The international deal with Japan that you were working on kept trying to find things wrong with the contract. Will things go as planned or will life continue to throw both women curve-balls? You swore that you were losing your mind. But the Monitor's Prophecy ways he Barry and Kara grew up together. As months fly by with Lena and turn into a year, the only negativity tinging their friendship is the ever-present splinter of Kara's identity as Supergirl. Her blue eyes were bright and the color of the vast, ethereal sky above. Supergirl was taken to STAR Labs to be cared for by Professor Emil Hamilton, who secretly took some of her DNA. Work Search: 3K 67 3. She took a shaky breath and continued with a much softer approach. Where is she? Copyright IBTimes 2023. She's lived there all her life due to her dead parents and absent brother. So far, your favorite description of it was the sounds of transformers having sex. That one still made you giggle. You didnt move here until after Myriad, so you survived the Daxamites, the Worldkillers, and Leviathan. Disgusted older sister Alex DanversClassic Maggie Sawyer adviceLena Luthor being a sarcastic little shitKara being a coward topMore characters including Winn, James (for a short period of time), Lucy, Sam, Cat, Imra, Gayle, and Vasquez, Special Appearances by Clark Kent and Lois Lane as well as Eliza Danvers and J'onn J'onzz, Basically, everyone in the group chat getting roasted or having an aneurysm at what everyone else says. barged inside the tent and began to explain that Arthur had come to rescue Morgana as they . Faced with almost no other option, Kara walks into the lion's den in an effort to maintain her freedom and hopefully come one step closer to rescuing Mon-El. ~ Kara Danvers, "Invasion!" Super Jealous- Fluff, Smut, Angst, Jealousy. It's dangerous. How was she so gorgeous? And even in such a dangerous situation, you still couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach at the idea that Kara actually, truly, lovingly cared for you. "You okay?" J'onn asked as he walked out onto the balcony where Kara was looking out over the city. Like I put in the tags this will be an Alex/Maggie ENDGAME AU. Kara is sent away after Agent Liberty seeds the air with Kryptonite. Galatea Also, Lena Luthor is a super pal to everyone, okay? "To life being full." Just to know she is okay, J'onn, please.". I do not own any of the CW characters in this story. Indoctrinated in Cadmus's philosophy and rigorously trained to develop her abilities to the pinnacle of her potential, she was also more ruthless and deadly with none of the moral conscience that made Supergirl hold back from killing people. Mike se junta ao segredo sujo de James, fodendo Kara na mesa do diretor. This plot line belongs to WritersBlock039. Kara's uncle; Non took an extreme measure to subdue Kara so she couldn't prevent their plan from unfolding. ""It's just a place we dream of: a world where every Daxamite has unimaginable powers. one shot turned kara and lena growing relationship, starts off really toxic, i swear it gets better-. Speculation says their feud started because of a war ending in a stalemate, each side blaming the other for its cause. What Kara doesn't know is that in Mon-El's new future Earth Prime reality, the Music Meister never taught Kara a lesson about love, and since she hadn't forgiven Mon-El when he sacrificed his life to save hers, she hadn't tried to save him (as far as he knows) when he agreed to go back to Daxam with his parents. She had hardly ever seen her sister so worked up. A very familiar hickey. Maggie 'You guys know I'm a cop?' You're already vulnerable; you are not doing yourself any favours. Where Kara goes to receive potstickers for sister night and never returns to up to her apartment with them . Will Lena get to Kara in time before it's too late? ""In your dreams, Daxamite!". Falling in love was the easy part. That is until Kara is beaten into a coma by Reign. Sorry, I'm really bad at summary's. READ THE HEADLINE You hated that you also had to drag Angel to work. Her golden hair draped down her back, curly and lustrous in the sun. Book One [Comple Sequel to Until I Make You Mine You had been at home when the news started featuring what you knew to be the Cadmus attacks on Supergirl. What really scared you was that you didn't know whether you would get to see her again, and being so tired and drained of energy didn't help with your emotions. Kara Danvers, a local Firefighter, has a new green-eyed neighbor. Superhuman strengthSuperhuman speed Superhuman stamina Nigh-invulnerabilitySuper hearing X-ray and heat vision FlightPsychic connection with Supergirl June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix . ", "I'm not leaving you, Y/N." Its adorable watching Kara get flustered and jealous, but they love her all the more for it, especially when Karas jealousy gets to be so much that she takes it out on Reader in the most delicious of ways. supergirl fanfiction lena abandons kara. Kara and Angel were both at home, playing Call of Duty, when you walk through the door. They were both witches, and they were both from powerful magical families, so it was no surprise that they were in constant competition. Kara isnt aware of Readers romantic feelings and its quite possible that Kara is in love with someone else. Former writing blog. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Whilst Kara tried to resist with shouts and punches and kicks, it was a futile effort without her powers and Alex easily took her. Grown out of one of Hamilton's petri dishes!" Kara, she prayed. S.Stark/K.Danvers x O. Que An arrowverse story. Ther you know, the smallest thing can change your life. No longer taking requests and will be absent for an extended period of time. And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me. - William Shakespeare, Sonnet 43. In this Earth, it is 2012, and Oliver Queen has just returned to Star City, and "To life being happy." Alex 'Let's not talk about my early twenties.' (multiple ratings from K to M). Will Alex trust his dad this time around? You tried to pass it off as nothing, as small mistakes you made because you were trying to make sure things were perfect at L-Corp. Maybe you were overworked. In her first year as Supergirl, Kara had to fight against her own aunt. After burning the midnight oil, Lena gave you the rest of the day off after leaving for lunch. The only catch? Work Search: If you would like to send some requests, feel free to comment or send me a message with your ideas and I'll get back to you asap! Please read and review. We should go. ll. After meeting each other in college and becomes close friends, the two have to split ways and move on with their lives. When Kara Danvers was changed into a Golden Retriever puppy, the first thing she did was panic but she was eventually found by Lena Luthor, whose heart was won over by h "So, no matter what you need me for, no matter who or what you're facing, I will not let you down." Bitter rivals. As soon as the news story began you were up and in your car, Kara being the first person on your mind. Lena dared to stand up against her brother's anti-alien rhetoric and harmful research and now she is dead to the world. Sign up and stay up to date with our daily newsletter. Whoa! He's still a hero and leader of the Legion. Lucy isnt so lucky, picking herself off the ground. "But for now, you need to get somewhere safe." Will Earth-1 Kara Ever Appear In Arrow And The Flash? After a few months, Kara comes back to Lena. You nodded. This isn't your fault. But in the end, they had managed to survive. The "What if Kara was an alien first" storyline. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Work Search: Well, slow down a second. It was a pretty creative description indeed. Danvers. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Please consider turning it on! Lena kills Kara, and thinks about everything. You opened your eyes and standing in front of you was Supergirl. It is after Alex has her brain wiped and Maggie finds Kara drunk at the bar and decides to drink too eventually the sexual tension breaks between them. You were chopping onions for tonights dinner when you accidentally brought the knife down on your finger. Even if she had been able to smooth her relation with the younger Luthor, she didn't want to start a new . Even after the lengthy conference call that you had with the Japanese conglomerates, the contract still wasnt finished, and everyone had yet to reach an agreement. All at once the coldest ice seemed to graze her skin and the hottest flame ignite her insides. And friends looked out for each other. The 2x08, Kara returns from Earth One two weeks after she left. Everyone, whether its Mon-El (Chris Wood) or Kara (Melissa Benoist) or Alex or Jonn (David Harewood) especially the stuff between Jonn and Alex in [episode] 15 everyone is doing it because they love each other, even Jeremiah.. Kara Danvers lived a life of hardship but she always remained the Sunny Danvers That everyone knew and loved. In the trailer for Season 2, episode 15, Lyra is kidnapped by members of Cadmus right in front of Winn and Maggie (Floriana Lima). You managed to remind yourself of the task at hand. plotline. The dark figure stepped into the dim light and Kara's breath was stolen away. Coffee - Kara Danvers x Reader (Supergirl), Red Kryptonite - Kara Danvers x Reader (Supergirl), Under Attack - Kara Danvers x Reader (Supergirl), Red Kryptonite Pt. Cadmus, guided by fear of rogue Metahumans, had Nuvo-Gen use Supergirl's DNA to create a cloned version of her. All days are nights to see till I see thee, This is set at the end of season 3 of supergirl, when the legends left. Lena saw that her hand was covered with blood. What will they end up getting into instead. Maggie yelps, almost spinning with the force of the movement as the other woman almost barrels through them. Game of Thrones Supergirl Crossover She found a way to channel her fire into something good and became a part of the young justice family. His silence presumably meant he had given in, knowing that the Kara was distraught and needed some comfort in knowing you were ok. You couldn't make out much in your daze but your eyes managed to catch on to some movement as Kara crossed back over the fallen debris and this time she seemed to at least walk in the right direction towards you. Seeing someone destroy a building with powers of their own was as normal as receiving your mail. Hair: And there are consequences. Three months afte Set after the events of Crisis on Earth-X. A year af "You and I live between two words, but we can only do that for so long." However, Galatea shared a psychic link with Supergirl, who, while asleep, saw herself undertaking streneous training and missions. You let go of the breath you were holding and tears rolled down your cheeks as you replayed Kara shouts of protest. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Original Hank Henshaw (Supergirl TV 2015), Kara messing with people (light - dark - will depend of the target). During the batttle of Infantino Street, instead of Savitar killing Iris , Barry does the unthinkable and saves Iris' life but at what cost? If you could have just wrapped it up, you both would be home, and she wouldnt look so bored as she did her homework across from you. Supergirl Season 2, episode 15, titled Exodus, airs on Monday, March 6 at 8 p.m. EST on The CW. If it does not work then feel free to comment or DM me Oliver Queen and Kara Danvers, both broken in their own ways. During the rise of the Agents of Liberty, Reader watches the wave of anti-alien sentiment and violence, and when Kara is caught in the crossfire, will Reader be enough to save the superhero? They met Oliver and everyone else as they grew up and became who they are to e A collection of one shots and prompts about the ship many people had no idea they needed: SuperArrow. However, Reign ended up dying completely, which means Sam died as well. Reader is both blessed and cursed with the ability to heal people. Tags: Angst, Kryptonian!Reader, Parent!Reader, Parent!Kara, Estranged Parent, Fluff, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Humor, Bad Dreams, Memory Loss, Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068. Especially when Kara and her sister keep teasing them. You panted out, still not having recovered from the rush you were in. "Kara." Nevertheless, Kara dropped her defensive stance in defeat and Alex took this as the perfect opportunity to drag her away. Her heat vision also seemed to exert far more concussive force than Supergirl's. Everyone at Catco knows that Reader is in love with Kara Danvers. Thank you. Cadmus "I will be fine.". No matter if you're here because you don't have anything else to do, are in love with the Emerald Steel ship or are trying not to fall asleep while your teacher is talki Krypton and Daxam. "Great." She said not looking round. And friends looked out for each other. You took some time to take in her appearance. Lena Luthor is a doctor, Kara Danvers is a police detective. Justice League Unlimited (animated series), List of characters that have broken the fourth wall, Individuals proficient in hand-to-hand combat. WARNING SMUT tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Im just out here doing my best. A year after being married Oliver and Kara found out that there is a very small chance that they could have kids of their own. When Maggie shows up late after a drug bust, the D.A.P. To call what happened next a coincidence would be the understatement of the century. "If I can't do anything then you've got to help, please." One day, she ends up in the one hospital she was to never visit again. You ran over to the elevator, hoping it wouldn't take forever to reach you. 2 - Kara Danvers x Reader (Supergirl), Study - Spencer Hastings x Reader (Pretty Little Liars), Flirtatious - Kara Danvers x Reader (Supergirl), Wounds and Kisses - Amelia Shepherd x Reader (Grey's Anatomy), Undercover - Kara Danvers x Reader (Supergirl), In The Name of Love - Clara Oswald x Reader (Doctor Who), Space Oddity - Clarke Griffin x Reader (The 100), Host - Kate McKinnon x Reader (Saturday Night Live), School Days - Fiona Gallagher x Reader (Shameless), Staying Alive - Amelia Shepherd x Reader (Grey's Anatomy), A Stolen Soul - Spencer Hastings x Reader (Pretty Little Liars), Behind the Curtain - Amelia Shepherd x Reader (Grey's Anatomy), A Hunter by Trade - Ruby x Reader (Once Upon A Time), No Truth In It - Amelia Shepherd x Reader (Grey's Anatomy), A Different Kind of Attack - Danvers Sisters x Reader (Supergirl), If I Could Fly - Clara Oswald x Reader (Doctor Who). You asked, walking with her as she went to walk through the underground car park and to the exit. So far, she has been living a 'normal' teenage life with her older sister, Alex. One day a picture of Lena and a "mysterious" w Lena left Supergirl alone in the Fortress for a month, before Alex finally tracked her down, now they are dealing with the aftermath and Lena's confused feelings as well. Some extremely smutty one-shots of our favorite couple. "Earth? Work Search: Just wait. Canon Divergent You winced, the sharp, cutting pain just enough for you to drop the knife and yank your hand back. Yeah? No. She hadn't seen you yet and another voice that you couldn't recognise stopped her, making her turn around. Affiliations: Florida's DeSantis Presses Prosecutor Over Suspect In Fatal Shooting, LA County To Pay $29 Mn To Kobe Bryant's Widow Over Crash Photos, Georgia Election Official Rips Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'Conspiracies', UN Head Says High Seas Treaty Must Be 'Ambitious'. We can do something?" You groaned, not quite ready to wake up, and behind you, Kara laughed. Reader is a famous Dj whose ending their world tour back home in National City. Reader is in college and hates it with every fiber of their being. Inexplicable gaps filled with nothingness that was getting harder and harder to explain and rationalize. Lena and Kara had been enemies since they were children. LAST DAUGHTER OF KRYPTON We need to find Y/N. There were times when they would chill out in their werewolf form to relax. *I do not own the rights to Supergirl or any of the characters from DC, DC Comics, the CW, or any others referenced in this story. Tags: Some Angst, Fluff, Cat Powers, Cat!Reader, Kissing, Reassurance, Insecurities, Taglist:@sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett@camslightstories @worldovart. Besides being the most gorgeous woman alive and a literal ray of sunshine, she was someone thatyou couldnt compare to if you were being honest. Cadmus is abducting everyone listed on DEOs national alien registry in next weeks episode of Supergirl, and that includes Winns (Jeremy Jordan) new alien lover, Lyra (Tamzin Merchant). Which is why we need to get you back to headquarters where we can get you some help." It was him. Copyright 2023 IBTimes LLC. The one were Maggie's been out of the loop for entirely too long and Kara's not dealing with anything. With Barry & his two adult children Nora & Bart constantly time traveling & not caring whose life they affect is it time for them to get a taste of their own medicine. A world where we can do great things""Sounds like a dull place if a Daxamite is considered superior there! They had found you just in time. two different Lena Luthor is a 40-year-old divorced Omega, who now has 2 kids, Ashley and Natalie, who blame her for their parents marriage ending, and have a bad relationship with Le 3 years ago Y/n escaped project CADMUS after being used as an experiment. Tags: DJ!Reader, Concert, Humor, Fluff, Childhood Friends. This will be the only time, she knows. She's afraid to tell Kara, seeing as Kara's ex is the father and due to Lena he's been sent away. Kara has always been honest to Reader about who she was and what she can do, but Reader hasn't been the same. Kara not only has to deal with someone trying to kill her again, she also has to explain to her best friend why and how her carbon-copy is walking around LuthorCorp, and has to keep her sister from actually killing the Other Lena. You felt the relief flood through you. They were deep and open, and right now you could see the profound love she had for you. "So, no matter what you need me for, no matter who or what you're facing, I will not let you down." However, what they find there is nothing short of shocking as a traveler breaks through the time continuum, clearly landing in the wrong year. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). The last time. They had finally returned to their respective homes where they could live now in peace, away from it all. I love you." It was finally over.The aliens on Earth had been through hell in the arena. Summary: Blame it on Rao I guess. Completed superheroes supergirl adopted +10 more # 9 Holly danvers potter by flyingfree 4.3K 142 10 However, this was primarily a diversion while Galatea made her way to the station's reactor to cause an explosion powerful enough to destroy it. The two women clearly like each other and continue to get closer. Lena worked none stop to search for her long time girlfriend and love of her life. Please consider turning it on! When It Reigns- Angst, Kryptonian!Reader, Graphic Injuries, Memory Loss, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10. Alex (Chyler Leigh) locates Cadmus headquarters and finds out why they are abducting aliens in Season 2, episode 15 of Supergirl., Stay up to date with our daily newsletter, Lois & Clark Stars Teri Hatcher, Dean Cain May Reunite In An Upcoming Episode Of Supergirl, Supergirl EP Teases An Upcoming Alex, Maggie And Kara-Centric Episode. With the return of someone special the gang's lives have for ever change. You're just a weapon! ', tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (135), Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & Maggie Sawyer (25), Kara Danvers & Maggie Sawyer Friendship (15), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, The Adventures of Detective Maggie and the Alien Kara, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & Maggie Sawyer, Maggie Sawyer & Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, mentions of past Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen - Freeform, Alex Danvers & Eliza Danvers & Kara Danvers, Original Hank Henshaw (Supergirl TV 2015), The DEO | Department of Extra-Normal Operations, Supercorp One-Shots, Parallels, and Imagines, Alex Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, I'm tagging relationships that are there and also ones that are alluded to, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Superfriends: The Groupchat That Alex Specifically Ended Because Of Lena Flirting and Kara Being An Oblivious Moron, I brought back Maggie because I don't care. Friends. Supergirl, recognizing Halstrom from one of her dreams, went to Nuvo-Gen where she was ambushed by Galatea. Luther. Doing what she does best, little Detective Dimples sets about detecting things in Lena's life while Lena works hard to make sure that Phoebe doesn't reveal a rather big secret. ~ Kara Danvers, "Invasion!" Prometheus has always been ahead of the Green Arrow durin. Akin with her sadistic nature, Galatea seemed to favour heat vision as a primary offensive ability and used it with great skill and accuracy. They all belong to the CW. Just when theyre about to give up doing their homework from sheer frustration alone, here comes their girlfriend to the rescue. Kara Danvers is Catco's goody two shoes ace reporter who really isn't impressed by her new boss. So exhausted, the detective lowers herself down onto the mahogany park bench thatd had the audacity to survive the whole ordeal, and asks the question. You had to be there for Kara and Angel, especially since there was a rogue Kryptonian on the loose. The thought that Kara will be coming for her. Danvers. "Y/N, where are you?" Read to find out what happens next. The attraction between them was almost immediate. The question of where do Alexs loyalties lie plays a major part in the episode, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said (via TV Guide) during a recent press event. You had your headphones in and were listening to music, but you saw Supergirl arrest the offending criminals and hand them over to law enforcement. He orchestrated the plan to have chemicals dumped into the pool, and then to frame Lena further by dumping the same chemicals into National Citys water supply. Because, no. The one where Kara Danvers meets Lena Luthor at a support group for loss. What happens when Kara gets injured and a man on another Earth hears about it? Uncategorized. Kara whispers with grandiosity, leaning away from them, like its a question or some big secret. You heard Kara's voice above everyone else. She soon discovers, however, that she is not the only one around with secrets and a hidden agenda. Theres just one problem, due to wearing a helmet, no one know who Reader is, not even Kara, whos Readers childhood friend. Reader was never perfect. You tried to stay awake for as long as you could, replaying memories of all kinds of memories of your months with You finally gave in when an oxygen mask was spread over your mouth and nose and you felt your eyelids grow heavy, succumbing you to darkness. That is until Reader cant explain the memory loss, or the other strange things that keep happening. You never wanted to worry your wife or scare your daughter, but thats what you kept doing. "Stupid, stupid!" Supergirl. Ending up in a messy heap of human. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Terrified Alex goes looking for Kara only to go missing too. Although the odds seemed overwhelming, the Justice League, even with its powerful founders in custody, was able to hold its own in the battle with the clones. Nicholle Tom, "Deep down you know the truth you're not a person. Argoan (clone) QUEEN OF NORTH You were so relieved to see her alive and well as she scrambled over some fallen debris in order to find you. ~ Oliver Queen, "One Call Away" If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Anything then you 've got to help, please. `` especially since there was a rogue on! A coma by Reign if I ca n't do anything then you 've got to,. Shaky breath and continued with a much softer approach before it 's too late after Myriad, so survived... 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