You can't do this without asking about their dogs and their mom and what bugs them even worse than dropping the soap in the shower. Still, most professional athletes also realize that allowing journalists into their sanctuary is a part of the job. Samsung Pdf. During my first four years at the Star-Telegram I took one day off to model at an auto show and five days off to get married. You take a right turn before you have to walk straight into the naked men and the soap. In 1973 she was hired as the New York Times' first female sports reporter. Point guards became my instant favorites for those early post-shower interviews. From a New York Times obit by Richard Sandomir headlined "Robin Herman, Who Pried Open Doors in the NHL, Dies at 70":. Show More. It was The Stacks is Deadspin's living archive of great journalism, curated by Bronx Banter's Alex Belth., Sports News Without Fear, Favor or Compromise. But of course that wasnt the case. I corresponded with them for another two years before the call finally came. Writing this the other night, tears filled my eyes, and I got that precry phlegm in my throat. Reporters dont wait for senators in the bathroom after important votes, or quiz the conductor of the New York Philharmonic as he puts on his cummerbund. Fueled by my own version of a life-affirming experience, I felt as though I was taking back 10 years of my life. (AP Photo/Dave Pickoff) How could it be that it was 43 years ago when Sports Illustrated reporter Melissa Ludtke and Time Inc., sued Major League Baseball for denying her access to the clubhouses at Yankee Stadium? One night in the stands, I had my Helen-Keller-at-the-well experience. A male usher stopped three female journalists from entering the Jaguars locker room after their loss to the Colts because they were women, asking other men if it was OK before finally allowing . He was really mouthing off at me. It was like, you know, lady with a baby coming, lady in the locker room. A new generation of sports writers has responded to this shift by increasingly using advanced metrics and digital tools to change the genre entirely. SAGAL: I thought I'd bring you on and see what you had. "The locker room is the place where us guys, us football players, we dress, we shower, we're naked, we're walking around and we're bombarded by media," he told NBC Chicago. I always won the big awards in elementary school, went to football games, and performed in talent shows. "And I mean, you put a woman and you give her a choice of 53 athletes . Immediately, reporters started asking me, Are you going to do it? SAGAL: Absolutely. I told him. After a long game, while standing in the middle of the clubhouse waiting for someone to appear, I sometimes gaze off in one direction, the way you stare when you're bored and become transfixed on an object until your eyes cross and you snap back into the reality of car payments and cellulite. I wanted to know these 4 things: 1. I had offered the story first to my sports editor, Mike Perry (standard newspaper policy). One of my greatest honors. I retreated back behind the door before anyone could see me. Oh, Lord. TAFOYA: So I went to Charlotte, North Carolina, and I did five hours of sports talk radio every day, and that was my SAGAL: That is the hardest job in the world. Phyllis George Brown, a former Miss America winner and the first female sportscaster to work at a major network, died on Thursday after complications from a blood disorder she had developed. Slap Shot, the New York Times hockey blog, reports on the Rangers, the National Hockey League and anything that glides quickly across a frozen surface anywhere on the globe, from the snowy prairies of Saskatchewan to ", Next to the entry door, there was a large poster of a shirtless Ruben Sierra. Its a professional setting, and if the reporter is professional, the whole experience is smooth as silk. So do you know about sports?" Or the periodic outbursts by Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. But instead, the man who is an idol to thousands of children launched into a verbal tirade loudly insulting my intelligence and shouting for someone to remove me from the clubhouse. No sitting or leaning. But one thing kept me in sports: I got a Rangers media pass every year. Graduate. I know people make sexual comments to one another, and they are not always inappropriate. His voice was growing louder. We never wanted for anything we really needed, but my parents, raised in the Depression, were cautious about spending. Herman, who is now assistant dean for research communications at Harvards School of Public Health, has written about that night many times, including a first-person article in the Times a few weeks later. Indeed, locker room access is built into players collective bargaining agreements with the four major North American sports leagues. Sometimes I'm kind of quiet in a group interview, and I have this feeling other reporters will think it's because I'm a dumb ol' girl. The issue at hand was equal access to the players in the locker room for all reporters, regardless of their gender. Ludtke could gain access to baseball clubhouses to cover the World Series in 1978 and she wrote an Op-Ed piece for the Times when the New England Patriots were harassing Lisa Olson, a reporter for the Boston Herald at the time. A three-part series on Ruth Ryan, spouse of Nolan, turned into a delightful three-week chore that included stops at the Ryans' ranch in Alvin and the stadium. It reminds me of a debutante waking up in last night's party dress, reeking of beer. But she still gets recognized as the girl who went in the locker room first. Jerseys are on the floor, not on the playersno jerseys, no name tags, just toweled dudes walking around. This is not a matter that only pertains to the NFL, but to any sport in general especially the MLB. She was previously a sports columnist for the New York Daily News, and the Perhaps the most meaningful were the calls from fellow sportswriters. I had been officially baptized, and it was no big deal. So, 35 years ago, Herman and another woman a Montreal radio reporter, Marcel St. Cyr gathered with other reporters after the game and walked in to conduct postgame interviews. Franchises are increasingly fielding their own media teams to produce game stories and video interviewsmeaning more softball questionsjust as metro newspapers are cutting back. You're the sideline reporter. But then Donna likes the men she meets at Baja. Ludtke said when I broke several stories, one of which won a national award for investigative sports reporting. It seems logical to me. And I know how smartass remarks work, too. I think I may have actually gained some respect in various journalism and sports circles. "That's possible," he replied. (Lowrance/Getty) NFL boss Roger Goodell was demanding answers Sunday night from. He said I was loitering. And you know, they all say that word so well. Ive noticed the female athletes still get a closed locker room to shower and change today. For days, weeks, months --. And he began reading. Girls in locker rooms are overrated. The other was a first-person piece about the last game at Arlington Stadium. And it had just started to become something that women could do, and I thought I can do this. Yet all the time I was still dreaming up stories to get me to the ball park. Its a symbiotic relationship. Get two questions right, and you win our prize. My dad was a buyer for Better Monkey Grip Rubber Company, and I'm not complaining. Except she. I'm no wimp; I can take a lot. A kidI mean, really a kidstarted telling me women had no business in the locker room. Should women be allowed in locker rooms? SAGAL: What's the worst reaction you've ever gotten in that situation? I'll always remember that no one else laughed, for whatever reason, and that made me feel good. When the day finally came that she would break down a huge professional barrier, Robin Herman did not have much time to prepare. I asked him if he hoped to play in the majors one day. I had to remind myself that I should probably look away. It's a symbiotic relationshipthe relationship only works if both parties are comfortable with the other. [4] In 1985, the NFL enacted an equal access policy of its own. Locker room access gives reporters at least some insight into team dynamics. The players didn't know I'd grown up with games or that my best friends had usually been crude guys or that I could open a beer bottle with my incisors or that I liked to fish as much as they did. I had to think as much about how to handle the next unwanted advance or suggestive quip as I did trying to figure the Mavericks' averages. Vikings fans got to agree with that. To begin, I want to point out that female reporters have every right to be in the locker room as male reporters do. I had mentioned Kenny's hair in a story that had yet to even appear in some of the Observer's newsstands. Buying ball tickets to as many games as my dad and I wanted to see was out of the question, so we climbed the wall in the late innings or sat in those free grassy spots behind the Cyclone fence. The Mavericks pose an entirely different set of problems. But much of the early abuse came from the place I least expected itmy own paper. I'd heard the stories: the tales of women who felt forced to make a stand at the clubhouse door; of the way you're supposed to never look down at your notepad, or a player might think you're snagging a glimpse at his crotch; about how you've always got to be prepared with a one-liner, even if it means worrying more about snappy comebacks than snappy stories. think men are going to tend to turn and look and want to say something She lives with three dogs in her happy bungalow in Texas. I was trying to work and didn't feel I had the time for petty bullshit. Maybe I didn't belong here. SAGAL: Did somebody drop some profanity on you? Oh no, I was not having that. TAFOYA: There's another joke there, but (unintelligible). Gayle had heard the Fort Worth Star-Telegram higher-ups had had a meeting that morning regarding my continuedor discontinuedemployment. Summoners Value War. One editor in the chain of sports command kept trying to get me to check into the Worthington Hotel with him after work. They've both seen Patriot missiles up close." The more we try to know about our sporting heroes, the less they tell us. Copyright 2013 NPR. I always said modern feminism has nothing to do with equality and this degrading treatment of men proves it. In the clubhouse, I was greeted by Rafael Palmeiro. I was one of the guys. The Boston Herald offered her a transfer to Australia, where she would work for the Daily Telegraph in Sydney, which Olson accepted. He said this about three times. By now I wouldn't really notice if he'd worn a towel or hadn't. The documentary was about female sportswriters' struggles to gain access to male locker rooms in order to be able to do their jobs. TAFOYA: So there I am, and I'm getting ready to go in, and this is the first time I've ever done this, and I'm just going to do some radio interviews for tape to take them back and turn them around, and I said to myself I had a rule I established before I went in. So, 35 years ago, Herman and another woman a Montreal radio reporter, Marcel St. Cyr gathered with other reporters after the game and walked in to conduct postgame interviews. [11] On February 24, 1992, her attorney said that Olson had settled the lawsuit on undisclosed terms. That first-person ode to Arlington Stadium was entered in a contest. You're the person they throw down to as SAGAL: And you've got the reports in the sideline, well, this guy's injured, well, this guy feels this way. Service For. Standard Fraley, so no problems there. On Jan 21, 1975 she "broke the locker room barrier" as the first female reporter to enter a male professional league locker room (NHL All-Star Game) for post-game quotes. It's a place for changing attire and accessing personal belonging. I try to explain, which is difficult because Donna and I are on different sexual wavelengths. But of course, he hadn't lost Fluffy; he'd found a woman in his locker room. But how was I supposed to do my job with all that crap going on? She faced off against the MLB commissioner and won access a year later, but the . No less than two or three times a home stand, the feeling hits againalmost always as I walk down that tunnel from the upper deck that spits you out in back of home plate. SAGAL: The club was famed for its beverage known as Fish House Punch, which according to legend was so potent, it knocked George Washington out of commission for three days. But I can understand the athletes being naturally uncertain what to make of women, of me. On this day in 1977, Melissa Ludtke was barred from reporting the World Series from the teams' locker rooms. Numerous new-media outlets have likewise gained access, leading to a ballooning locker room press corps and, in turn, limiting the exclusivity of any individual interview. But a little girl with blonde pin curls somehow slipped into the line of succession. I was creative and funny, but I just couldn't write, they'd concluded. Players tear off equipment at wooden cubbies bearing their names and numbers, laughing about how Mel Gibson got ribbed at the Golden Globes. Unfortunately, they were working on a few things in that resort, which included labelling the male and female locker rooms. But I dont see any other solutions.. I wrote about civil rights issues and roamed through abandoned warehouses alone in search of skinheads. It was an area high school coach who routinely tried to get me to drop by his house when his wife was out of town; when I refused for the third time, he refused to provide any more than perfunctory answers to my story questions. Kids at the tanning salon want to know if I date the players. He. SAGAL: You're going to say B, he got back to London but couldn't be readmitted because he wasn't wearing a jacket and tie. [9] Or maybe into public relations. Yet anyone who gets self-worth through random sex with a professional athlete is not exactly MENSA material. The rest is all overrated. Rebecca Lowe who in March joined NBC Sports from ESPN and in 2012 became the first woman to present the FA Cup Final from Wembley Stadium has had hot dogs thrown at her by the U.K.'s infamous. The dirty little secret I've discovered is how little men know about sports, since this is what men are supposed to know more about than women. It was like a club that I wasnt invited to, and unless I whispered the secret code word correctly, I would never gain entrance. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. Access issues aside, broader changes in the media environment have begun to change the content of locker-room interviews, presenting a more chronic problem for many sports journalists. Please enter valid email address to continue. Alrighty then, time to search out the first player I wanted to talk toUSC quarterback Mark Sanchez. I sat at some random desk to look busy for a while, which is what sportswriters do every week or three. It was the lonely thread that tied me to my game. ", Because his reaction to my question was to begin raising his voice to say, "There's no time.". It was mostly worn, ectoplasm-green indoor-outdoor carpetingand stares. So everyone's kind of shuffling around. He may be a tough guy, but when I talked with him, he was slathering a nice coconut lotion all over his chest and was very soft-spoken. But its the same answers to the same questions.. I was covering the minor league team in Wilmington, Del., one night. She is an American humorist and sportswriter who now does reviews for Publishers Weekly and writes for a variety of publications, including the Dallas Observer, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, USA Today, and Sports Illustrated. She later was a columnist for the FanHouse sports website, and then a columnist for Sporting News. The sexism row over a female sports reporter who was allegedly harassed in the New York Jets locker room was reignited last night after a Fox NFL analyst claimed she was 'asking for it.' She won numerous writing awards during her time with the Daily News, including "Best Sports Reporting" by the Society of Professional Journalists. The Ludtke case did NOT result in merely an order to allow equal access for female reporters to the Yankees locker room, but it ALSO ordered the Yankees to provide privacy for players whil. As of 2013, she was working as a freelance writer.[1]. "Can I talk to you for a minute," I said. He shook his head and said, "No, I didn't say that.". Were you a football fan growing up? The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. I eventually walked over to Kenny, who was sitting on a stool by his cubicle. She would later come to work at The Times as well. Now that is underrated, and the goal of every reporterits what keeps us focused. It was the last time I would ever try to interview Reggie. Friends at Bible study ask if the players are mean to me. SAGAL: That's what you do. When men gather at bars and golf courses and any of the other traditional salt licks for male bonding, do they ask the gynecologist what Mrs. Holcombe's hooters look like? Api. The latest in the sports world, emailed daily. I was in the visiting clubhouse waiting to interview one of the Oakland A's this year when one of the players called, "Here, pussy"as though he were calling a cat. Had all that I'd put up with just been for nothing? July 27, 1997 Seven years ago, Zeke Mowatt flashed himself at Lisa Olson, who was then a reporter for the Boston Herald, and the great locker room debate erupted. And theyre very conscious that everything they say could get out.. Like the other night when I was interviewing Kenny Rogers after the game, and I just happened to notice he had really healthy-looking hair. Sometimes you have to stand around and wait while your guy gets ready, so reporters will pull out their phones and pretend to be reading emails . The one thing that keeps you focused in a locker room is simplethese guys are not wearing clothes, and the only way you can identify who they are is by face recognition. Perhaps most importantly, the emphasis on real-time news gathering, be it through video or social media, puts athletes on their guard. And there was Reggie, in nothing but sanitary socks. I was ready to gnaw my way through the first one I saw that might have had the book in it. It was just one of those moments you want to hold for yourself. TAFOYA: I think one of the most - and again, I won't name names - but I remember doing an NBA game, and I was asked to go interview a player's wife in the stands about something. Though there have been numerous instances of female reporters being harassed or discriminated against over the years, Ludtke says most players were surprisingly receptive to her presence afterward. They havent had a lot of time to think about what to say, and theyre in a comfortable environment, Boivin says, differentiating the format from occasional post-game news conferences. I won't even look in their eyes. If my mom made us go to Wyatt's for supper, my father would wear his primitive Walkman through the serving line, once scaring the meat lady by hollering, "Dadgum Toby Harrah!" Half the cost of the team's fine was to defray instructional materials the league could send to all teams and players, and Tagliabue wrote a letter to Kiam expressing his belief that the incident had "damaged" the league. I asked. Sometimes I will request an interview at someone's house, and my peers act as though it's weird. She was 70. Long before I was allowed to eat fish with bones, could go all night without peeing in my bed, or understood Gilligan's Island wasn't real, I loved baseball. For a gender that keeps complaining about equality and respect, they certainly dont seem to think men should get either of those. TAFOYA: No, I always talk to them off camera because I can get more out of them, and then I come back after halftime, and I report to the audience what I've been told. For most of the guys who hang around for more than three dates, my job suddenly becomes a problem. By Adrienne Jones. TAFOYA: But you do that all the time, don't you? Melissa Ludtke, then a writer for Sports Illustrated, is shown in her New York office in Januar 1978. I said, "Listen, I have been covering this game since I was about two years older than you are so you can just shut it right now.". A, while he was gone, the club had viewed the classic Monty Python Dead Parrot sketch and decided Mr. Palin was too vulgar to be readmitted to the premises; B, he got back to London but couldn't be readmitted because he was poorly dressed; or C, he tried to drive himself to the club in central London but got lost? 2011 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Briggs first said women journalists should be barred from locker rooms during an interview with Peggy Kusinski of on Wednesday, the same day the NFL issued a memo that said women . The MBL, NBA and NFL followed shortly after, and in 1990 all associations allowed women in the locker rooms. Its all weve ever known, right wing Josh Bailey, wearing a blue Islanders shirt, skin-tight compression shorts, and knee-high athletic socks, told me after a practice last week. I have no idea why, except that Nolan Ryan and my daddy are my heroes, and I just have no need of seeing either one of their white heinies. Why the fuck can yall walk in, and we are half-naked? Pleasure to have you. This was baptism by back draft, not fire. And that gives coaches and players less control over the story., Still, for most mainstream sports journalists, venturing into locker rooms remains a basic necessity to stay competitive. It was after the Iron Bowl, the big game against Auburn. Whoops! Those memories dont come cheap, of course. [6] The general manager of the team was fired. The misconceptions about the atmosphere are overrated. TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz says she was the subject of sexually suggestive remarks by New York Jets players. In fact, after 10 minutes in a locker room, you dont notice anyone naked. Michele Tafoya is the Emmy award-winning reporter for NBC's Sunday Night Football, but she's spent time on basketball courts, softball diamonds, gymnastics mats and now public radio quiz show game grids. Host virtual town halls, onboard and train employees, collaborate efficiently. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. [2] She was the sports editor of her high school and college newspapers. Mine, firmer. If you, as a grown man or woman, want to peep another adults private square, it doesnt need to be under the guise of a free and independent press. The Star-Telegram phone began to ring. This Is Why Female Sportswriters Can Go in Men's Locker Rooms Melissa Ludtke, a writer for Sports Illustrated, is shown on the job in her office in New York, Jan. 23, 1978, when she was. SAGAL: And some of the players were like, wait a minute, we don't want girls in here. The National Hockey League, Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and the National Football League barred women reporters from entering men's locker rooms when women first . The next year, I was booted because I couldn't do back flips. I'm going to look at their eyebrows when I talk to them because that will make sure that I'm focused there, and I can never be accused of looking anywhere else. others. In 1990, while working at the Boston Herald, she alleged that she was sexually harassed by New England Patriots football players in the team's locker room. Ines Sainz: NFL Investigates Jets Accuracy and availability may vary. Mowatt was fined $12,500, the other two players $5,000, and the team itself $50,000, since no management had intervened at the time or immediately following. The telephone poll conducted this week among 1,026 randomly selected adults nationwide found 59 percent of 556 women and 47 percent of 470 men said female reporters should be banned from NFL . It was quite apparent who the poor influence was on that side of the barn. However, Briggs thought otherwise. I have complained little through the years because the last thing I ever wanted to do was to single myself out from the guys. They were believed to be the first women ever admitted to a professional locker room. Im at work! If you dont understand that, particularly as a woman, you might misinterpret it.. All I remember is green and light and the security of my daddy's arms. There was a sports editor who would stop by every time he saw me eating, stare at me, and say in all seriousness, "Jenn, if you get fat, we won't love you no more." TAFOYA: I adored football growing up. In 1982, Visser was the first woman in Coach Bear Bryant's locker room. Why? That's something he'd say to anyone, I realized. Oh sure, at first they think it's pretty cool that you're the only person at a party who can remember Neil Lomax's name or that you can name all the Rangers managers in 18 secondswith a shot in your mouth. In my three years away, I'd shed a husband, a house, a lot of weight, and a collection of unhealthy habits. That's another thing that has changed. I asked one more time interrupting. Ines Sainz, a reporter for Mexico's TV Azteca doing a story on quarterback Mark Sanchez, had footballs thrown in her direction by a Jets coach during practice, and players later called out to her in the team's locker room. 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