Symptoms are frequently severe, debilitating, life changing. I took the drug under the direction of Dr. Boros, whotreated his first patientby cellphone in July of 2020 in a hospital that refused to give the prescription Boros had delivered. But, like me, he had trouble getting ivermectin when he and his wife, Jill, were infected late in 2021. Only $200 per official company press release! A new protocol for patients suffering from Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome (LHCS) has been developed in a collaboration led by Dr. Mobeen Syed ("Dr. Been"), Dr. Ram Yogendra, Dr. Bruce Patterson, Dr. Tina Peers, and the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Thank you and I plan to be a customer for years to come. The FLCCC has previously worked on their MATH+ protocol for hospitalized patients, and the more recent I-MASK+ protocol for home based and outpatient treatment. Both diseases have been denied and mismanaged in a corrupt health care system. According to their data, through July 20, 2020, the two hospitals using the protocol (United Memorial Medical Center, in Houston, TX, and Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, in Norfolk, Virginia) reported mortality rates for hospitalized COVID-19 patients of 4.4 and 6.1 percent, respectively. This pathway needs further study. This compares with mortality rates for hospitalized COVID-19 patients of 15.6 to 32.0 percent reported in other studies. So where is Dr. Mobeen Syed's Medical License? In most patients long haul syndrome seems to be a form of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) also known as myalgic encephalitis, which is poorly understood but likely caused by changes in immune system function, a dysfunctional stress response and damage to various mechanisms of mitochondrial energy production. Other recent articles suggesting a role for thiamine in treating COVID-19 include: an article on the potential role of B vitamins in treating COVID-19, a review of the potential of vitamins to treat COVID-19, and an article focused on famotidine, melatonin and thiamine. Contribute now. Dr Mobeen Syed of reports that after treating 400 patients with ivermectin and a short course of low dose steroids during their acute illness, none but one progressed to long COVID, and that patient started treatment relatively late in his disease course. Omicron is tearing through the country, with Covidcasesquadrupling and quintupling in thirty-fivestates from last winters peak. I never could read everything Dr been taught us if I was trying to read it from a book. We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting, Marco Cavaleri, chief of the European Unions vaccines committee. Three U.S. customers told me the company delivered without a problem. Anyone Home? Still, Pfizer promises a likely unnecessary Omicron vaccine by March. The drug has been shown effective in a handful of studies, and Malone is continuing his researchusing famotidine and celecoxib (Celebrex) in a new clinical trial. My lungs were burning until I took famotidine.. I was fully better within about a week. It may take some effort and patience, but plan ahead. Already there are some indications that severe long term damage has occurred in many who have supposedly recovered. Dexamethasone 0.5 mg three times a day for 2 days then two times a day for 2 days then once a day for 2 days (can also substitute other low dose steroids if need be like prednisone 5mg). However, they would assure more recoveries and less long-haul. Yes, in a perfect world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, the World Health. I was fatigued and glum for another week, the aftermath, I think, of a brush with a disease with potentially long-term implications. InnerScope Hearing Technologies (OTC: INND) Launches HearingAssist Brand of FDA-Registered OTC Rechargeable Hearing Aids on Dr. Richard Horowitz, a Lyme disease-turned-covid practitioner, treats aggressively, especially when youre talking about 50 percent of the people with mild or no symptoms getting long covid four weeks later. So does Dr. Ben Marble, who runs He returned to work as an insurance agent in Iowa the next week; she went back to herclinic. Could High-Dose Thiamine Reduce Mortality from COVID-19? A particular physician, Dr. Mobeen Syed (see DrBeen's Medical Lectures on YouTube and has publicly stated that he successfully treats his patients who have LongCovid with a "steroid pulse", i.e. You have the very best medical videos. I am optimistic for this, said Dr. Harvey Risch, a Yale epidemiologist and treatment advocate. Get yours today!, We know the boosters dont work against Omicron, Dr. Paul Marik, a founder of FLCCC, saidin an interview, yet all you hear is get vaxxed and vaxxed and vaxxed.. Some experts are still guarded on covids future. Mary Beth Pfeiffers reporting and most recent book, LYME: The First Epidemic of Climate Change, led her to covid-19. For months, I had been taking vitamins C andD, zinc,curcumin, and quercetin, along with glutathione and n-acetylcycstine in Horowitz protocol, with benefits Iwrote aboutearly on. Thats the bad news, but only sort of.Subscribe to the Trialsitenews COVID-19 ChannelNo spam we promise. FEATURED In a large new study by researchers from Berkley and Kaiser Permanente, just 1 in 52,272 Omicron patients died, compared to 14 in 16,982 Delta patients. But in my experience failures are the exception rather than the rule in long COVID care. COVID-19 and Thiamine: An Interview with Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, COVID Notes: Random Thoughts On Brain and Immune Function, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, potential role of B vitamins in treating COVID-19, review of the potential of vitamins to treat COVID-19, article focused on famotidine, melatonin and thiamine, thiamine may be nearly as effective as acetazolamide in inhibiting carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes, Severe Gut Dysmotility, Dysautonomia, and Malnutrition, Narcolepsy, Basal Ganglia, Mitochondrial Fitness, and Kickboxing, Progressive Deterioration of Health With Severe Nutrient Deficiency. I called a company inIndiathatrunsseveral websites, some of which are listed on a handyhow-to-get ivermectinpage of the FLCCC. a short course of steroids. In experimental rheumatoid arthritis, thiamine increased the ability of corticosteroids to suppress production of TNF- and IL-6.. (His updated Omicron protocol is shown below. IncellDx used machine learning to find a specific long COVID diagnostic signature based on characteristic changes in various inflammatory markers and in numbers of various immune system cells in patients with long COVID. And there may be severe long term effects we have yet to discover. COVID Reinfection Outcomes Are Not Good (Preprint Study) The good news: For the first time in twenty-two months, experts are uttering words we havent heard in answer to the central question: Are we nearing the pandemics end? Feb 28, 2023 8:30 AM, Usha Resources Provides Update on Jackpot Lake and Lithium Project Portfolio Expansion Plans After practicing clinical medicine for a few years, he continued his studies in Computer Science with the goal of merging innovative technologies and healthcare. What they do not understand is that thiamine, and particularly its derivatives, are being used as drugs. Earlier this year, Hormones Matter published two posts suggesting that thiamine could be helpful in treating COVID-19, one by Dr. Lonsdale focused on the role of thiamine in facilitating the energy metabolism needed to fight disease and one by me focused on thiamines potential to increase oxygen levels through the inhibition of carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes. Compare this to flu, and it is almost nothing, Dr. Syed said. Moreover, studies, though preliminary, show these nutraceuticals can prevent or alleviate covid and may be enough to treat mild infections. So, when he tested positive for covid last week, he asked his personal physician about government-approved early treatments such as monoclonal antibodies, paxlovid, and molnupiravir. I plan to make considerable changes to my clinical practice. For example, the authors of the MATH+ scientific review note that the combined administration of thiamine and steroids may help to enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of steroids. If no IVM, he wrote in an email, then use famotidine80 milligrams a day. McCullough himself took ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine among other drugs for his covid infection, which I documented in an October 2020 article. 1. USHA Two days ago, I received this text from the New York State Health Department: Anyone 12+ who received their Pfizer second dose at least five months ago is now eligible for a COVID booster. Patients need some autonomy within a loose framework so they can adjust treatment at home and frequent follow-up is required. Deng W, Feng X, Li X, Wang D, Sun L. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in autoimmune diseases. Like Dr. James, I got covid in late 2021. How many other doctors, who mostly follow the mainstream dogma against such treatments, would have accomplished that, let alone tried? Neither the Th17 study nor the scientific review of the MATH+ protocol mention thiamines role as a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, but it is noted in two of the other articles referenced above as potentially contributing to reduced hypoxia. An increase in blood pCO2 shifts the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right (Bohr effect), the result of which is a decrease in the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. The beauty of this: All of these are readily available online or in specialty stores. 2. Yesterday, on YouTube, Dr. Mobeen Syed announced that his wife had Bell's palsy and was severely injured from the vaccine. Im so happy that Omicron is milder, that Omicron is winding up the pandemic, said Dr. Mobeen Syed, known to a half-million subscribers of Drbeen Medical Lectures on YouTube. Omicron is undoubtedly different from the Delta variant that had sorely tested the early treatment portfolio. The therapeutic effect here is likely based on its powerful anti-inflammatory action. Critical care physician Dr. Paul Marik speaks with Dr. Mobeen Syed about trends in the management of COVID-19, including what he believes could have wiped out the virus early on The continued recommendation that people stay home and isolate while doing nothing until they're cyanotic, or turning blue from a lack of oxygen, is a disgrace . Your tutorials are far more than sufficient for my level at the moment. Moreover,studies, though preliminary, show these nutraceuticals can prevent or alleviate covid and may be enough to treat mild infections. So what should patients take if they cannot get ivermectin, I asked Dr. Peter McCullough, a crusader for early, sequential, multi-drug covid treatment? 30 milligrams daily, based on 0.4 milligrams per kilogram. They had seen specialists ranging from cardiologists to neurologists, pulmonologists to rheumatologists, endocrinologists to gastroenterologists and all had come up empty, in many cases finally telling them that it was just all in their heads the usual fall back when every test comes back negative and the syndrome hasnt been seen before. Keep them coming.. Carol Spano watch and learn. From France, treatment advocate Dr. Christian Perronne, author of the aptly titled,Is There A Mistake They Didnt Make?, told me, It could be the end of the pandemic soon.. Dr. Fluvoxamine 50mg once or twice a day for 14 days especially useful for brain fog and other neurological symptoms as it crosses the blood brain barrier and has a therapeutic effect in the brain. The more Omicron cases the better until the peak starts to turn downward.. ARWY Dr. Mobeen's When Dr. Mollie James was infected with covid in March of 2020, she was working in an ICU ward in New York City, the hell of the exploding pandemic. NAC N-Acetylcysteine. Dr. Marbles MyFreeDoctor just moved to a new platform that will allow the donation-dependent service to add more doctors. For the record, below is the protocol I took from day one of my covid symptoms. This information should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or disease.THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE CLINICAL JUDGMENT OR GUIDE INDIVIDUAL PATIENT CARE IN ANY MANNER.Click here for full notice and disclaimer. There is evidence SARS-COV-2 can enter the brain through the nasal passages and remain after resolution of the acute illness. A New South Wales resident was fined $7,992 for advertising ivermectin and zinc lozenges and claiming they were safe and effective for covid. Assemble a list of potential practitioners. For example: the current top-voted topic is "Safe and effective". Required fields are marked *. I thought I was going to die, he told podcaster, . In November to late December, Dr. Kory said, I took my foot off the gas pedal and am now getting patients through with just the first-line treatments from our protocolthe combination of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and fluvoxamine. With Delta, I was burning through those and using second-line medicines likedutasterideandspironolactoneand even third-line medicines like prednisone in almost all patients. The FLCCC and American Association of Physicians and Surgeons also post lists of doctors. I am not a doctor or a medical professional. Yes, I would like to support Hormones Matter. I did lose my sense of smell for several weeks afterward; this resolved when, at the recommendation of Dr. Marble, I took 600 milligrams daily of alpha lipoic acid, a supplement I knew from Dr. Horowitzsprotocol. They are easy to follow and help me make sense of complicated processes. just moved to a new platform that will allow the donation-dependent service to add more doctors. A New South Wales resident wasfined$7,992 for advertising ivermectin and zinc lozenges and claiming they were safe and effective for covid. I hadbookmarked theprotocols pageof the FLCCC. Your videos make everything so understandable and you explain the how and the why so clearly. The NIH reveals that they stopped talking to the vaccine injured. Cell 146, September 2, 2011. Ivermectin was studied for long haul COVID in a small Peruvian study which reported complete resolution in 88% of patients within 2 days and up to 95% resolution with extended dosing beyond 2 days. We have a new process in place for gathering and prioritizing topic ideas. Then his physician refused to refer him for approved treatments like monoclonal antibodies. Blood thinners aspirin, plavix, eliquis, lovenox etc. A thiamine deficiency syndrome, beriberi, bears a number of similarities to sepsis, including peripheral vasodilation, cardiac dysfunction, and elevated lactate levels. Glennda Grier Mobeen Syed, Yes, its just a great review and good reinforcement of what I think I knowIm a brand new NP. An HIV drug, this is expensive (in the $1000s), and is more risky, with serious and severe side effects sometimes reported. Dr. Mobeen Syed, at home January 14, 2022, recovering from a likely Omicron infection. Supplements: Vitamins D and C, zinc, quercetin, curcumin, nigella sativa, honey, and melatonin. Dr. Mobeen Syed has repeatedly said in his videos and on Twitter here that he treats his LongCovid patients with a steroid pulse: Deltacortril (i.e. Due to concerns about possible harms resulting from the administration of a steroid too early in the progression of COVID-19, it would likely be advisable to omit a steroid from the earliest stages of treatment. If you read Hormones Matter, like it, please help support it. Mobeen is a medical doctor and a software engineer. in a press briefingJanuary 13, pointing squarely at Omicron. I did contemplate the effects of my dying. The withholding of known remedies is a crime of magnitude by government Intro by Kieron McFadden SOURCE: Liberty Rising The problem with Ivermectin used in conjunction with Vitamin D, C and Zinc is that had . There, Omicron rose and fell fast, obliterating the more fearsome Delta, and leading to far lower rates of hospitalization and death. By then, she knew early treatments that workedessential knowledge that is denied today, not by happenstance but by one-size-fits-all vaccine mania. Last week, a nurse in Virginia shared a voice message with me from a United Parcel Service agent, demanding a prescription and foreign passport before delivering ivermectin and fluvoxamine from India. The Malones, who are both in their sixties, were better within about a week. But even without such access, I would have known what to do. Thank you for making it so easy! Anatomy of an antiviral: Nigella sativa (aka black cumin, charnushka, onion seed, and kaloji) has properties against covid that resemble ivermectins. In my experience combining too many treatments together is not as effective as choosing the most likely to work and be tolerable and using that on its own. 2012, Article ID 819467, 10 pages, 2012. There are many other promising drugs, supplements and herbs being used including hydroxychloroquine (cheap and safe despite the media furor) and eventually we hope to be able to refine treatment protocols in order to better predict who will benefit from which medication. Heres how: Get the supplements. It works as an anti-inflammatory and balances the immune system. A reduction of acetylcholine would therefore affect this neurological control of inflammation, thus explaining the therapeutic potential of thiamine. . Thought to work primarily due to its anti-inflammatory effects. . by Syed H. Haider, MD | Mar 1, 2021 | COVID-19, Many patients have remarkable results with Ivermectin and the FLCCC protocol of vitamins, but some patients arrive late and very sick, by Syed H. Haider, MD | Jan 31, 2021 | COVID-19, Ive been at the forefront of treating and preventing COVID-19 online since early December 2020 when, Dr Pierre Kory of the Frontline, by Syed H. Haider, MD | Jan 28, 2021 | Real Health, Western medicine is known for being effective, even amongst practitioners of alternative medicine. The study is in the pre-print phase only, and is currently under review by a peer-reviewed journal. I had read the research. The elderly may be utterly debilitated and disconnected from the social media lifelines that have pulled many younger patients out of confusion and toward some hope. These include an advanced blood panel and whole body nuclear imaging. The gasping patient took it himself and was breathing easily within 12 hours. Mar 1, 2023 11:27 AM, Right On Brands Inc. announces Chief Marketing Officer I agree with LouF, this is a great article. The study, which used propensity score matching to identify similar individuals, is currently in preprint only and is under review for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Id note that these drugs should be taken under supervision of a physician, as I did for my relatively uneventful bout of Covid. We love you & appreciate you. That is how we go from 500 patients a day [now] to 50,000 a day, he said. They cite in vitro research which found, using feline models that some viruses rely on a thiamine transport protein in the disease cycle. You helped me by adding a great deal more detail and reinforcement to my studies. Dr. Boros said he is making no predictions for the future, while Dr. McCullough said he simply did not know if Omicron will end the pandemic. I was fatigued and glum for another week, the aftermath, I think, of a brush with a disease with potentially long-term implications. Given the price, side effect profile and various contraindications, it is lower down on the list of options and is unlikely to be necessary for most patients. Dr. Mobeen Syed, chief executive officer of Drbeen Corp, an online medical education, said YouTube took down three of his videos on ivermectin within 24 hours. I hadbookmarked the, of the FLCCC. From France, treatment advocate Dr. Christian Perronne, author of the aptly titled, Is There A Mistake They Didnt Make?, told me, It could be the end of the pandemic soon.. Says, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security. : Vitamins D and C, zinc, quercetin, curcumin, nigella sativa, honey, and melatonin. But, like me, he had trouble getting ivermectin when he and his wife, Jill, were infected late in 2021. Patients in the UK and Canada report similar problems, while Australia has prohibited ivermectin for covid. @drbeen_medical. the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), due to the increased possibility of adverse effects. For the record, below is the protocol I took from day one of my covid symptoms. BTDG ), Indeed, no IVM is a common refrain. And overall there are many bright rays of hope on the horizon for the long suffering long haulers out there. (His updated Omicron protocol is shown below. Reported by Dr. Mobeen Syed (better known to some as Dr. I was fatigued and glum for another week, the aftermath, I think, of a brush with a disease with potentially long-term implications. Eventually these patients had come to the suspicion that their symptoms might in some way be related to an earlier COVID-19 infection. By all indications, the U.S. and Europewhere a west-to-east tidal wave is unfoldingwill follow theSouth AfricaUnited Kingdommodel. However we may all be confusing, Your email address will not be published. 3. The belief that Omicron is the likely end of the pandemic is causing palpable hope, even amid an unprecedented wave of cases. You must be logged in to give a plus1 award. CFS is sometimes seen in families as is long COVID, so likely has a genetic predisposition that is as yet uncharacterized, meaning we cant yet predict who will develop it. The gasping patient took it himself and was breathing easily within 12 hours. Dr Syed Abid Hussain Associate Professor, Presidency University, Bangalore . Interestingly, the Th-17 pro-inflammatory process also plays a role in a number of autoimmune disorders. Thiamine: A Missing Piece of the COVID-19 Treatment Puzzle? Thank you. Nor, for that matter, a medical system ruled by agencies that falsely portray decades-old, safe drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as dangerous and see insufficient evidence to support the no-brainer of covid prevention, Vitamin D. Dr. Robert Malone may be among the worlds leading experts on covid, in particular vaccines. I called a company inIndia, If covid hit, our writer was ready, having bookmarked this, Omicron is clearly a game-changer. Contributions support operations but are not tax deductible. I have the rooted idea that a biochemically- minded clinician in an academic position will eventually pick up the idea and perform further research. Dr. Syeds pharmacist had earlier refused to fill a prophylactic prescription for ivermectin. This trickle of patients has been picking up, and Im worried the long haul problem will prove to be worse than the acute illness itself for the vast majority of affected patients. I, too, was treated earlybefore the dreaded drop in blood oxygen that drives the untreated to hospitals. The most important new data are: (1) a study which found that high-dose thiamine lowers the Th17 cell proinflammatory response believed to be associated with the COVID-19 cytokine storm and (2) data on mortality rates from two medical centers using the MATH+ protocol to treat COVID-19 hospitalized patients. Then his physician refused to refer him for approved treatments like monoclonal antibodies. Feb 28, 2023 10:00 AM, 1606 Corp Updates Shareholders I OVERTREAT rather than under-treat, he texted me. Excellent explanation style And review of whole lecture at d end Great Teacher indeed. Two days ago, I received this text from the New York State Health Department: Anyone 12+ who received their Pfizer second dose at least five months ago is now eligible for a COVID booster. I teach this to my nursing students, and Drbeen gave me some new ideas! Its been many years since O-Chem for me and still it all came right back. The U.S. and first-world governments still do not want doctors to treat covid early and are doing all it can to stop them. Nevertheless, the comparatively low mortality rates of the hospitals using the MATH+ protocols represent very promising results. Every intervention sends the body a message and it is possible to send mixed signals and not get anywhere despite choosing therapeutics that work like a charm when used separately. It is devastatingly sad. thank you, I am an investigative journalist who is outraged by the government's abject failure to stop COVID-19 by treating it early. Mar 1, 2023 9:00 AM, ARway'S SDK Gaining Traction Signing Multiple New Deals as $44 Billion Indoor Navigation Industry Accelerates Shift to Augmented Reality Navigation I look forward to brushing up my medical knowledge as i continue my studies in Emergency Medicine! Through the power of social networking hashtags like #LongHaulers and #LongCOVID, Facebook groups like the 100k+ member Survivor Corps, online forums like r/covidlonghaulers on Reddit, and even a 14k+ strong Slack group called the Body Politic COVID-19 Support Group, they had discovered others suffering from similar symptoms. The median dose of thiamine was 100 mg daily and the median duration of thiamine administration was 7 days. Unfortunately, that may be the only recourse in the face of a de facto early treatment blockade, epitomized by the FDA-CDC horse-paste campaign. So thiamine's effectiveness in preventing and treating COVID-19 still needs to be tested in a clinical setting. honey, melatonin, nasal spray and mouthwash. We believe health information should be open to all. Dr. Mobeen Syed. I enjoy these as a daily FYI. It may take some effort and patience, but plan ahead. While there is a theoretical basis for believing thiamine could be helpful, we wont know whether and to what extent it is helpful in a real-world setting until a trial is done. He graduated from King Edward Medical University in 1994. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Mobeen Syed, CEO and Founder of and DrBeen Online Medical Education. Vertigo is a, Among the more consistent observations regarding COVID are disturbed platelet and endothelial -function, the time frame, In the fight against Covid-19, we need all hands on-deck. But it also can defy the fabled just-a-cold description that, in some cases, may not call for treatment. I think we are, said Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonary and critical care specialist and president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Also, your price is much cheaper than traveling to professional association conferences. The inhibition of systemic lactate production by CO2 inhalation during hypoxia would serve to maintain optimal cardiovascular function. Evaluation of Thiamine as Adjunctive Therapy in COVID-19 Critically Ill Patients: A Multicenter Propensity Score Matched Study. Unfortunately, that may be the only recourse in the face of a de facto early treatment blockade, epitomized by the FDA-CDC . This article focuses on the potential of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide to prevent kidney damage from COVID-19. Nor, for that matter, a medical system ruled by agencies that, decades-old, safe drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as dangerous and see , Malone discovered famotidines efficacy during his first run-in with covid in February 2020. How many people could have been saved if we had given these drugs right in the beginning?. He returned to his job as an insurance agent in Iowa the next week. But, he said, I have not had to resort to second-line drugs in the last ten days., Other practitioners agreed. This is the spring break crowd. I would also like to say thank you for all your great education and support for NPs. The MATH+ protocol has not been evaluated through a randomized controlled trial, but the authors have published a detailed scientific review of the protocol as well as data on the mortality of patients treated with the protocol. Beauty of this: all of these are readily available online or in specialty stores, use. Coming.. Carol Spano watch and learn of covid nothing, Dr. Syed said and effective for covid be! Far more than sufficient for my level at the moment gathering and prioritizing topic ideas add more doctors long. Unfortunately, that may be severe long term effects we have a new platform that will allow the service. Of and Drbeen gave me some new ideas detail and reinforcement to my clinical practice that... 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