Which of the following statements is true about adolescent-parent relationships? What are the chances that they'll eventually get married? FYI: b) Kbler-Ross. It sounds like Paula is in a state of a) homogamy. B) 70% Which of the following statements is true about aging and sexuality? d) polygamy. c. Today, death occurs most often among adolescents. The empty nest syndrome is less likely to occur today than in the past because a) women's roles have changed, and less emphasis is placed on childbearing and child rearing. She is probably in which stage of cognitive development? d) identity journey. Meredith's answer reflects which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning? ______________ is a condition in middle adulthood which can lead to the development of diabetes and is characterized by hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance. a) been rising steadily; remain steady b) remained steady; remain steady c) been rising steadily; decline steadily d) been declining steadily; continue declining e) been rising steadily; continue rising, What is the most recent estimate for life expectancy in the United States? The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55. The success rate for the drug Viagra is between _________. retinopathy sarcopenia accommodation. When a man reaches 40 years of age, his testosterone levels begin to increase. b) Heinz should steal the drug to avoid being blamed if his wife dies. As a developmental stage, emerging adulthood occurs at about what age? a) Neither Indians nor Americans placed much emphasis on justice or interpersonal responsibility; instead, they emphasized care and nurturing. c. Symptoms usually begin in the postmenopausal period c. the fourth week should be patch free b. b. Menopause involves the cessation of menstruation. . ________ is the transitional time between the beginning of the climacteric period and menopause. This can cause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, pain during sex, and vaginal dryness. Number of daily vasomotor hot flashes Which of the following statements is true? a) Imaginary audience b) Formal operations c) Deductive reasoning d) Personal fable e) Role diffusion, Imaginary audience and personal fable are components of which aspect of adolescent thinking? 800-994-9662www.womenshealth.gov, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room. d) people are stretching their "nest years" by allowing for more spacing between children. b. multiple sex partners b) identity search. The effect of a very e) Erections of late adulthood take less time to achieve than those of young adulthood, Instead of focusing on what she is no longer able to do, eighty-year-old Pauline uses her time and money to make up for the shortcomings associated with aging, focusing on activities that are meaningful and important to her. Talk with your primary care provider or a mental health professional about what youre experiencing. c) identity exploration. Carol Gilligan contends that Kohlberg's theory is biased against a) younger people. c) applied intelligence. However, you could still be at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as gonorrhea or HIV/AIDS. c. deep venous thrombosis 17 c) doing weight-bearing exercise. a. sildenafil Both are triggered by a deficiency of the important brain messenger chemical acetylcholine. b) Most people in their seventies report a deep dissatisfaction with their lives. Epibatidine is one of the alkaloids that the Ecuadorian poison If you are like the average person, you can expect to reach the peak of your physical performance in your a) late teens. a) Emotional intelligence b) Accumulated knowledge c) Abstract reasoning d) Mental flexibility e) Creativity, Typically, people achieve their highest scores on IQ tests at which point in their lives? Discuss your symptoms, family and medical history, and preferences with your doctor. d. oliguria, Which of the following medications should not be handled by pregnant women? c) Once ego identity emerges in adolescence, it remains stable for the rest of the person's life. b) resolution of grief and a return to normal functioning. D) Expertise. Explain to the parents how the substitution can have such a drastic effect on the structure of the protein. c. flomax The greatest decline in cognitive abilities occurs in which of the following areas? a. endocrine Which of the following is true about menopause? d) initiative crisis. a) While they're in their early teens b) In mid-adolescence c) During young adulthood d) Sometime in middle age e) At the start of old age. c) intimacy versus isolation. b) ego integrity. A is incorrect - neither anxiety nor depression are necessary components of menopause. b. respiratory C) It is quite common for adult siblings to develop closeness for the first time in adulthood. and more. c. both brain weight and brain volume decrease. A. In your maternity class and on the NCLEX exam you will need to know about the woman's menstrual cycle. c. assisted reproductive technology b) twenties. b) The longer people are married, the happier they generally feel. They may be shorter or last longer. She is having trouble with concentrating. d. It involves a decline in marital satisfaction after children leave the home. e) Women's household income tends to decrease, whereaas men's household income tends to increase. Elderly men are generally unable to father children - BrainAcademy.pro Which of the following statements is true? c) About 95 percent of Americans marry before the age of sixty. In the years before and during menopause, the levels of female hormones can go up and down. Avoiding tobacco and moderating alcohol intake a) 250,000 b) 500,000 c) 750,000 d) 1,000,000 e) 1,500,000. a) 2 to 3 b) 4 to 6 c) 7 to 9 d) 8 to 12 e) 14 to 18, The stage of development at which people physiologically capable of reproducing is called a) menarche b) moratorium c) menopause d) diffusion e) puberty, How long does puberty last? b) early twenties. b) the last step in Kbler-Ross's model of death and dying. A) John Horn Other women take hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also . Your risk for an STD increases if you have sex with more than one person or with someone who has sex with others. What is the dilemma in the "Heinz dilemma?" d. Adverse effects of its use include acne, liver damage, and decreased levels of HDL cholesterol, a. Correlations between testosterone levels and sexual dysfunction have been found to be consistent across numerous studies, A national study with 31,581 respondents found that ____ percent of women reported having some type of sexual problem, such as orgasm difficulties. C) The majority of women experience serious psychological problems related to menopause. A female belonging to which of the following groups is expected to live the longest? a. young-old. c. Today, death occurs most often among adolescents. A. purpose D. responsibility, An individual who states "I know that I can make a difference if I try" is demonstrating a need for __________. 1) Body fat percentage for women decreases during puberty. c) Men experience a sharp decline in testosterone production in middle adulthood, yet they still maintain fertility well into later adulthood. Bladder infections also can occur in midlife. b. While the menopausal transition may commonly be referred to as "menopause," true menopause doesn't happen until one year after a womans final menstrual period. B) spirituality c. Loss of estrogen results in diminished sex drive. As of the end of business on October 31, the following accounts receivable were past due: AccountDueDateAmountAvalancheAutoAugust8$12,000BalesAutoOctober112,400DerbyAutoRepairJune233,900LuckysAutoRepairSeptember26,600PitStopAutoSeptember191,100ReliableAutoRepairJuly159,750TridentAutoAugust241,800ValleyRepair&TowMay174,000\begin{array}{llr} e) Alzheimer's disease never strikes people under the age of sixty-five. The number of Americans over the age of 65 has ________ in recent years and is projected to ________ through the first half of the twenty-first century. a) Acetylcholine b) Dopamine c) GABA d) Glutamate e) Serotonin, If he is typical for his age, seventy-year-old Ronald is LEAST likely to experience decline in which of the following cognitive abilities? Because he has worked from his home for the past twenty years, Victor has spent a great deal of time with his daughter Michelle. c) role diffusion. The menopausal transition most often begins between ages 45 and 55. d) mid-fifties. Dr. Lisa Mosconi's TED Talk focused on how menopause affects the brain. C. Leisure c) industry. Family-oriented, career-oriented, or neither. d) Due to increases in the production of estrogen, women in late adulthood may experience increased vaginal lubrication. a. C) Inductive reasoning a) Most divorced people tend to remain single. C. The majority of women experience serious psychological problems related to menopause. In a cross-cultural study of moral reasoning in Americans and Indians reported in the text, which of the following was found? b) homogamy. A. Anxiety and depression are typical responses in women in menopause. d. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, Which one of the following statements about androgen supplementation is false? c) maintaining a healthy body weight. Dr. Lisa Mosconi's TED Talk. b) There is no negative bias or discrimination against single people. c. symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats are effectively treated with HRT e) late fifties or early sixties. a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four e) Five, Which of the following factors is linked to both sexual restraint and sexual activity among adolescents? c) About one-third of teenage pregnancies are unplanned. Which of the following statements regarding menopause is TRUE? D The menstrual fluid can easily clot. He doesn't yet see any aspect of his future as a certainty. Learn about options to help you manage hot flashes, sleep problems, and sex problems during the menopausal transition. The years leading up to that point, when women may have changes in their monthly cycles, hot flashes, or other symptoms, are called the menopausal transition or perimenopause. b. e) conducting extensive interviews with women. The family is now deciding end of . Which of the following statements about menopause is NOT true? a) Both types of intelligence generally increase throughout the adult lifespan. \end{array} Maybe you cant fall asleep easily, or you wake too early. D) 98%. 30 % a. menopause usually occurs between the ages of 50 and 60 b. For other women, the menopausal transition can bring hot flashes, trouble sleeping, pain during sex, moodiness and irritability, depression, or a combination of these symptoms. Name two macroeconomic variables that decline when the economy goes into a recession. b) more people are taking in elderly parents when the children move out. The ability to solve abstract problems is characteristic of someone in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? \text{Actual direct labor hours for June} && 1,350\\ a) Less than 1 percent b) About 5 percent c) About 15 percent d) About 35 percent e) More than 55 percent. C. women with surgical menopause usually have milder symptoms. Scientists dont know why this happens. She is not sure where she is headed in life, but school does not seem to be a part of it. c) doing the "right thing" in the eyes of others. B) Men in midlife who take annual vacations are less likely to die of coronary heart disease. A decrease in FSH leads to more follicular recruitment C. The timing of menarche has significantly decreased in the 20th century. In terms of finances, what is the typical pattern after divorce? Multiple Choice There is a correlation between the onset of menarche and the onset of menopause. _____ theory states that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing. Regarding menopause, which of the following statements is TRUE? c. testosterones increases muscle development Which of the following is NOT a physical change in middle adulthood: What are the two main causes of death in middle adulthood? a) Randy, who is cohabiting with a girlfriend b) Sue, who is married c) Glenn, who is divorced d) Richard, who is widowed e) Brenda, who has never married and is living alone. Compounded bioidentical hormones are non-FDA approved prescription hormones prepared by a compounding pharmacy. c) Income level and social contacts are unrelated to better psychological well-being in late adulthood. . b) Rates of adolescent sexual intercourse have increased over the past decade. b) the late adulthood crisis. These risks depend on the type of hormone therapy, the dose . c) late twenties. C) Nancy Denney c) are less likely to be overweight. d) it emphasizes moral standards that appeal to males rather than to females. In the MacArthur Study of Midlife Development (published in 1999), which percentage of middle-aged adult Americans considered religion or spirituality a major part of their lives? e) do not smoke as much. b) preserving the social order and ensuring harmonious relationships among people. A. less; more What are the signs and symptoms of menopause? b) denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. e) Performance on tasks requiring crystallized intelligence tends to decline. Marietta reflects which stage of death and dying? Mae is 87 years old. The number of eggs increases through ovulation B. d) Only about one-half of people in all human societies marry at least once. d) ego integrity versus despair. Current smoker d) Only about one-tenth of current U.S. couples who are married lived together before marriage. d. hytrin, Which of the following statements is not true regardig STDs? b) experience less day-to-day stress. B) Belonging to a religious group can help some individuals cope more effectively. b) Both types of intelligence generally decrease throughout the adult lifespan. According to Erik Erikson, what is the last stage of development in life? Mood changes. Which of the following statements is not true concerning menopause? B) K. Warner Schaie a) All adolescents grapple with an identity crisis. e) Single people are seen as less mature than married people. e) Piaget. c. Both affect only the elderly. Which one of the following statements about menopause is FALSE? d) is either involved in an exclusive relationship or between relationships. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Learn how to improve your sleep during the menopausal transition and beyond in Sleep Problems and Menopause: What Can I Do? 800-673-8444resources@acog.orgwww.acog.org, North American Menopause Society They can happen several times an hour, a few times a day, or just once or twice a week. c) anger. The ortho evra patch can be applied to the upper arm, back, abdomen, or buttocks b. infertility Natives of the rainforest prepare poison darts by rubbing the Participating in Activities You Enjoy As You Age, Links found between viruses and neurodegenerative diseases. Marietta, who is terminally ill, promises to go to church every Sunday if God will let her live to see the birth of her first grandchild. A. declining work prospects in the service industries Regarding social attitudes about single people in society today, which of the following is true? Unfortunately, many have not considered the risk of releasing personal information to different websites. The bonds of Goniff Bank & Trust have a conversion premium of $90\$90$90. a. breakthrough bleeding e) personal fable. How much bone loss does a woman have in the first 5 years of menopause? b. lowT c. Loss of estrogen results in diminished sex drive. a) Emerging adulthood exists only in those cultures where there is an abrupt transition from adolescence to adulthood. e) confronting death and dying by bargaining. b) lowering the incidence of depression. Most hot flashes last between 30 seconds and 10 minutes. c) Boys tend to benefit from early maturation, whereas girls tend to benefit from late maturation. The greatest decline in testosterone production in middle adulthood, yet they maintain. 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