This work could have adult content. This demigod's name is Perseus "Percy" Jackson - son of Poseidon and the mortal Sally Jackson, Savior and Champion of Olympus and Bane of Titans. Kratos proceeded to burn down his house, with the corpse of Orkos inside it. Atreus faces despair. Kratos tackles the woman, who is revealed to be Tisiphone. After leaving the Underworld, Kratos met Helios, the God of the Sun, in the war-torn city of Olympia. This is the question that they find themselves facing, as unfamiliar challenges arise, and their certainty starts to crumble. Overlooking the battle, Zeus saw the Titans and Gods were evenly matched. After a brief battle, another God fell, and with the death of Hermes, millions of insects flew from his disintegrating body, infecting the world, thus creating the Plague of Olympus. In addition to being immortal, the Olympians also possess a wide variety of seemingly godlike abilities. Percy had faced many trials and tribulations during the years leading up to the Second Titan War: at age twelve he retrieved the stolen Master Bolt of Zeus, stopping a civil war between the Olympians and revealed Luke Castellan as a traitor; at age thirteen he retrieved the long lost Golden Fleece and cured Thalia's Tree while reviving his cousin Thalia Grace; at age fourteen saved Artemis from the burden of the Sky by forcing Atlas back under it; at age fifteen he safely navigated the Labyrinth of Death, defeated the Titan Lord of the West and Titan of Mortality Iapetus and the Giant Antaeus- son of Gaia and Poseidon, defeated the strongest and most powerful of all monsters Kamp during the Battle of Camp Half-Blood; and at age sixteen led the remaining loyal demigods and Hunters of Artemis against Kronos' forces in what would be named the Battle of Manhattan. Zeus had forbidden the gods from waging war on each other and so Athena looked to Kratos for help. She devised a plan to have Zeus taken to a place far away from the watchful eyes of his cruel father. These are all the gods and goddesses who appear and/or are mentioned in the God of War series: God of War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ya know weapons violince warriors +5 more # 12 In Sparta, Zeus, together with a mortal woman named Callisto, became the father of two warriors, with the oldest onebeing Kratos andthe youngestone being Deimos. And considering he just came out of a pink limo, and he saw a certain pink barbie house back at Camp Half-Blood, the limo can only contain one Goddess. Callisto, however, was forbidden by Zeus to tell either child who their father was. Using the Eyes, Kratos broke through the Furies' illusions and forced Alecto back into her human form. After a battle against the massive Titan, Cronos swallowed Kratos, who proceeded to break free using the Blade of Olympus, spilling his intestines in the process. After a long and hard struggle, Kratos and Gaia combined their efforts, managing to kill the God of the Sea, with the Spartan gouging his eyes and snapping his neck. But being stranded at sea has Heimdall wondering if averting destiny was worth it.- - - -Slow burn to brotherly bonding leading to Heimdall's redemption. They both started to walk along the trail Kota was leading them, Kota was hopping on some rocks and slapped a tree branch making some snow fell but he stopped and looked down "Look tracks, they are fresh, this way" he said but more excited and started to run much more faster.Kota ran and saw the deer and that startled him a bit. The death of Helios resulted in the Sun being enshrouded by darkness and a torrential rainfall upon the world. Athena tried to prevent Kratos from further destroying any more cities, warning him that the wrath of Olympus would soon present Kratos with the consequence of his actions. Before leaving, he convinces a disheveled Heimdall to join. This child came to be known as the goddess Athena. It sounds so familiar though, as if she knows who its coming from, as if shes known them for a lifetime. Subsequently, Zeus transferred this power to the Colossus of Rhodes, bringing it to life. Your son has returned! But don't worry he is still very much terrible. Hades and Poseidon managed to bring Atlas to his knees and steal his soul, but this would not stop the Titans from continuing their efforts to eliminate the Olympians. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Around this time, theOracle foretold that one of Zeus' sons, a "Marked Warrior", would one day rebel against Zeus and kill him. Luke Castellan - son of Hermes and May Callastan died with a smile on his face, even as the Olympians stormed the room to see Annabeth crying over Luke's dead body, Grover looking morose, the still unconscious traitor God of War and Percy standing triumphant above all. Emerging from the sewers, Kratos encountered Aphrodite in her chambers. Many of the gods are indistinguishable from humans in appearance, though some look radically different. Most videos involve the Stark and Baratheon/Lannister households from the first book before things got bloody, but over time various other characters have gotten involved, from Oberyn to Pycelle to Baelish to Olenna to Ygritte. Soon Percy gained the advantage when Annabeth managed to bring back Luke's conscience due to her pleas throughout the fight and being injured by his hands. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. After killing Orkos, Kratos experienced the first of his many nightmares, previously masked by his bond to Ares: this was the price he had to pay for the truth. Since this is sort of a round robin-style thread where anyone can submit snippets, some bits are better than others, but there are a bunch of really fascinating snippets. Crackfic with a little bit of hurt and suffering peppered in. After being informed of a prophecy by Gaia, which foretold that theson of Metis would overthrow Olympus, Zeus turned Metis into a fly and swallowed her whole. Lazy Beacon Days: Reading Boldores and Boombsticks and Describing The Series Via References [RWBY], Both of the fics added some plots outside of the "react time", butterflies to the change made by the materials, etc. Swept up in the machinations of an unknown deity, Kratos finds himself in a far away land with a new destiny unwelcomingly thrust upon him. Knowing that he would never be free from his sins, Kratos attempted suicide by jumping from the peak of the highest mountain in Greece, until he was saved by Athena and granted Ares' now empty throne on Olympus. Many of the minor gods left the Olympians for the Titans, but the greatest of the betrayals came from Ares himself, the Olympian God of War. After Kratos killed Megaera and Aegeaon, retrieving the Amulet of Uroboros, Tisiphone creates an illusion of him being honored by the King of Sparta. The Sisters told Zeus that Kratos was the son destined to overthrow him but that Zeus would be the victor in the end. He was married to Hera, the Queen of Olympus, who bore him the God of War Ares and the Smith God Hephaestus. Is there any good fanfics where characters react to other series? The Greek Gods are the pantheon who ruled over Greece, including all animals, monsters and mortals. Later it is revealed by Kratos that the legends of him and the murders of his pantheon were all true, and since then he was no longer able to call upon any of the powers of the Greek Gods which Freya believes is a result of Kratos's homeland dying and with it, its magic. Who is it thats talking? There are actually a lot of RWBY fics that do this, but for some reason (I think its to avoid copyright) they have Jaune replace one of the main characters in these other series. It sounds so familiar though, as if she knows who its coming from, as if shes known them for a lifetime. "RAWR that dull hammer doesn't scare me" the boy said "oh no" he said but in a girlish voice and he was laughing having a good time. The guys had their jaws dropped as soon as they looked at him many were jealous while others were shouting how manly he looks (guess who) Izuku: "wait is Kota my son or something"Watcher: "Yes"Kota was so happy and he called Izuku papa and that made him blush a little Kota grabbed his knife then grabbed a bow and arrow and went outside "what are we hunting" he said "You are hunting deer" Izuku said, "Which way" "you tell me" Izuku said while looking around the environment "South?" After yet another arduous battle between the two, Kratos finally killed his father, beating him to death. Born out of wedlock, Kratos was the bastard child of a shunned woman. Modi returns from a long journey to find Skjldr waiting for him. Kratos from the memories that haunted him. Kratos does not want to kill Heimdall, but he will not let the Aesir god hurt his son.Freya knows someone who can help them, even if this person's methods are questionable. What if your world could be changed forever? The goddess should fear his fury, his revenge. Helios' decapitated head served Kratos as a weapon and a flashlight. With the death of another Olympian, all the green life on at least Greece dies. Kratos (God of War) Freya (God of War) Atreus (God of War) Mimir (God of War) Thoth (Ancient Egyptian) Sobek (Ancient Egyptian) Bast Developing Relationship Enemies to Lovers Slow Burn Freya/Kratos Ancient Egypt Five years after Ragnarok, Freya and Kratos are not sure what they are gods of anymore. He managed to free himself when Megaera went too far with her torture. This is Runa's story, before the book 'Love is Blind'; a Prequel if you can call it. However, they do recognize Zeus as the King of the Gods. After nailing the Aesir god to a wall with Draupnir, he allowed Heimdall to wallow in defeat. Athena left, disappointed by Kratos's actions, and the rule of the Olympian gods came to an end. When called upon with the Titan Horn, he would have to allow warriors to climb upon him and journey through the temple. This represents the rise of Christianity after the downfall of Olympus and could signify that the Twilight of the Greek Gods occurred paving the way for the coming of Christ. Nevertheless, in some circumstances they can ascend to the Astral Form after their death. Also noteworthy is the fact that when a God dies, a catastrophic event occurs like an explosion or a devastating occurrence that is sometimes called a plague. The white-hot ashes affixed to Kratos' made him known as the "Ghost of Sparta". However Mimir was nonetheless fascinated by the power of the Gods of Greece, as he heard the gods there wielded every flavor of power one could imagine. Helios, Hermes, Hercules, and Hades engaged the Titans head on, while Poseidon waits with Zeus. Maybe his family and friends can help him. Since his exile from his doomed homeland, the Ghost of Sparta has seen visions of Athena who haunts him in his mind urging him to return home and to fulfill his purpose. As Poseidon's corpse fell from Olympus, he began to disintegrate into a liquid mass and landed in the water. Though Thanatos, the Furies and the Sisters of Fate are Gods, they are not affiliated with the Olympians. Many of the emotional and dramatic scenes prove to be quite evocative with the viewers, from the parents' horror at Shou Tucker experimenting on his own daughter to Joffrey getting teary at Hughes' funeral to Tywin praising Mustang's level of competence and determination. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Tisiphone then changed into the Village Oracle, telling him that his family was not there that night he killed them by chance, before Kratos snapped her neck, killing her. Izuku said but more mad "South" said Kota but more determined. 15 is new **. But the journey isn't easy, being flung back and forth between what is and what used to be by his own powers against his will, and learning more about his father and his past than he could've ever fathomed. Making his way to Alecto's chamber, Kratos manages to retrieve the Oath Stone from Tisiphone's pet bird, Daimon. Olympus began to shake, and the Gods looked over the edge of the mountain. We are not brothers were you come from?No?Thor made a sad noise. Zeus combating the Titans during the Great War. Kratos was trapped in an illusion of his home in Sparta, but Orkos appeared before him and encouraged him to see past the illusion, using Lysandra's necklace and ring as totem to discern reality from illusion. Press J to jump to the feed. On the third and final day, Percy faced both Ares and Kronos, but not before dealing with the distractions known as Clarisse and her siblings. Many of the gods were left unmentioned in. She doesnt know. How Atreus accidentaly falls into the MCU, gets found by a band of misfits and Sam seriously regrets being a therapist. To protect yourself, and by proxy Kronos, you chose one of the least likely spots on the human body to be targeted during combat.". What if your world could be changed forever? It" Izuku said once more Kota was annoyed and started to try and find the deer, Izuku put the bow behind his back and started to follow Kota, just then a monster appeared in front of Kota, "MY BOW" he yelled. However, it is possible that these events are not major enough to warrant much attention. Following the deaths of his children, Pathos Verdes III grew more and more insane as he built the many traps and puzzles within the temple, eventually murdering his wife and committing suicide. He also discovered his path to redemption through continual service to Olympus. "His actions, drive and ideology, to have peace across all the Realms led to everyone respecting him, even the . Despite the end of the pantheon, shadows still haunt Kratos. I honestly don't care how well-written these fics are (and some of them do appear to have correct grammar and everything), the whole jaune-replacement just throws everything off for me. She revealed that he was Zeus' son and that a vicious cycle of revenge had been passed down by his bloodline. The news of the Olympians deaths did not elicit much sympathy from their fellow divine counterparts, as stated by Mimir from what he heard "the pantheon had it coming" and calling Kratos's actions against them to be "righteous fury". Barring all the common downfalls of having various monsters gnashing their teeth at you, it also meant that when he invited you to his family meetings, you'll have to wonder if you'll survive the ordeal. Luke, shocked that he hurt his beloved Annabeth, allowed Percy to strike the fatal blow; hitting his Achilles Spot. Although praising Kratos' victory over the Furies, he reveals that he was remade the oath keeper once again, maintaining Kratos' bond to Ares. With Clarisse and her siblings dealt with, Percy barely managed to make it in time to stop Ares and Kronos from destroying the thrones of the gods. In desperation, Helios attempted to trick Kratos into stepping into the Flame of Olympus, telling him that he would receive its power by doing so. During the first day of the three days of the Battle of Manhattan, Percy faced both Phobos the God of Fear and his brother Deimos the God of Terror/Dread, easily defeating the two and sending them straight to Tartarus. A carving showing Cronos trudging through the desert, with the temple on his back. The Titans, led by Kratos, climbed towards the Olympians in hopes of destroying them. They first appeared as the main allies of Kratos, granting him powerful magic and weapons throughout his journey. The Second Titanomachy, also known as the second Great War, started with Zeus calling upon the Gods to discuss the events that had been occurring. There will be smut though, eventually.). Zeus! Kratos, still plagued by memories of his murdered family, grew fiercely bitter towards the gods for refusing to erase the memories of his past deeds and for their role in the capture and death of his brother, Deimosand forcing him to kill his beloved mother Callisto. Ares has always desired to overthrow his father Zeus and rule as Lord of Olympus, ensuring he could wage as many wars to his heart's content. "Your mother's knife, it belongs to you now" the voice said to Kota Tsu: "ok can they show who he is already"Kirishima and Tetsutetsu: "IT SOUNDS SO MANLY" while they were crying manly tears Everyone sweat droppedKota went to the knife and picked it up "what for" he was confused "A test, she taught you to hunt yes?" Orkos appears and frees Kratos, taking him elsewhere upon the statue, with Alecto vowing that he will never succeed. #kacchan He is attacked by all three Furies and manages to cut off Megaera's arm, but Alecto uses her power to capture Kratos. Helios warned Kratos that his death would not lead him to Zeus, but Kratos had other ideas and decapitated the Sun God with his bare hands. This is Runa's story, before the book 'Love is Blind'; a Prequel if you can call it. Quickly, he pretended the fire's ashes were getting the best of him. The gods appeared before the architect, Pathos Verdes III, tasking him with the construction of a temple to house Pandora's Box. With Alecto left for last, Kratos drew his blades. Her ashes were scattered at the highest peak. The 6 original Olympians were Hades, Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera, and Zeus. After a perilous journey, Kratos uses the Amulet of Uroborus to fully restore the statue and retrieve the Eyes from the Lantern. Smiling as blood escaped his lips, Luke apologized for his actions and to Annabeth for hurting her the way he did. React fics are always characters reacting to their own series. can reborn in a world freed by the old deities and embrace the new monotheistic religion of Christ, How and when a deity can continue his existence through this way is still unclear. Poseidon had been angered by the chaos and destruction left behind by the Hydra. #multiverse One-shot for now. Far beyond what Atreus would have imagined, partly in thanks to how much his father despises his past and self, his younger father showed that he very strongly shared the sentiment. + Kratos was rendered mortal, as Zeus revealed himself to have orchestrated the fight between the Colossus and Kratos, betraying him and killing him using the blade. Then blink against the burning of his eyes, tears threatening to fall. I can change it for you if you like. Resident Evil- They first play Resident Evil 2, and then the Resident Evil 1 Remake. Zeus had gone to the Sisters earlier because of his paranoia involving Kratos brutality. Upset by this very fact, the gods became enraged with Kratos defiance and Zeus began to fear for his life. The Goddess Hera died by having Kratos break her neck. Kratos battling a Centaur General as Perses looks on. He is alone. Kratos traveled to the Harbor of Kirra where he encountered Orkos again. Most importantly, what if there was no going back? Percy Jackson watches God of War (2018) By: HyperVolf Percy Jackson and his friends find themselves mysteriously summoned to Olympus, there they alongside the gods are forced to watch the journey of the lost God, Kratos as he and his son venture the cold and unforgiving lands of Midgard. Numerous demigods, those who felt betrayed and abandoned their godly parents and those who remained loyal, had died in the battle. While Kratos brought the Labyrinth to Olympus, Zeus awaited him. Skyward Sword- A set of snippets of them playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Who is it thats talking? God of War won Game of the Year 2018. Tisiphone joined Alecto as Kratos advanced on the remaining Furies. Destroy my enemies, and my life is yours! I have found one good react-fic though: But upon entering the chamber, the Furies project another illusion, this time of Kratos' home in Sparta. It was a close encounter, and everybody was thankful that the ordeal was past them. Under the care of Gaia, Zeus was raised with the desire to free his siblings from the belly of Cronos. And also it's Fanfiction so idk why people get copyrighted from their works cause it contains something they own when it's fanfic man, It's not like they are gonna earn money out of this or something. Kratos comes to face with the pain he etched into the hearts of many, including himself. Disappointed in Orkos, Ares disowned his son, and Orkos became the oath keeper of the Furies to please his mother. God of War is a third person action-adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. In the second mural, a lone man, probably Kratos, stood amidst the destruction left behind. She wanted to help that person even when she didnt understand where that cravings coming from. supernatural marvel ares +12 more # 11 Happy Ragnarok by KingCowo 189 9 4 The idea of Technoblade meeting the god of war has been scratching my brain for a while now, so i decided to write it down. He stopped and just stood there. One nice touch is that many of the snippets conclude with some notes they took on the various enemies/races and weapons, offering their insights on how Westeros forces would stand up against those threats. The Gods immediately responded to the threat of the Titans crawling up Mount Olympus. Maybe they'll never make it back home, but maybe they can find something here instead. Thrud gets irritated from stress, Modi makes it worse for a moment. Elvi isn't super confident or skilled at anything particular, other than being kind. With the help of his Hippocampi, which erupted from the water, Poseidon pulled at least one Titan off Mount Olympus before reaching Kratos and Gaia, in the form of a colossal watery construct. Kratos learns to write so he can send letters to his son. *Ripping this apart and re-posting due to funky formatting and realizing that the chapters were way too long*** If you read the original 6 chapters, that is now chapters 1-14. The Ghost of Sparta plunged himself at the king of the gods, and a great battle ensued. Ares' lust for war and bloodshed has always been insatiable, so he could not pass up the offer to be a Titan Lord and make as many wars as godly as possible. Kratos is nearly taken in by this, for he got to see his wife and daughter again. I understand if its for copyright reasons though. Percy smirked before saying; "Common sense. Although he was forgiven of his sins, the gods refused to free. 'Oh great, my second least favourite Goddess out of the Olympians.' Jakob thought with a scowl. This is a relationship fic more than porn with plot. Ares wanted a perfect warrior who could help him overthrow Zeus, thus allowing Ares to rule Olympus for himself. Before leaving, he convinces a disheveled Heimdall to join. What if, from one day to the next, everything could change? How Atreus accidentaly falls into the MCU, gets found by a band of misfits and Sam seriously regrets being a therapist. The Second Titanomachy (Second Titan War) had ended, with victory going to the Olympians yet the price of victory was higher than any the Olympians had or were willing to pay. The second mural of the Hall of the Fates, that depicted a lone man surrounded my destruction and chaos, was fulfilled. Fanfic Trivia Create New The God of Destruction comes to Remnant by DragonKingDragneel25 is a crossover between RWBY, Godzilla, Jurassic World, and The Land Before Time. The murals within the Hall of the Fates had depictions of their prophecies, both of the past and future. Prometheus, caring for the lowly mortals, gave them the fires of Mount Olympus, which Zeus perceived as a betrayal. He then pursued the Fury through the prison. She wanted to help that person even when she didnt understand where that cravings coming from. The plague is based on what the god personifies like great flood of waters (Poseidon), deadly swarms of flies (Hermes), the sun being blocked out by the clouds in the sky (Helios), and the souls of the dead escaping (Hades). tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". But again, Kratos sees through it. Thrud gets irritated from stress, Modi makes it worse for a moment. After the long Journey to spread his mothers ashes, Atreus thought his father would be different, but it doesn't seem like anything had changed. In the Underworld, Kratos met with three Gods: a depressed Hephaestus, an infuriated Hades, and a spectral Athena. Zeus realized that the Evils born from that conflict, if left free, would destroy the world of Man and Gods. Later on there were 12 true Olympians, which included: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus and Hestia, who later gave up her throne for Dionysus. Kota said confused "Is that a question?" Next he targeted Camp Half-Blood, his children there attacking their friends, comrades and even lovers, killing some and injuring many more. Five years after Ragnarok, Freya and Kratos are not sure what they are gods of anymore. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. The Village Oracle gathered the ashes of Kratos loved ones and fastened them to his skin, permanently reminding him of the greatest sin he committed. He swallowed hard to dislodge the lump formed in his throat. Freya manages to kill Kratos. The color that seems to represent the gods of Olympus is. Using the Blade of the Gods, Kratos managed to kill Ares once and for all. Even less does Atreus know how to interact with his younger-lived father that he meets when he arrives, especially when the man is bringing about extreme chasms of destruction and war to his land, as well as seeming to be in large amounts of emotional anguish. Now, Fimbulwinter has finally came to Midgard. #class1-a While this was a similar fate shared by her brother Poseidon, he was more vulnerable due to having fought both Kratos and Gaia. Hades was not included because he resided in his home of the Underworld, rarely speaking with any of the other gods. Kratos believed that his wife and child were back home in Sparta, and was thus horrified to see their corpses before him. With the gods weakened and Typhon freed, it looked grim, but one demigod would not stand for it. You were raised by your father Laufey then, in Jtunheim?Now Loki seemed to be lost for words, trying to comprehend what Thor just said.No? The Olympians had a king, Zeus, who reigned over both man and fellow gods from his divine throne on Mount Olympus. Only the bravest hero shall solve its puzzles and survive its dangers. What if, from one day to the next, everything could change? Work Search: Heimdall wasn't killed by Kratos. Watcher: "Hell yeah" he said with a big smile on his faceEveryone was confused because they didn't know what the multiverse was. When the time came that the last of his children, Zeus, was to be swallowed, Rhea could not bear another such loss. Kratos, once again opened Pandora's Box, hoping to use its power against Zeus, but was disappointed and shocked to learn that nothing was inside the box, while the King of Gods laughed at his son's failure. Ares' jealousy towards Athena grew ever so strong, and he called upon the creatures of the Underworld to invade Athens. Like characters from another series react to a series. He soon finds the Scribe of Hecatonchires, who reveals that both Ares and the Furies planned to overthrow Zeus. With that matter settled, Zeus drew the Evils into Pandora's Box. Maybe they'll never make it back home, but maybe they can find something here instead. This temple was erected in honor of and at the command of the mighty Lord Zeus. sub count history reddit post code block. `` no archive warnings apply '' starts to crumble olympians react to god of war fanfiction but more mad South. They can ascend to the Harbor of Kirra where he encountered Orkos again it is possible that these events not. Magic and weapons throughout his journey Thor made a sad noise Centaur as... The construction of a temple to house Pandora 's Box that conflict, if left free would. 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