In this operating manual for longevity, Dr. Peter Attia draws on the latest science to deliver innovative nutritional interventions, techniques for optimizing exercise and sleep, and tools for addressing emotional and mental health. This mask versus that mask? And, by the end of that fast, I have very high levels of these things called ketones in my blood. He hosts the popular podcast The Tim Ferriss Show, movies depicting minor league hockey teams. ATTIA: What an obnoxious idiot I was. Peter Attia: "I Definitely Lost a Lot of IQ Points That Day" He's been an engineer, a surgeon, a management consultant, and even a boxer. Apparently Peter and his buddy Gary Taubes just love themselves some crappy pseudoscience. When it comes to chronic and life-threatening diseases, Dr. Peter said it comes down to three major things: "So the big three are, in order, atherosclerotic disease so that's vascular disease, meaning heart disease and stroke. Explore the list of the most recommended book titles suggested by Peter Attia . LEVITT: And I asked you, Well, how do you know when its time to stop working out? You said, Either when I lose consciousness or when I piss or crap myself, thats when I decide Ive worked out hard enough.. But I also think it wasnt that hard because I think that the life I was living was untenable. The heart could use it. And I want you to interrupt me every time you have a question.. You got to do it.. He lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and three kids. LEVITT: So can you talk about ketosis a little bit and what that means? But I think there was a very similar insecurity. Also, I had a big fight with one of the physicians at Hopkins whos super respected and amazingly prominent. Despite the fact that he exercised and followed a healthy diet, in 2009, Attia was overweight and had started developingmetabolic syndrome, putting him at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. So given those two facts, I would love it if there was an unbelievable amount of attention paid to: what will our next response be? The House of Representatives is not exactly filled with people who understand science. I look at my father, whos 86 and still runs and still practices medicine full time, and we do trivia contests together and hes still as good as he ever was. Most people, when they think of death, think of what we call cardiopulmonary death or what Im calling death-certificate death. But probably 80% of people have actually died one of the other deaths before they die a cardiopulmonary death. I mean, there is, to me, no upside in outliving everyone that matters to you. Whats the latest we should eat before going to bed? Thats the ultimate goal: To practice medicine and healthy living in such a way that we avoid encountering any kind of death before we have to. . But a quick 20-minute power nap is no big deal! That way, we can live lives that are both long and healthy! So I just generally say try not to eat too much before bed. I think they often get confounded. 2 teaspoons (10 mL) every evening with dinner, providing 1600mg EPA and 1,000mg DHA. Youre listening toPeople I (Mostly) Admire with Steve Levitt, and his conversation with physician and scientist Peter Attia. Peter Attia talks with Steve Levitt about the problem with immortality, whats missing from our Covid response, and why nicotine is underrated. Note this may include abusive, threatening, pornographic, offensive, misleading or libelous language. The Canadian-American physician trained at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in general surgery for 5 years and won a number of prestigious awards, including "Resident of the Year."Currently, he hosts a weekly, deep-dive podcast called The Drive. 3K? Now he's a physician focused on the science of longevity. Who I am. Fish Oil. Sign up (free) to receive the5 Tactics in My Longevity Toolkit delivered by email as a 5-day course,my weeklynewsletter, and newpodcast announcements. But its crazy. There is no evidence that the unique glucotype characterized by CGM differentially predicts outcomes compared to traditional metrics of glucose dysregulation; There is only weak evidence that glucose dysregulation as measured by OGTT, HbA1c, etc. Steve LEVITT: It is such a pleasure to be talking today with my good friend Peter Attia, physician, endurance athlete, longevity expert, podcaster. LEVITT: I will say that youve taught me a lot and I never told you this before youre one of the few people on the planet whose opinion I trust so completely that when you tell me to do something, no matter how absurd it sounds, I do it. By Sydney Bueckert, NASM CPT, CES, FNS, GPT November 23, 2022 ATTIA: Yes, it was a lactate meter that she got me to be able to prick my finger while riding my bike and swimming or running or whatever. Dr. Peter trained for five years at the, in general surgery, where he was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including Resident of the Year. Hes spent the last few years being mentored by the top medical scientists and now hosts. Peter Attia talks with Steve Levitt about the problem with immortality, what's missing from our Covid response, and why nicotine is underrated. Were you a good boxer? Comments including unnecessary profanity will be deleted. I would be up at five oclock every morning. I admire his dedication to becoming a kick-ass 100-year-old, and I only hope I can do the same! Dr. Peter is working hard to keep his body strong and healthy functioning even into old age. It showed I had cerebral contusions. And I missed that routine once in four years. I might as well be 60 doing what it is I love at the time Im 60, as opposed to what I should be doing because I trained for it for all these other times. Workout and Diet. And while learning to manage stress and overcome trauma may not be the only thing it takes to prevent Type 2 diabetes, it will definitely increase your odds of staying healthy longer. We certainly didnt learn anything about it in med school. But it was like, You got to do it, man. So if you have defective cells, you dont want those guys going around replicating, making cancer cells and things like that. Thanks, interesting.This is a lot of psyllium to swallow. Theres days when I really feel like Im getting left behind and the train is so far ahead and Im never going to catch up. 200mg is relatively minor, but he supplemented for the sake of avoiding muscle cramps. But you should be in the habit of listening to people talk about stuff that you dont agree with. The Buddha said, To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear. And Tony Robbins said, The human body is the best picture of the human soul.. Physician. Lets dive in! I want to be able to pull myself out of a pool where theres a one-foot gap between the water and the curb. So how can we combat Type 2 diabetes? So, yeah, I definitely lost a lot of I.Q. is part of the Freakonomics Radio Network, and is produced by, and Stitcher. Then theres the physical piece your muscle mass function, ability to move, freedom from pain, all of those things. What the three main pieces of our healthspan are. Sign-up (free) to receive the5 Tactics in my Longevity Toolkit delivered byemail as a 5-day course,my weekly newsletter,and new podcastannouncements. The first two are simple: Diet and exercise. Theres one disease, which is not really thought of as a disease, but I think of it as a continuum that is the foundation upon which all of those sit. I have used CGM extensively as a non-diabetic and correspondingly have personal experience; I am familiar with the literature cited, have considered it at great length, and have been communicating critically about the use of CGM for non-diabetics for more than a year (and warning people that it is a waste); I have followed Peter Attias career for nearly a decade, have listened to almost all of his >100 podcast episodes, was once an admirer, and am deeply familiar with his arguments about CGM; I have medical training and have nearly completed a PhD; Peter Attia once told me he respected me and offered me a job as a fact-checker (which I declined). His post can be found here. And we might have to take a closer look at your sleep habits. Criticism and skepticism can be far more useful than praise and unflinching belief. LEVITT: No, it was when I worked in consulting. Enjoy this content? And thats really about the highest praise I can offer anyone I know. So I abandoned that one on my own. LEVITT: Yes, so you gave me some Nicorette gum, and Ive never really smoked. LEVITT: And how much fasting does a person have to do to start getting those benefits? Which doesnt necessarily undo or undermine the results of that. Or that we overeat? Dr. Peter says there are four main ways to do it. But I have to say, hes also completely, totally insane. And you would say, Peter, those seem really easy, and youd be right as a 37-year-old stud, but the point is most 60 year olds couldnt do them. . So, if we can turn off the phones well before bedtime, well find it a lot easier to fall asleep. But it needs to be that long nap because thats about the length of time it takes to go through the phases of sleep. To improve sleep, Peter Attia takes phosphatidylserine, magnesium and a supplement called Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy (a company in which Attia invested), comprising of vitamin D, niacin, magnesium (150 mg), and a blend of tryptophan, GABA, phosphatidylserine, theanine, 5-HTP and melatonin. One half of all Americans are on that spectrum. Dr. Peter Attia. When we start to experience those mental health issues, we die in a sense. Sleep supplement. LEVITT: So youve devoted much of the last 10 years to understanding longevity better and the things that are under control of people in their behaviors. And in the end, it was true that I was no more tired than I was in general, but I completely lost my will to live. So the other night here is a funny story, because it will come across that my daughter lives a tortured life she really does enjoy this stuff. Aside from preventing chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes, how can we extend our healthspans to become, as Dr. Peter put it, kick-ass 100-year-olds? to do just that, Dr. Peter structures his exercise around four main pillars: My training is very specific, but now it is fundamentally organized around four pillars: Stability, strength, mitochondrial or aerobic efficiency, and anaerobic performance. Dr. Peter Attia. The problem was, it was the winter. Whats so good about being in ketosis? He is willing to entertain any hypothesis. I said, No, no, no. But roughly how many years are we talking about of extended life, of maybe increased good years of life, would you guess that somebody who really puts their mind to it can buy through good behavior? Throughout our lives, we experience different stressors that can cause strain on our mental health. But thats not the only thing we can do. You sometimes need that distance from something. Were you a good fighter? Peter Attia @PeterAttiaMD. If I just took 20 guys like you and took them from eight hours a night to four hours a night for two weeks and then did these glucose tolerance tests, I could reduce [their] glucose disposal by 50%. Peter ATTIA: If Im proudest of anything Ive done in my life, its that every time Ive made a change that has looked really stupid, Ive always been able to think that its okay, because Im going to be 60 one day. My Centenarian Olympics has 18 events in it. LEVITT: Oh, God. But life isnt really about necessarily being the master of something. How we are going about medicine the wrong way. What was the failure of either policy or medicine that led nobody to be generating that knowledge? So there are lots of benefits to fasting. ATTIA: I mean, I was a pretty good fighter at the time, but we have a heavy bag in our garage now. But eating the quantities we do now, a mutation that we acquired many years ago starts to work against us. And during all of this intentional exercise, Dr. Peter has one thing in mind: his Centenarian Olympics. Youll be able to read more about this in Dr. Peters book when it comes out, but for now, I can tell you that the Centenarian Olympics is a series of activities that Dr. Peter wants to be able to do when he turns 100. So it becomes a way for us to recycle our dead or defective cells. This is a tragedy. And you said, Well, Im allergic to sugar. And with a great deal of curiosity, she said, What happens to you when you eat sugar? And you looked at her completely deadpan. I think nicotine is a remarkable molecule. So theyve either died a cognitive death which is to say their minds have become so dull that theyre really not able to be the people they wanted to be [or] their body has broken down so much that the things that once gave them so much joy, theyre deprived of or emotionally theyve become depressed. What Happened To Peter Attia. Dr. Attia was a surgical training student at Johns Hopkins Hospital from June 2001 to July 2006. December 9, 2022, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. So that comes in mostly two forms in the United States, which is sucrose, or table sugar, which is that white granular powder, or high fructose corn syrup, which is a syrupy liquid approximation of that. For example, why werent we doing the contact tracing studies in subways and on airplanes and actually figuring out: what is a safe distance to be apart? Thanks for listening. It was really an interesting thing to watch. LEVITT: Well, it sounds like you ended up making the right career choice. ATTIA: I dont know. And I do that in academic seminars and its incredibly embarrassing. I definitely had one horrible concussion. HOMA-IR and frailty (same study as #3 linked twice); The studies that use OGTT do not establish that glucose variability above 140 mg/dL is important; None show that the high glucose itself is causal or that reducing it via diet will improve outcomes. That sort of irked me. Sign-up (free) to receive the5 Tactics in my Longevity Toolkitdelivered by email as a 5-day course. And I remember once I was being interviewed and someone asked me: if you could be granted immortality or something, would you take it? And theres days when that really hurts. And that seemed like a better option, given that I was already sitting on two hundred thousand dollars worth of debt. What type of a mask really matters? Hes playing the long-game and working hard to maintain the strength and overall good health hell need to continue living an active and fulfilled life even when hes over 100 years old. So the other thing we always want to be optimizing around is how much fiber can you get? He also has a B.Sc. ATTIA: No, I think its the hardest job. And lets be honest. Post a screenshot of the episode along with your biggest takeaways on Instagram, and make sure to tag Dr. Peter, @peterattiamd, and me, @lewishowes. [7] Attia co-founded and served as President of Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI) with Gary Taubes in 2012. There are papers that have talked about and theorized that theres probably a 15-year extension that is plausible if everything is done right. Attia speaks at the Ancestral Health Symposium in 2013, "A Manhattan Project To End The Obesity Epidemic", "Is it what we eat? Peter Attia is the host of The Drive podcast and . In addition to being an accomplished physician, Dr. Peter is also a successful businessman. Its one of the three vetted sleep surveys that really can give us insight into your sleep. Meet Peter Attia, the Longevity Doctor That Detected Chris Hemsworth's "Biggest Fear" An Alzheimer's gene threatens the actor's healthspan, but Attia has a plan to fight back. I think its worth understanding that a little bit. And it was very uncomfortable. Continuous glucose monitoring for non-diabetics: A scientifically critical FAQ. But Im not the person thats actually going to do these studies. I could barely turn my head. And then the evening would be going to the gym for sparring. for Dr. Peters definition of greatness, so for now, Ill leave you with one final piece of wisdom: There are people out there who have so many genetic things working against them, that theyll be lucky to make it to 80. Why is he telling us this? Whats important about that is the fructose molecule. Thats actually a billion dollar question. And more recently, and that is to say in the last hundred years or so, people figured out that you could basically trick your body into doing that by restricting carbohydrates. This episode is informative, and I know youll get a lot of value from it. We care about this. If you pay any attention to history, we will have another pandemic that will involve yet another virus. But the probability, Steve, that you or I may get the rest of our lives without another pandemic must be viewed as exceedingly small. Hes one of the most intelligent, curious, compassionate people Ive ever met. By implication, it cannot be used to make nutrition recommendations. And I dont think Im very good at it, Steve. I think I probably spent too many years ignoring things that shouldnt have been ignored. Dr. Attia is medical doctor who focuses on the science behind living a longer, healthier life. And in the meantime, if youre ready to learn how to live to be over 100 and prevent chronic diseases, join me on Episode 1,045 with Dr. Peter Attia! Marion Nestle notes the Arnold's working relationship with a National Restaurant Association and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association consultant. How do we know if we have Type 2 Diabetes? I just didnt care if I was alive or dead, even though I wasnt even particularly tired. Thank you so much for joining me today! LEVITT: So tell me about when you were 14 and you wanted to be a professional boxer. Its the cognitive piece so how well does your brain work as you age? Hes playing the long-game and working hard to maintain the strength and overall good health hell need to continue living an active and fulfilled life even when hes over 100 years old. And you might say, Well, gosh, thats a lot of money. But in the scope of things, thats a trivial sum of money, if we could actually know that this much fasting could extend not just life, but improve quality of life that much. Lets watch this thing instead. And shes like, Who is this guy? And I said, Look, I dont agree with half the things this guy says, but he is categorically one of the smartest dudes ever. He told me that a full sleep cycle takes about 90 minutes, so a nap of that length or longer is going to disrupt your sleep at night, since youll already have been through a full cycle. And maybe I would also say how ineffective our medical system has been more generally with Covid. While it's easy for me to say, I implore you to keep fighting back and never . A SIXTEEN-ARTICLE POWERBOMB. And so we slogged through this hour documentary on income inequality, basically, and I dont know, would we have been better off watching M.S.T. Right? So maybe some combination of those two things would be helpful as a person navigates their way. Peter Attia, M.D. Im so grateful to him for taking the time to join me here on, Healthspan has three pieces, right? And I now realize in retrospect that was almost assuredly primarily being contributed by the lack of sleep. Aging often comes with significant physical problems that are increasingly tough to deal with. And when I was applying for my first grant, I went to the senior people around the M.I.T. So I was probably averaging 28 hours of sleep a week when I was in residency. Kudos to @SnoozyWeiss. And then I was going to Netflix to find it. This episode is informative, and I know youll get a lot of value from it. Youve decided that was a terrible idea. Peter Attia has dedicated his medical career to investigating the relationship between nutrition, obesity and diabetes. His practice deals extensively with nutritional interventions, exercise physiology, sleep physiology, emotional and mental health, and pharmacology to increase lifespan (delay the onset of chronic disease) while simultaneously improving healthspan (quality of life). document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 20122023 PA IP, LLC. Theres days when I think technologys going to solve all of our problems. And I would get so tired that I would go to bed at eight oclock at night and Id wake up at 11:00. And that work ethic came from this belief that I actually dont think is that healthy. So you have this starvation ketosis, nutritional ketosis. And theres actually literature thats been done where you can inoculate healthy volunteers. And then three of those days it would be a shorter run with hill workouts and sprints. And to me, we want to minimize that gap, right? in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. And its unfortunate that it was typically packaged with an otherwise horrible set of molecules in cigarettes. Because theyre funding studies that have already been done, instead of funding research to be done. And that, to me, is where I get shocked at what Id call the failure of medicine in this dimension to provide us with the answers that, if we had known a lot more about other kinds of infectious diseases, we probably could have been a lot smarter. Science has proven time and again that staring at screens right before bed can drastically reduce our sleep. Stay tuned for Wednesdays episode Part 2 of my interview with Dr. Peter Attia! So I went, three days and just had water. What happened to @DMSabatini. is who Id want for my doctor. Donate here: DID THE DIETARY GUIDELINES (AND LOW-FAT DIETS, SUGAR, ETC.) Where did this insecurity come from? And Im the provocateur who helps de-risk these things. And in particular, I dont know if youve looked at naps at all, but theres some new research that suggests that in terms of afternoon productivity, naps have an incredible impact. When we think of extending our lifespans, we think a lot about our physical health how well our bodies function. And then, of course, this third piece, which is the emotional resilience and the ability to maintain a tolerance around distress. , Most people, when they think of death, think of what we call cardiopulmonary death or what Im calling death-certificate death. But probably 80% of people have actually died one of the other deaths before they die a cardiopulmonary death. Do you recognize that in yourself? If you take a 20-minute afternoon nap, youre not going to get into whats called delta wave sleep. LEVITT: So you love your children with a depth that is rare and I admire. But heres the problem: Were living longer, but our quality of life is decreasing. that was typically done by putting your finger in the air and looking at which way the wind blows. Taubes and his cofounder,. So lets say youre someone whos only going to get five and a half hours of sleep at night, which for virtually everyone is still suboptimal. But something inside said, You dont feel right. So I said, Hey, Mike, I got to call it a day, man. And when I went down to cool down by hitting the speed bag, which is that tiny little round bag that basically has no weight or impact just the impact of hitting that hurt my head so much that I was like, I got to stop.. My Centenarian Olympics has 18 events in it. We talk once every six months or four months. Its just so hard to quit stuff. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Andrew Huberman discuss the truth about dietary cholesterol and what impacts it.Dr. So I embarked on a sleep experiment that went on for maybe three months where I did not sleep more than three hours a night. I dont do such silly things anymore. Our lifespan is the amount of time we live, and it is steadily growing longer. Dr. Attia believes we must replace this outdated framework with a personalized, proactive strategy for longevity, one where we take action now, rather than waiting. ATTIA: No. So theres this molecule called adenosine. And we differentiate that form from the one that we evolved with by calling it nutritional ketosis. So the brain could use it as a glucose substitute, and it would offset 50 to 60 percent of its glucose requirement. But it could put a slightly different interpretation on it. And therefore it was just disjointed. So thats how I ended up at McKinsey. If were going to take Tylenol, we know the dose. Peter Attia, MD, is the President and co-Founder of the Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI). But I loved the benefits of nicotine.. In 2014, Attia founded Attia Medical, PC, a medical practice focusing on the applied science of longevity and optimal performance. And I will say, hes one of the few people who when he tells me to do something, I just do it. Bring everyone together in one space with Microsoft Teams! But I love that about you, that youre willing to change your mind. Of course, this is now a very hot topic today. But I just decided death would be welcome. Without your financial help, this blog is in critical danger of not surviving. into a difficult position, which is to make very incremental steps in science. But the point is, without making these proactive changes, they mightve lived only until 70. ATTIA: Totally my favorite thing on the planet. . And I came across this Noam Chomsky documentary. Additionally, Dr. Peter is an advisor to and/or investor in the following companies: Virta Health, Hu Kitchen, Oura Health Oy, Magic Spoon Cereal, Inevitable Ventures, Salutoceuticals, Dexcom, and Supercast. Almost anything youre going to eat is going to come with something thats going to slightly raise your temperature. Its about exercising intentionally. The goal of his website is "to translate the cutting edge of the science of longevity (something roughly 0.01% of people are able to truly understand) into something that . Incredible evidence in how it prevents neurodegeneration and basically all forms of chronic disease. Saturated fat and dieta postprandial triglyceridemia is associated with cardiovascular disease risk, Why lose weight to prevent covid-19 is an inappropriate and harmful message for health influencers to be sending, Mainstream, popular health gurus peddle ineffective, dangerous, and costly products that degrade physical and financial health, Why I question the objectivity of low-carb pioneers Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek. And I think youve come to appreciate, in recent years, the importance of sleep. Its easy to be an armchair quarterback, but its still hard for me to realize why we didnt make a greater effort to ramp up testing quicker. But I tried to build a mathematical model to address a problem in the I.C.U. Its the common factor behind all three biggest causes of death Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Peter Attia received his medical degree from Stanford University in 2001. So in the spirit of you changing your mind, Id love to just toss out a couple of topics and you tell me whats your current thinking on them? ATTIA: But I think thats an interesting point. Part 1. Im afraid that Ive worked too much. Im afraid that I havent done a great job. It turns out that managing Type 2 diabetes and stress have massive effects on our overall health, and they can even help us increase our healthspans. LEVITT: Yeah, man, I could not agree with those two things more. In other words we have to learn how to manage the causes of stress and anxiety in our lives. And then we talk six months later, thats a distant memory for you. And tell us about the longest period of time you ever spent in ketosis. He is well . Steve, we should have you take the Epworth Sleep Survey. For one thing, we can avoid looking at our electronics before bed. Hes one of the most intelligent, curious, compassionate people Ive ever met. Non-lame, weekly emails on thelatest strategies and tacticsfor increasing your lifespan, healthspan, and well-being (plus new podcast announcements). Peter Attia, MD Intends To Win The Centenarian DecathlonHere's How August 2022 Huberman Lab Exercise, Nutrition, Hormones for Vitality & Longevity August 2022 Jocko Podcast Overcoming Stress, Sleep Deprivation, and the Darkness with Peter Attia January 2017 The Tim Ferriss Podcast Fasting, Metformin, Athletic Performance, and More (#398) So shes like, lets watch M.S.T.3.K. And I think its the perfect model, which is: let the government come in when its been de-risked. [3], Peter Attia was born on 19 March 1973 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. But you started out wanting to be a professional boxer. But the muscles could use it. And then after school, I would get home and then do another 90 minutes of work on the heavy bag, speed bag, double end bag in my basement, coupled with more anaerobic training. LEVITT: All right, so lets talk about your very unusual background. Theres an, Tim is an early-stage investor and author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers. Then a 90-minute nap in the middle of the day is restorative and additive to what you get at night. And then take a little step further, and you reach neurodegenerative disease, of which Alzheimers disease is far and away the most common and also the most rapidly increasing. LEVITT: I cant think of many people who have reflected on their life as effectively as you have especially successful people and been able to rewrite it. Maybe it was partly the placebo effect of all your happy stories about it. He also receives speaking honorariums from organizations, including hospitals and health-related businesses, when he is asked to speak on longevity, metabolic-related topics, athletic performance, and his personal experience working in medicine. As an Amazon Associate, Freakonomics may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made through links on this site. In fact, Dr. Peter recommended to stop eating about three hours before bedtime. Wouldnt you like to live longer? And the more I learned, frankly, the less I agreed with him. LEVITT: Thats been my reaction exactly, is, the answer to every one of the questions you just posed is completely and totally knowable. You can really imagine the matrix of studies that needs to be done, which says, O.K., what does transmission look like inside versus outside? Tried to build a mathematical model to address a problem in the I.C.U who on... ) to receive the5 Tactics in my blood Attia was born on 19 March 1973 in Toronto,,... Me every time you ever spent in ketosis better option, given that I was probably averaging hours. Gave me some Nicorette gum, and it would be helpful as a 5-day course stress and anxiety in lives... 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Peter Attia has dedicated his medical degree from Stanford University 2001... No, it sounds like you ended up making the right career choice think its the cognitive piece so Well! Move, freedom from pain, all of our healthspan are it, Steve in the habit of to... Now hosts than praise and unflinching belief health issues, we can avoid looking at which way the blows. Distant memory for you too much before bed I know youll get a lot of I.Q studies. Talk six months later, thats a distant memory for you those mental health,! Explore the list of the few people who when he tells me to do it, Steve,. The science of longevity and optimal performance degree from Stanford University in 2001 get lot! And three kids Epworth sleep Survey s easy for me to say, Well find it people. Longer, but our quality of life is decreasing of extending our lifespans we..., MD, is the emotional resilience and the curb they die a cardiopulmonary death or Im. 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