a Net Asset Value per share of $9.42 and a Public Offering Price of $10.30. Mutual funds cannot be purchased on margin because they are a new issue prospectus offering - and new issues are not marginable until they have seasoned for 30 days. It appears that the hedge fund customer is engaging in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual fund sharesC. 1) Which of the following statements about the money markets are true? A. 5 business daysD. Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not they are automatically reinvested in additional fund shares. A The shares are not redeemable; they are negotiable. The next day, the index partially recovers and closes up 5%. real estate tax refunds What is the customers maximum potential loss? due to required industry firewalls, registered representatives are prohibited from talking to the administrative personnel of mutual fund companies. sales chargesC. $10 plus a commissionC. Access is limited to institutions and high net worth or high income individuals. He or she should elect which type of withdrawal plan? An interval fund is a newer type of fund structure that is classified as a closed-end fund, but it has many open-end fund features. This income includes rents, mortgage interest earned, gains on property sales, income from foreclosed properties, and real estate tax refunds received (as a source of income, an REIT can buy a property and attempt to get its tax assessment lowered - any resulting tax refund is income to the REIT). that days closing Net Asset Value. A ______ mortgages satisfy certain underwriting guidelines before they may be purchased by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Since this mutual fund invests solely in municipal securities, there is no Federal tax liability on the interest income received (remember, the interest income from municipal securities is exempt from Federal income tax). Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not they are automatically reinvested in additional fund shares. One of the hedge fund customers tells the representative: I would like you to talk to the administrative people at the Jeffersonian Fund Group and find out the redemption dollar amount that they use to identify funds that excessively trade. You comply with the customers request and the administrative personnel inform you that the limit is $1,000,000. IV open-end management companies, A. I and III $1,918 plus a commission. IV based on the Standard and Poor's 500 Index At the end of that day, the S&P 500 Index increases by 10%. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) TRUE regarding family limited partnerships? III and IV onlyD. $745 plus commission C $100,001 - $250,000 3% The rate at which large banks in London are willing to lend money among themselves is known by the acronym ________ . I, II, III, IV. All dividends, interest and capital gains are taxable in the year received I, II, III, IV, An investor has a $1,000,000 portfolio that is split evenly between "blue chip" stocks and Treasury securities. d. All of the above are true regarding ETFs. (Money market funds usually do not impose sales charges but all funds impose management fees. An open-end management company is a mutual fund. II only Net Asset Value per share for a mutual fund can be expected to decrease if the: A. securities in the portfolio have appreciated in valueB. I, II, III D. I, II, III, IV. When making a presentation to a client that wishes to purchase a mutual fund, the representative compares the 5-year return of the fund to the 10-year return of the Standard and Poors 500 Index to illustrate the funds performance. A Under FINRA rules, the maximum sales charge that may be imposed on a mutual fund purchase is: A. premium A 200% leveraged ETF can be expected to move 2 times as fast as the reference index, either up or down. (b) They work as an intermediary between the savers and the investors by mobilising funds between them. custodian, In 2018, an unmarried person under age 50 earning $73,000 a year, is not covered by a pension plan. C If the company sells 10,00010,00010,000 policies, what is the expected profit or loss? B A customer who buys 100 shares of ALPO Fund will pay: A. Distributions made by the fund have no bearing on the ratio. II Expense risk If expenses rise (such as a higher management fee), or assets fall (caused by increased redemptions), the ratio will rise. II If the securities in the portfolio make dividend distributions, the Net Asset Value per share is unaffected The four most relevant types of money are commodity money, fiat money, fiduciary money ( cheques, banknotes ), and commercial bank money. This nurse is not wealthy enough for a hedge fund investment. B. dividends at Net Asset Value and capital gains at the Net Asset Value. Close NAV B Can you help him figure out the IRR? However, it will only redeem shares at stated intervals - usually quarterly - and it will not redeem the investors entire holding at these redemption dates. I Investment risk is carried by the issuer of the annuity C. II and III Friday, June 16C. In addition, as a negotiable security, any general decline in stock prices will result in a price decline of the ETN (market risk). The judge who ________ that case has an office downtown. Therefore, open-end and closed-end funds are capitalized differently. Redemption of shares has no effect on Net Asset Value per share, because the redemption of each share occurs at the current Net Asset Value that day. Capital gains taxes must be paid if they are sold for more than the investor's purchase price. This is the Public Offering Price. $11.00 / 100% - 8.5 The lower the ratio, the greater the residual income for investors making the fund more efficient. The venture must have a legitimate business purpose other than tax avoidance The partnership must have at least 1 general partner and 1 limited partner Only general partners can assume a management role Any asset can be held in the partnership A Which of the following statements is true with regard to financial markets? Letter of IntentD. They are exempt from securities regulation since the general public cannot invest, except for the anti-fraud rules. In this case, a 5% sales charge is imposed if the fund is redeemed within the first year. IV Variable annuities are considered to be securities regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940 A mutual fund has a net asset value per share of $12.00. both are regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940 A _______ contract calls for delivery of an asset (or in some cases, its cash value) at a specified delivery or maturity date for an agreed-upon price. Using the redemption price of $15 per share x .95 = $14.25 per share received by the investor after the sales charge is deducted. The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires that the minimum capital to start a fund is $100,000. Then the shares are listed on an exchange and trade like any other stock. annually. C They are directly accessible to individual investors. Thus, they are similar to closed-end investment companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940, except that investments are made in real estate and mortgages, instead of in securities. IV Investment risk $990 plus a commissionD. A customer redeems 1,000 shares of ABC Fund on Wednesday, June 14th. A mutual fund has a net asset value per share of $9.45. II and III only On this date, the Funds shares are reduced by the value of the distribution. If market interest rates fall, both stock and bond prices are positively impacted. Which statement is TRUE? An inverse ETF, also called a short ETF, profits when prices drop. Correct A. I and III D A Which of the following statements is true regarding money market funds? $19 x 100 shares = $1,900 received upon redemption. I and II only A. A money market mutual fund portfolio will obviously consist of money market instruments, which are short-term, high-quality debt securities. 5% of the Public Offering PriceC. B. I The REIT issues common shares representing a proportional interest in the investment company Some partnership agreements provide for interest on invested capital in distributing income to the individual partners. the wholesaler can offer the customer a lower sales charge since no concession will be paid to a selling group memberD. Which statements are true of money market instruments? tax exempt fund, Which of the following is available to purchasers of variable annuity contracts? setting maximum sales charges on mutual fund purchases Which of the following statements are true about public corporations? A contingent deferred sales charge fundD. C I The letter of intent can be backdated 60 daysII The letter of intent can be backdated 90 daysIII The letter of intent must be completed within 3 months in order to obtain the breakpointIV The letter of intent must be completed within 13 months in order to obtain the breakpoint, A. I and IIIB. II Quality of management can be compared by looking at performance over the same period of time Nos urge encontrar a una estudiante que ____ (ser) muy artstico para hacer pinturas de las diosas. I Money market funds are typically sold with a sales chargeII Money market funds are typically sold without a sales chargeIII Fund dividends are taxable, whether or not reinvested in additional sharesIV Fund dividends are not taxable if reinvested in additional shares. Cul es la forma correcta del presente indicativo o subjuntivo del verbo en parntesis? They trade on exchanges like individual stocks. A The market price of the fund could be: A. II onlyB. Which statements are TRUE about mutual fund Class A shares? An individual wishes to have a fixed portion of the portfolio liquidated each month. However, the majority of hedge funds still charge a performance fee based on profits, not a performance fee based on exceeding a benchmark index. Convey the right to sell the asset They include treasuries with less than 1 year to maturity and negotiable CDs. Incorrect Answer D. II and IV, If a corporation has an unfunded pension liability which of the following statements are TRUE? A. DIAmonds are an American Stock Exchange traded index fund based on all stocks: A. rated AA or betterB. A 22-year old, unmarried, new customer contacts you, explaining that he just inherited $10,000,000 and wishes to invest the money aggressively to produce superior returns. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT the: A. customers yield will decreaseB. hedge The stock then trades like any other common stock, except the company is in the business of making investments; instead of say, making cars, beer, or computers. The representative has committed a violation known as a breakpoint saleD. It is listed and trades like a stock, so it has little marketability risk. A leveraged inverse ETF combines both. $1,025 $750 capital gains distributionD. Estimate with 95% confidence the total amount that left New York. Custodian At this point, the customer wants to buy another $15,000 of the fund. mutual funds II Mutual funds cannot be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds can be purchased on margin So why would an investor buy into such a fund? Their common stock can be bought or sold freely on stock exchanges. II and III She overhears some of the doctors in her office talking about hedge funds and is interested in using her cash funds to make an investment. Which statements are true of the S&P 500? Which statement is TRUE regarding money market funds? Under FINRA rules, the maximum sales charge that may be imposed on a mutual fund purchase is: A. A money market fund's . I and III A closed end funds Net Asset Value is $8.50. C. II and III I and III Fixed percentageD. When discussing mutual funds with a customer, all of the following statements are prohibited EXCEPT: A. Fund wholesalers must be FINRA members. ), Which statements are TRUE regarding money market funds? It appears that the hedge fund is engaging in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual fund sharesB. Because new shares can be created, these are registered as open-end funds under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The most shareholders can lose in event of the failure of the corporation is their original investment because of what is referred to as ________ _______ . At the end of the first day, because the index rises by 10%, this position will rise by 20% to $12,000 value ($10,000 x 1.2). Note that most funds process redemptions much more quickly than this. The manager of the fund, not having to worry about redemptions, can make less liquid, more risky investments similar to hedge funds. Explain to the customer that if the additional $6,000 is not deposited, the account will be liquidated. ETFs permit individual investors to buy creation unit. A. Require payment of premium The initial offering of closed end investment company shares is made under a prospectus. On the other hand, Real Estate Limited Partnerships (RELPs) are a tax sheltered investment that allow both gain and loss to flow through to the partnership investors. Because the investor might be able to achieve hedge fund like returns (since the interval fund makes investments in a much broader range of assets such as commercial property, private equity funds, hedge funds, business loans, catastrophe bonds, etc.) The sales charge is reduced by 1% for every full year that the fund is held. And the fees charged are more similar to hedge funds than a traditional closed-end fund as well - with annual ongoing fees averaging 3%, and another average 2% fee when shares are redeemed (and this ignores the up-front sales charge that is imposed when the shares are purchased!). III and IV onlyC. MARR is 15 percent. ETFs have credit riskC. is capped to a maximum amount, An order placed to buy or redeem mutual fund shares is filled at: A III and IVC. III Hedge fund managers are compensated based on a percentage of capital appreciation in the fund ), During a period of rising interest rates, which investment would be profitable? Closed-End FundC. Expert Answer Who are the experts? The second digit is a 2. Both open-end and closed-end funds compute Net Asset Value per share daily. Multiple select question. It is based on 500 firms. Which statement is TRUE regarding dollar cost averaging? They can be purchased indirectly through mutual funds. A Also note that FINRA specifically looks for market timing customers that attempt to avoid detection by flying under the radar by using multiple account numbers or trading in amounts just beneath the audit thresholds. B. I and IV that days opening Net Asset ValueD. I and IV Explain your answer by discussing functions of money. At the end of that day, the S&P 500 Index declines by 10%. The wife works while the husband does not. I Mutual funds can be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds cannot be purchased on margin D [3] dividend and capital gains distributions are taxable each year for both A $14.25 x 100 shares = $1,425 received upon redemption. The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires that the minimum capital to start a fund is $100,000; that no more than 60% of the Board of Directors be interested parties - that is, they are affiliated with the sponsor, custodian, transfer agent, or firms in the selling group; and that the fund have a stated investment objective that can only be changed by majority vote of the shareholders. ETF stands for Exchange Traded Funds. A fund that distributes at least 90% of Net Investment Income to shareholders is regulated under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code and pays no tax on the distributed amount. For the rest of the year, the investor is locked into the investment. Other this difference, the trust is run in a similar fashion to a corporation. A customer has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to buy $25,000 of XYZ mutual fund to qualify for a breakpoint that reduces the sales charge from 7% to 6%. Monday, June 19thD. The note is a debt of the bank, and is backed by the faith and credit of the issuing bank. 0 Mutual funds offer various share classes to investors. I Minimum initial fund capital of $100,000II Interested persons on the Board of Directors cannot hold over 60% of the seatsIII Changing the funds investment objective requires a majority vote of the shareholdersIV Setting maximum sales charges on mutual fund purchases, A. I and II onlyB. Specify a transaction price. True false question. semi-annually In the United States, inflation-indexed Treasury bonds are referred to by their acronym ______. A tax deductible contribution of $11,000 ($5,500 each) is permitted. Their interest income is exempt from federal income taxation. bonds capital gains potentialD. II Distributions to mutual fund shareholders are tax deferred We review their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Which statement is TRUE regarding money market funds? (Specialists/DMMs are obligated, under NYSE rules to make a continuous market in the assigned stock. A The ex-date is 2 business days prior to the record dateD. Any excess funds can be invested in securities, such as U.S. The maximum offering price per share is: The ex-date is set by the Board of Directors of the FundB. Bid is also the same thing as Redemption Price. It conveys voting power regarding the management of the firm. A customer who places an order to buy 100 shares of Acme Fund will pay approximately: A. On the date of expiration of the LOI, the net asset value is $54,000, however, the customer has only invested a total of $44,000 in the fund. $5,500 for the wife; $5,500 for the husband The best recommendation would be: Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the mutual fund letter of intent? A fund that distributes at least 90% of Net Investment Income to shareholders is regulated under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code and pays no tax on the distributed amount. True false question. requiring a majority vote of the outstanding shares to change a fund's investment objectiveC. It would be expected that the customers yield will decrease but that capital gains will increase, since he or she is moving from an income fund to a growth fund. A. C IV Mutual funds cannot be sold short; exchange traded funds can be sold short I Hedge funds are subject to little regulatory oversight It appears that the representative has violated industry firewall requirements, because registered representatives are prohibited from talking to the administrative personnel of mutual fund companies. Because common stock is equity, it is not found in money market funds. II The penalties imposed for early withdrawal from the plan I The expected payments from the retirement plan are in excess of the expected future assets in the plan Net Asset Value per share cannot be determined in a money market fund. limited partnershipsD. Also note that FINRA specifically looks for market timing customers that attempt to avoid detection by flying under the radar by using multiple account numbers or trading in amounts just beneath the audit thresholds. Payments covering the lives of both a husband and wife if a Life Annuity option is chosen upon annuitization, In order to recommend a variable annuity to a customer, which statements are TRUE? growth fundD. The fed funds rate is simply the rate of interest on: very short-term loans among financial institutions. If market prices are fluctuating, the plan will produce a lower average per share costC. They include the entire fixed income market. Investments can include short-term U.S. Treasury securities, federal agency notes, Eurodollar deposits, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit, corporate commercial paper, and obligations of states, cities, or other types of municipal agenciesdepending on the focus of the fund. A customer has $300,000 to invest in the fund. If a fund imposes a 12b-1 fee, FINRA limits to maximum up-front sales charge to 7.25% instead of 8.50%. D Dollar cost averaging does not work if the price of the stock remains fixed, nor does it protect against loss in a falling market. only redeems its shares at stated intervalsC. An individual or corporation making a purchase is considered to be one purchaser and qualifies for the breakpoint. An inverse ETF based on the price movements of 20+ year Treasuries would have the largest profit when interest rates rise. with a much smaller initial investment (minimum initial purchase amounts for interval funds range between $10,000 and $25,000). B. REITs raise capital by borrowing from banks and issuing mortgages. II and III The last price for Acme Fund is $10.25, so 100 shares will cost $1,025 plus a commission. A balanced fund is one that: A. invests in securities found in one industry or geographic area B. allocates investment among common stocks, preferred stocks, and bonds of companies in various industries C. sells futures on market indices and uses short sales to limit risks of long positions D. invests solely in the common stocks of companies that Both Treasury bonds and Treasury notes make semiannual interest payments. requiring at least 40% of the fund's Board of Directors to be "non-interested" partiesD. C Sketch your mental map of Russia. Money market fund investors have said that they appreciate the greatly enhanced transparency after the Commission's 2010 Amendments and have put it to . The customer will pay $10.075 per share (rounded). Investment Companies (Ch 7): Overview (Sec 1): Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, AP Edition, Rhetoric Catechism Questions feature (wk1-6). The ex-date is set by the Board of Directors of the Fund All of the above. Fixed sharesB. C Some mutual fund companies accepted redemption orders past the 4:00 PM cut-off, allowing sophisticated traders to take advantage of after-4:00 PM ET market close news announcements - an advantage that the regular fund shareholders did not have. It is based on the composition of the Standard and Poors 500 Index. A. ETNs have credit riskB. the customer must pay the Public Offering Price as described in the prospectusC. How many shares of the fund can the customer purchase? $7,500, If the actual interest rate earned in the separate account underlying a variable annuity contract is higher than the "AIR" the annuity payment: The Investment Company Act of 1940 requires that the minimum capital to start a fund is $100,000; that at least 40% of the Board of Directors be non-interested parties - that is, they are not affiliated with the sponsor, custodian, transfer agent, or firms in the selling group; and that the fund have a stated investment objective that can only be changed by majority vote of the shareholders. ETFs hold the underlying shares of companies included in a stock indexD. Any purchaser would pay the prevailing market price (which can be below, at, or above Net Asset Value) and would have to pay a commission to have the trade executed. Typically, the largest expense associated with running a mutual fund is (are) the: A. management feeB. Which statements are TRUE regarding money market funds? However, for a corporate bond fund, since the interest income from corporate bonds is taxable, distributions from the fund to shareholders are taxable; and any undistributed income retained by the fund will be taxed to the fund. c. They have management fees higher than other mutual funds. The assessment . This contrasts to a closed end fund, where the fund is traded in the market like any other stock. A. registered fund Wednesday, June 21st. When the proportion of the index a stock represents is determined by its proportion of the total market capitalization of all stocks in the index, the index is said to be ________ ___________weighted. So its either the hedge fund or the fund of hedge funds. Mutual fundB. No collateral is required to borrow from this market. You comply with the customer's request and the administrative personnel inform you that the limit is $1,000,000. Which of the following statements are TRUE about the Net Asset Value per share for a mutual fund? II and IV. The lower the ratio, the lower the funds expenses, leaving more net investment income for shareholders. I and IV onlyD. This means that payments will continue for: I Distributions to mutual fund shareholders are taxable to the holder in the year the distribution is made C. is unaffected is unaffected III a fixed dollar amount is invested periodically A closed-end management company is a publicly traded fund. The receipt of these monies into the Fund increases NAV per share. $10 plus a mark-upD. As the fund has earnings, and Total Assets increase, the shareholder receives more shares worth $1.00 each. It also requires that at least 40% of the Board of Directors be non-interested parties - that is, they are not affiliated with the sponsor, custodian, transfer agent, or firms in the selling group. Net Investment Income / Distributions to ShareholdersB. Which statements is/are TRUE regarding closed end investment companies? The members of the board of directors are elected at the annual meeting. Tax deductions and tax credits It appears that the hedge fund is engaging in the prohibited practice of market timing of mutual fund shares Multiple select question. This action is: A. appropriate for the customerB. This dilution can occur because the manager of the fund may have to incur extra trading costs to rebalance the portfolio because of the massive amount of daily fund redemptions and purchases being made by the market timers. Listed REITs offer all of the following benefits to purchasers EXCEPT: A. diversification of investmentsB. In the prospectus is the following breakpoint schedule: Purchase Amount Sales Charge$0 -$10,000 8 % $10,001 - $25,000 7 %$25,001 - Over 6 %. $11.85 III and IV onlyC. Inform the client that he or she must invest another $6,000, otherwise the price paid per share will be recalculated and will be higherD. operating efficiencyC. Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, customers who redeem must be paid within 7 calendar days (1 business week) of the redemption date. B Incorrect Answer C. II and III People cannot join together to obtain a breakpoint on a mutual fund purchase. The registered representative should make the customer aware of the tax consequences of exchanging mutual fund sharesB. there is no commission cost when buying an exchange traded fund share whereas there is a commission cost when buying a mutual fund shareC. I Mutual funds can be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds cannot be purchased on marginII Mutual funds cannot be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds can be purchased on marginIII Mutual funds can be sold short; exchange traded funds cannot be sold shortIV Mutual funds cannot be sold short; exchange traded funds can be sold short, A. I and III onlyB. Poors 500 IndexD trading of mutual fund is traded in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual is. Shares can be bought or sold freely on stock exchanges and high Net worth or income. On a mutual fund shareholders are tax deferred We review their content and use your feedback to the... Since it consists solely of tax free municipal interest income personnel of mutual shareC. Who ________ that case has an office downtown deferred We review their content and use your feedback to the... 8.50 % of ALPO fund will pay approximately: a concession will liquidated! $ 9.45 Net worth or high which statements are true regarding money market funds? individuals each month each ) is are... Gains at the end of that day, the index partially recovers and closes up 5 % sales to... Or a $ 10,000 position imposes a 12b-1 fee, FINRA limits to maximum up-front sales to! Poors 500 IndexD ETF based on all stocks: A. management feeB fund imposes a 12b-1 fee, FINRA to. 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