In the body of the letter, the opening sentence should identify your specific complaint. Use this letter when you are thinking of leaving Church or you are considering returning to Church. This is a not an administrative or judicial proceeding. When a complaint is received by the bishop, both the person making the complaint and the person against whom the complaint is made will be informed in writing of the process to be followed at that stage. Carmel Care Note: St Teresa would remind the devil when he reminded her of her past sin, she would remind him of his future, a future without God. We assume you have been as laity labeled haters. OSHAs new nationwide year-long pilot program that took effect on February 17, 2023, will aim to streamline the whistleblower complaint intake process. From The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church - 2016. Your visible presence ministry will accompany others in pain placed in exile outside Catholic Community, placed outside Catholic Doctrine by clergy and staff. All for speaking truth as we are taught to. She replied. Your little Therese. .djc" 5=Q. Focus on potentiality: Longitudinal axis: Acorn to Oak tree. The time in which a complaint is held in abeyance shall not count toward the statute of limitations. Abandoned Catholics, abused by their clergy, kicked out, thrown into exile, still need to be fed. How others manipulate a feeding frenzy. THE WAY OF THE CROSS LEADS HOME BISHOP BOYEAS SEE CLEARLY METHOD FOR IMPROVED VISION, WE HAVE BEEN BETRAYED AND ABUSED BY CLERGY AND STAFF. Would he say you Go out yourselves and find them, bring them back!, 100121 F BRIEF THE WAY OF THE CROSS LEADS HOME. You are not signed in as a Premium user; you are viewing the free version of this program. With these three you can do much Good and proclaim much Truth. WebKeep your complaint letter to one page, and write short paragraphs rather than long ones. Like you we have collectively suffered abuse at the hands of the clergy and their staff. Sincerely in Christ, Fr. This Nest mentality in church leads to judgment, exclusion, as pope says. Would he ask where have they gone? The response is pastoral and administrative and shall be directed toward a just resolution among all parties. John of the Cross would inventory what others are doing and then attempt to work in an area that seems to be neglected. If youre following up on a conversation, be sure to say who you spoke with and confirm the details of your discussion. TBA, #4 RE: Preserve Message from Decomposition: TBA, #5 RE: Message Will Not Be Well Received: Truth is Confrontational: TBA, #6 RE: Do you agree with Pope Francis when he teaches Nest mentality in Church leads to judgment and exclusion. Our collective Diocesan Circumstance of Abuse will be at least comparable to yours. We have not covered many things: third party ( 3rd) stirring the pot and we promise to do so in the next chapter. Bishop of (Diocese name) [Address] City, State, Zip] Dear Bishop (Name), I am writing to inform you that I am withholding all funds from the diocese until you Your resignation effective immediately if you were a participant in any negligence of office(s) in these matters. We claim that right to primacy in decomposition, being the first and most decomposed. We have not left the Church and we do not intend to leave. Denigration versus defrocking. WebLETTER FORMAT All letters should be in business format and typed on white paper. A complaint is a written and signed statement claiming misconduct or unsatisfactory performance of ministerial duties.78 The person filing the complaint and the clergyperson shall be informed by the district superintendent or bishop of the process for filing the complaint and its purpose. g) A complaint may be held in abeyance with the approval of the Board of Ordained Ministry if civil authorities are involved or their involvement is imminent on matters covered by the complaint. 80. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ]ELZlaFU"O IC%9Y[gXGlHrs)2%XwBl;G]{1^R02Y&,> O9P@,& 3KXQkTSC/zP25s%TC`= P /Q'ydbK*e$)fK When issues or grievances affect an individual or society at large, this complaint letter is written. The problem that seems to be more prevalent in society is that simple relationship friction escalates into hurt feelings and calling the police or a lawsuit. Further back in time to Greek mythology, we learn, in orderto hide his guilt, Tereus cut out Philomelas tongue. City, State, Zip]. See Judicial Council Decisions 691,700,751,763,768. Unfortunately, your (product or service)has not performed well (or the service was inadequate) because (state the problem). McCarrick catastrophe, until the vice of homosexuality within the episcopate is resolved, nothing will change. Lets again assume he is a devil bishop. Check out an example letter that used this format. billing. Therese, is this too corny the way we write? D. Wiesel, E.: The Holocaust as a Literary Inspiration. When and if the stage changes, those persons will continue to be informed in writing of the new process in a timely fashion. FROM:We are diocesan laity watchers; we are people of determination embracing a martyrdom of work not of blood. WebGuidelines to Write a Complaint Letter Be formal and prevent using harsh or offensive or abusive language. Our history tells us God can be lost at the top by Clergy leadership and staff and these same Scriptures originating with Our Father, memorialized by the Holy Spirit remind us of this fact especially in the Loss of God when the clergy intentionally lost the Arc of the Covenant. We have witnessed and experienced the Destruction of Catholic Community and Catholic Doctrine by Clergy Lobbies and their staff. Those who currently are ordained need to be barred from any public ministry. See Judicial Council Decision 776. We feel this occurs when there has been history; A lack of good faith and fair dealing in the parish, complicated by a falsification of the structures of reality. Special attention should be given to ensuring that cultural, racial, ethnic and gender contexts are valued throughout the process in terms of their understandings of fairness, justice, and restoration. We convert! It is the same with us Laity when a long litany of epitaphs are told to the Bishop that you and I are divisive, judgmental, dumb, stupid, have a devil in us, mentally ill, liars, haters of Church; Well I can think of one word that sums it all up and that is Haters. We struggle with grief. It reminds me about the ending scene in the movie; Alls Quiet On The Western Front, where the leadership feels no pain, sees nothing, smells no death and the dying are laying all around the trenches of the common foot soldier the ones our Little Therese tried to protect from heaven. If you have lost the Joy of the Faith the Fun times, come on in, or come back in and see what we do Our Bishop from Devil to sanctified healer and miracle worker finds and restores brains and reputations removed by parish clergy and staff during a family squabble. We have witnessed Catholic community and Catholic doctrine destroyed by clergy and staff in charge of making things better. Suffering and pain are universal phenomena, we have all experienced, Clergy and staff have originated needless suffering and pain. Bishops Crucifixion has produced Healing. John the Baptist lost his head to this policy. Carmel Care Note: Mystical Diagnosis: Carmel as Doctor, Nurse or assistant: Church as battlefield hospital and Clergy and staff as many things, in your writing Bishop, Clergy and staff can be patients, medical or mental patients, they can be the incompetent hospital management, they can be incompetent physicians and nurses making medical errors leading to death, a hospital with full capacity that looks good to the outsiders but the death rate inside the hospital is 30% to 50% . Bear in mind that it is a formal letter, so the greeting must be respectful and not too personal. Why Father, since our Lord has said, Be Perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. We strive for Holiness. This memory of a profound challenge of evil and contested dispute was chosen by Our Father to be preserved for our benefit; For you and me. When someone writs an article he/he retains the plan of a To resolve the problem, I would appreciate your (state the specific action you want: money refunded, charge card credit, repair, exchange, etc.). The little flower showed us a way to be perfect. <>>> We intend to purify our cesspool Diocese and show you how it will work in your Diocese. We recommend Do hire an attorney, do ask him about requesting crucifixion, castration denigration from clerical state and a finding of fact the cleric or staffer raped the bride of Christ. When a complaint is received by the bishop, both the person making the complaint and the person against whom the complaint is made will be informed in writing of the process to be followed at that stage. When and if the stage changes, those persons will continue to be informed in writing of the new process in a timely fashion. This process may include sharing of information by the bishop or the bishops designee about the nature of the complaint without disclosing alleged facts, which may compromise any possible forthcoming administrative or judicial process. Therese, do you feel it is true that people have more options that they are not aware of, within the Church for grievance expression from our NAG, non-adversarial grievance, the NAG using these letters, to administrative recourse or a full penal process including requests in letters for crucifixion, castration, denigration from clerical state with the official request to read charges the cleric under sentence was found guilty of raping the Bride of Christ. A public apology on your part for participating either actively by abusing these men or passively by allowing this abuse to happen by remaining publicly silent in the face of this horror. That does not rule out crucifixion, castration, or prison, depending upon the circumstances; But we assert you have more options in the Church than you have been told. When we classify the Bishop as devil, in this contested era of Church history this simply means we are isolating only one third (1/3rd)of our troubles. No man with any degree of same-sex attraction should be ordained, much less a consecrated bishop. Carmel has a long history of dealing with evil and devils, who are the agents of evil. As a noun, it could mean a complaint or a cry. We believe in the authority of Scripture. Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See See Judicial Council Decision 763. See this page for a list of addresses for dioceses. Remind the forgive and forget clergy abuse to be healed crowd about the sterling examples of our elder clergy statesmen fighting in Church court for over 100 years. We are committed to a Wesleyan vision of Christianity anchored in scripture and informed by tradition, experience, and reason as we live a life of personal piety and social holiness. You do not have to like him, but we are required by Our Father to love him and we do that best by sanctifying him. YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE WILL NOT BE WORSE THAN OURS AND WE HAVE FAITH & WE STAYED. Witness Literature is: A Witness letter to Your Bishop: Witness Literature: Is important. Philomela, however, although unable to speak, managed to weave the crime onto a tapestry and brought it to her sister Procne. #2 RE:Protect the Voice of Reason theOctober 1, 2021, is restated here. Would you like to sign up for only one day for the low cost of $1.99. Until our demands are met, our funding of your various and assorted campaigns will stop. Test it! a) SupervisionIn the course of the ordinary fulfillment of the superintending role, the bishop or district superintendent may receive or initiate complaints about the performance or character of a clergyperson. It must look like reality, you are requesting Pageantry and it is your idea so no one can later attack the Bishop even if taken out of context and say the Bishop is an animal of indifference, NO it is healing and it will bring change even if done in terms of a Pageantry of Imagination and Vision. So it is nonsense for your patients to remind you of your past, in order to cover up for their present life of sin and there future intent on destroying community and doctrine. Above all do what God wills you to do, if you are not certain what God wants and have several options then do that which requires more love from you since in the end you will be tested in Love. Carmel teaches us to put love where there is no love. WebConfirmation Letter to the Bishop Template. Do not record it, do not have media there but when done the Bishop goes inside the parish to express how cold he is and hungry could he have a cup coffee and maybe a donut and when staff ask him what are you doing here he just reports he was feeding the exile community. When people do not like their bishop, they often call for the pope to fire him and appoint another. History of Requests: October 1, 2021: This is our initial request. It is difficult to capture all the concepts necessary to ease the suffering experienced. It is called Visible Presence Ministry and we will devote much to this topic in a later writing. All original time limitations may be extended for one 30-day period upon the consent of the complainant and the respondent. Northwestern University Press, 1977. We are told that the expert Bishops will represent to our Bishops that the polls say the youth are not leaving the Church due to the scandals and we just want to remind the Bishop that the polls are not our teacher; Historically polls tell us the youth follow the crowds and those crowds choose Barabbas and with Jesus the crowds want him crucified. The music played during Rio Carnival is samba a unique Brazilian music originating from Rio. Therese, I feel am herding and hoarding cats in the hater community, these letters are from decomposing complaints and the feelings of pain expressed by good Catholics hurt by Church, so the word is Tortuous, full of twists and turns. Are instructors privy to students mental health records? What we are offering is a minimal effort on your part and minimally invasive to the Bishop. Stay tuned as we share our stories of mutual crucifixion ours, yours and the bishops. All that to say, I am glad you have felt the freedom to trust me with these concerns. People never say that. Focus on the sin, not the sinner. The bishop has a difficult task. In these campaign letters, we write in a way that helps a little soul voice the pain. So, write your letter, you do not need to give press interviews or answer questions on video, let others do that for you, you tell them you are a simple song writer and others will sing the song, that you are a grieving witness and need time alone to grieve the loss you have suffered. Introduction After your header, the next thing is to start writing your letter. c) Just ResolutionThe supervisory response may include a process that seeks a just resolution in which the parties are assisted by a trained, impartial third party facilitator(s) or mediator(s), in reaching an agreement satisfactory to all parties.79 If the bishop chooses to initiate a mediated attempt to produce a just resolution, then the bishop, the person filing the complaint, the respondent, and other appropriate persons shall enter into a written agreement outlining the process, including any agreements on confidentiality. It is the same with you, your capacity for service will increase if you act out of Love, put Love where there is no love and accept the fact you are and will remain unknown and unloved. Take Away:Carmel Task of forming believers Goal is this: We have a moral imperative, a duty to work for a church government that will confront evil. SALUTATIONS- This is where you greet the person you are addressing the letter to. We desire to accompany laity who have been labeled haters. In this series we hope to show you how to establish clearer lines of communication and cooperation assuming you are working with devils and then deliver the devil from darkness, dressing the devil in Holiness. Required fields are marked *. When writing a complaint letter, it is important that it is addressed to the relevant authority. endobj Tuesday, Wednesday, September 14-15 , 2021, RE: Persian Messenger Syndrome @ HRBURTON INFLAMATION RESPONSE IN BODY IS EVIDENCE OF INFECTION. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Pray for her and him, without them this work would be less robust. All cats feral and domestic need to come to the water. The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. However, omit irrelevant details. This is a Carmel Thing to Love and make lovable that which is not lovable, and we do that by putting love where there is no love. Therese, I feel I am putting 5 pounds of stuff in a 1-pound sack, are there too many concepts here. Thereses Miracle mile: T we have not discussed this Pageantry of learning: We create a pilgrimage like Dr Martin Luther Kings march from Selma to Montgomery. Let your legal prayer for relief, your ad damnum clause, in your civil law suits reflect these many options brought to light through discussion with your attorney. Are you still good with this? Do not assume the Bishop knows about your pain and suffering. The word samba meant to pray to the spirits of the ancestors and the gods of the African Pantheon. ANNOTATION:Bishop needs to hang on the cross, do less not more, stand still not run, not walk, just accept that cross of our existence through these letters. Persian Messenger Syndrome Catholic Church Sampling of infected breakthrough sites. When you write your letter you allow the Bishop or his staff to simply forward it to the parish pastor or staff asking for a response and solution to your problem. Order of Carmel Help and Hope Series for Diocese. 1 from Andersonville Prison a Clergy Civil War Prison; This is a tribute prison in remembrance of the American Civil War, The Missionary Nature of Evangelizing The Lost Sheep via Disciplinary Ministry on Errant Members of the Clergy. It is anticipated we will continue to lose 20% in the coming five (5) year period. WebConfirmation Letter to the Bishop Template Download the WORD file using the button below and it edit as needed. We want change and we have witnessed change. They still need water. One thing is for sure. This process for healing may include a process of a just resolution, which addresses unresolved conflicts, support for victims, and reconciliation for parties involved.82 This can take place at any time during the supervisory, complaint, or trial process. (2) Refer the matter to the counsel for the church as a complaint. Our Diocese admits we have lost over 20% of our Church family in a 5-year period, we feel it is more accurate to say the loss is closer to 50% or more. So when the patients make fun of you that you are stupid or lack degrees you remind the patients you are writing about, most of them lacked something and probably was brain cells, a lack which would disqualify them from even gracing the lecture rooms of this towering intellectual giant who quotes. The Love we have for our Father. It is witness literature that is penned on a battlefield where there is the stench of death hanging over the land. In appropriate situations, processes seeking a just resolution as defined in 362.1c may be pursued. You can complain about the same by writing a complaint letter. You remind them of their past, So tell me how were you and your boss excluded from the lecture halls of the intellectual giants of the Church such as and place a prominent name here? Again, what is the immediate concern you have about the Bishop. x[ms~:MMih:N%fsI.41x Our Bishop is considered by some to be a devil, our Diocese is considered by some to be a cesspool. 78. We will develop this more later. To be effective, it is not necessary to have direct contact by the Bishop or his staff. Christophe Pierre Christians must be on guard and avoid the temptation of thinking themselves better than others, an attitude that risks turning the church into a place of separation and not communion,PopeFrancis said. WebDear Contact Person or Organization Name): Re: (account number, if applicable) On (date), I (bought, leased, rented, or had repaired) a (name of the product, with serial or It can cause change. PROBLEM: State a Clearly defined problem you have thought through. I know Im not perfect and I am always open to constructive Your letter can be a rebuke of evil. It is a popular term in the Arab Israeli world of conflict, when discussions revolve around the special needs population, the handicapped and developmentally disabled. #1 RE:What is the Policy of the Lansing Diocese on The Persian Messenger Syndrome: aka Kill the Messenger. The staff encourage us to keep up our effort but they cannot be seen associating with us since it is guilt by association they tell us. You were made for this. The The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) published a letter this week warning Senate members against supporting the revival of the Equal Rights Amendment. The Persian Messenger Syndrome refers to a historical inclination for leadership to kill the messenger to void the message. Your Bishop will be told you are many things, just accept that the criticisms will come with the territory. This love is not the candy crush love but the love and humility for Truth with that pertinence and kindness that is willing to endure all things including the willingness to correct and discipline a Bishop. Engdahl, H.: Witness Literature Philomelas Tongue. OUR PITCH: Before leaving Church consider some Dos and Donts if you have left consider some Dos and Donts before deciding to permanently stay away. HOW DO YOU MAKE A FORMAL COMPLAINT? Y&w$i{T#31-$ |9\1VfwTus=ooW 8" ~ ~ ~ In forced exile Outside the walls of our parish we wander. In times past one would have to seek a crusade to a foreign land, to suffer and die for the Faith, today one need only step outside of the home to enter that foreign land projecting influence deep into the Church, to face seemingly insurmountable crosses and death. To avoid the reality of the message the pain of the message the messenger was killed and with his death came hope a hope that the Truth of The Baptists message, the guilty feeling, the pain of knowing you have falsified a structure of reality by sinning and taking your brothers wife, all that would also die with The Baptist. We do not even need the Bishops cooperation we can get actors to convey the message, the power is in the office of the Church not the person. Visit the next version of and let us know what you think. With the Beatles we simply ask Bishop, do you still love us, will you still love us when we are 64? We have stayed in the Church and have Faith, many in our family, parish and Diocese have chosen to leave and abandon The Faith they have known since childhood. Think of Moses and the Golden Calf, think of the contested canonizations, these are official, entertaining at times, cat fights between religious orders that lasted over 100 years in some case; Involving most orders, including the Franciscans throwing mud at the other orders candidates and Dominicans throwing mud back, each pulling on a rope attempting to win opposing goals, to achieve canonization or oppose canonization. Do you undergo training to deal with problem students? TBA, #3 RE: Focus on Message: Franciscan Murder of the Cold Shoulder. Improper packaging Faulty product or improper packaging of the product can give you the reason to write a complaint letter. Include a copy of your letter to the papal nuncio: Abp. TO: Catholics who have left the Church in The Diocese of Lansing or are contemplating leaving The Church; You are not alone. We have a voice. Carmel Care Note: John of the Cross reminds us Put Love where there is no Love, and you will get Love back. This Doctor. A complete and honest public confession from you admitting: That any clergy under your authority who are guilty of homosexual behavior in any fashion be barred from any public ministry and proceedings initiated to dismiss them from the clerical state, including so-called gay ministries.. You also You who have left Church can claim no exclusivity to your pain, your crucifixion and your injustice. What should United Methodist congregations know about disaffiliation? Does it still feel ok? Increasing lines of communication and cooperation between the lay Watcher community and clergy and staff is a necessary step towards a proper and informed crucifixion of your Bishop. Your email address will not be published. That order of importance is this: TRUTH must not be feared even the Truth about ourselves, so says St.John Paul 11. We have been arrested, threatened with arrest, locked out of the brick-and-mortar Church, a parish church we built with our own hands and our own treasure, only to end up being barred from entering simply because we were witnesses to abuse. The watcher community offers the people many options to use their voice. Have a news tip? Carmel Care Note: Church Militant and Vorhis focus well on the clergy sexual abuse, Hitchborn and Lepanto institute focus well on clergy financial abuse, Life Site News focuses well on the culture of death and abortion. We are not Theologians. who was a teacher of St. John Paul ll, and we believe was on the doctoral dissertation committee awarding St. John Paul ll, his doctorate which was one of two he was awarded and never able to receive because he lacked the money to have his dissertation properly presented to committee in a bound version. Quarterly: $30 every 3 months Your letters will support others in this martyrdom of work, your response, arising out of the clergy lobbies destruction of community and doctrine. The message of Truth John the Baptist brought to the King and the Kings court was that it was wrong to take your brothers wife. Premium users have access to full-length programs with limited commercials and receive a 10% discount in the store! 30-Day period upon the consent of the clergy and staff have originated needless suffering and pain are phenomena! Administrative and shall be directed toward a just resolution as defined in may... Time limitations may be extended for one 30-day period upon the consent of the complainant the. Write short paragraphs rather than long ones a historical inclination for leadership to Kill the.... Have about the same by writing a complaint a cry the coming five ( 5 ) year.... To constructive your letter to charge of making things better then attempt to work your! 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