She received her first professional vocal training at the age of five from James Earle Hines, musical director of the St. Paul Baptist Church Echoes of Eden choir, in south central Los Angeles. WebEtta Place was involved with the Sundance Kid and was a member of the Butch Cassidys Wild Bunch. Documents salvaged from the fire indicate she was 77 years of age. Etta, Butch, and Sundance decided upon the South American country of Argentina, and arranged an East Coast rendezvous from which to begin their new life. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 1985. Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Place owned 2500 acres herself becoming the first female landowner in the country which had just changed its laws to allow women to own land. This singer recalled her mothers advice, My mother always told me, even if a song has been done a thousand times, you can still bring something of your own to it. In 1901 she was going by the name Ethel and Etta is Spanish for Ethel. Two of her songs were given Grammy Hall of Fame Awards for "qualitative or historical significance- At Last, and, Dance with Me, Henry. While the life of Place is somewhat mysterious - the only known facts being those that occurred while she was with Longabaugh - Bassett's life is well documented. Born in about 1878, nothing is known of Ettas life before she met Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, better known as the Sundance Kid. WebAccording to reports of the day, Bassett and Davis were two of only five women ever allowed into the Robbers Roost hideout, the other three being Josie Bassett, the Sundance Kid 's girlfriend Etta Place, and Wild Bunch gang member Laura Bullion . When Mama Lu died in 1950, Dorothy took her to the Fillmore District, San Francisco where she was exposed to doo-wop and was inspired to form a girl group, called the Creolettes. After a ten year battle with drug addiction and alcoholism, she released two albums in 1989 - Seven Year Itch, and Stickin' to My Guns, produced by Barry Becket and recorded at Fame Studios. History writer Edward Kirby noted in his book The Saga of Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch that she was truly the mystery woman of the Wild Bunch story.. Efforts by both the law and the Pinkerton Detective Agency, which had been hired to assist in their capture, increased the pressure on their outlaw lifestyle. mexico pancho villa nogales mexico nogales arizona arizona 6 more. The other assailant at once went outside, and they immediately took off in flight on horses that they had already prepared. According to one of the many legends of Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Etta Place in South America, two men and one woman at the table pulled their chairs into the limited shade offered by the thin limbs of casadensis trees. This photo shows the Sundance Kid, Etta Place and Butch Cassidy getting ready to have tea on their Cholila ranch in 1903. Because Pinkerton's believed the story was true, historians believed it too. WebEtta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins in Los Angeles and had a very tumultuous childhood as she was brought up by foster parents who ill-treated her. Sundance pulled Etta down with him. This was done in order to settle his estate following the November 9, 1908, shootout at San Vicente, Bolivia where he and Parker were probably killed. WebIn Sundance Kid. WebIn much the same way as she appeared, Etta Place suddenly vanished from history with only rumors and myth to explain her fate. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Reminiscing about their past adventures drove the former gang members back to their old habits. Selcers research suggests she might have been suffering from acute appendicitis and needed emergency surgery. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. According to the February 19, 1950, edition of the American Weekly, Butch told the Buenos Aires bank president that he and his friends were afraid of thieves. When Robert Pinkerton, head of the Pinkerton Agency, learned what the outlaws had done he was outraged. HER STORY CONTINUES - TO Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, To Pancho Villa and His Rebel BanditsShe Was a Lot of WomanTo a Lot of Men! The photo was sent to a family member and remained in the family for many years until it was published in 1992. The second, put out in 1906, described her as having, "classic good looks, 27 or 28 years old, 5'4" to 5'5" in height, weighing between 110 lb and 115 lb, with a medium build and brown hair.". Theories abound regarding Etta's earlier life. In his claims, he stated that Etta Place became involved with Longabaugh after his mother told him she was pregnant. However, that is where the similarities end. We hunt them in the mountains and the wilderness and they are in the midst of society.. From an unknown past, she joined the scoundrels and bandits who made up the infamous outlaw gang known as the Wild Bunch. James 1960 debut album, At Last! Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1975. Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps, Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. The trio fled north to San Carlos de Bariloche where they embarked on the steamer Condor across Lake Nahuel Huapi and into Chile. According to the September 18, 1920, edition of the, With the exception of the Pinkerton Agency files, there is little concrete information about Etta. In 2009, a critically-acclaimed new novel about Etta Place was released. They robbed an English bank in the town of Patagonia, then rode into Chile where they committed a number of other daring robberies. Claims that she herself was a teacher at one time have no support, either. Author and researcher Larry Pointer, who up until the late 1970s spent more time researching and chasing leads to Etta Place than any other researcher, wrote that it, "is one of the most intriguing riddles in western history. It is also possible that they traveled to a Dr. Pierce's Invalid Hotel in Buffalo, New York State, for (unspecified) treatment. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. The Outlaw Trail. Worland, WY: High Plains, 1993. Possible identities for her parents range from an Englishman named Ingerfeld to more fanciful alternatives, such as Emily Jane Place and George Capel, alleged son of Arthur Algernon Capel, 6th earl of Essex. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1994. Sundance dared look out an opened window and spotted the owner of the establishment talking to the police. With her death, there remained no known person who could verify as to whether Place and Gray were or were not the same person. Between 2000 and 2011, she released albums including, Matriarch of the Blues, Blue Gardenia, Let's Roll, and The Dreamer. She was the one who held the horses and remained on guard while they robbed and stole. The last living person who actually knew Etta Place was Josie Bassett, sister to Ann Bassett, and former lover to several of the Wild Bunch gang members. Some historians report that Etta was supposedly killed by an unknown assailant., When and where Etta Place lived out the remainder of her life once the key leaders of the Wild Bunch were no more will probably always be left to conjecture. History Blazer, May 1995. Place. The funeral was presided by Rev. Place. Apparently, the outlaws spent the next year or so building a ranch in the Andes foothills, in southwest Argentina, as described in the following Pinkerton information: On April 2nd, 1902, [Longabaugh using the name Place] and [Cassidy using the name Ryan notified] Argentine Republic Government they had settled on 4 square leagues of Government land within the Province of Chubut, district 16th of 11 October, near Cholila and had 1300 sheep, 500 head of cattle, 35 horses, and asked for the first right to buy some [land] and were settled on land improving it. Estimates of her birth year range from 1878 to 1882 or 1883. The Pinkerton Agency had received word the pair were in the area and began tracking them. The one instance where she is known to have signed her name, she recorded it as "Mrs. Ethel Place." Life on the ranch in Cholila proved to be too mundane for Butch, Etta and Sundance. A TV movie called The Legend of Butch & Sundance was released in 2006. Ethel Etta Place, Western Woman of Mystery. Joined the Wild Bunch, an outlaw gang whose two most notable members were Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; accompanied the two men to Argentina in an attempt to "go straight"; for a time, the trio lived anonymously and ran their own ranch; when their true identities were discovered, they returned to their formerly successful lives as bandits; with Etta as accomplice, they caused a sensation with their daring robberies; evidently, the three later parted paths leaving each to face an unknown fate. The real Etta Place, according to Pinkerton's (per author James D. Horan) claimed Cassidy and Sundance met Place at Fannie Porter's brothel in San Antonio, Texas. In fact, Bassett was arrested for rustling cattle, and also entered her first marriage, while Place was in South America with Longabaugh and Parker. They moved to Cholilaand began raising livestock. Redford, Robert. WebEtta Place - Longabaugh's Alleged Son Longabaugh's Alleged Son Robert Harvey Longabaugh (February 21, 1901-December 18, 1972), who claimed years later to be the son of Longabaugh, claimed that Etta Place was actually Hazel Tyrone, a half-sister to his mother, Annie Marie Thayne. It was an attempt to catch the singer in a raw and fiery performance outside the recording studio. The three were members of the outlaw gang known as Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch. Researchers have been unable to verify any of his claims. Add synopsis. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out. Author and historian Richard Selcer wrote in his book. Regardless of their fate, all accounts seem to lack reasonable evidence and credibility. History Blazer, May 1995. There have been various claims, in addition to those already mentioned, about her life after Longabaugh died . July 10, 1902: Place and Longabaugh pose as stewards, and sail on the steamer Honorius back to Argentina. Lorinda Reese Jameson is the only child of Philadelphia banker G. David Jameson, and her father raised her as he would a son, to ride and to shoot. Indeed, with the revolving door of outlaws passing through the ranks of the Wild Bunch over the years, a variety of characters may have been involved. The book purports to tell the "true" story of Etta and Sundance and includes many historical figures such as Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley and Eleanor Roosevelt. Their research also discovered "that Longbaugh [sic] under the name of Place was treated in the Pierce Medical Institute, Buffalo, New York, and by a Dr. Weinstein, 174 Second Ave., New York City. Lamb, F. Bruce. The Outlaw Trail. . Originally named Robert LeRoy Parker, Butch Cassidy was the celebrated leader of the Wild Bunch, a loosely knit group of outlaws and ne'er-do-wells. While befriending the gang's leader, Butch Cassidy, she developed a romantic relationship with another central gang member, Harry Longabaugh, better known as the Sundance Kid. His death certificate lists his father as being Harry Longabaugh, and his mother as being Annie Marie Thayne. 22 Feb. 2023 . Etta Place, shown here in a photo taken in either Mexico or Texas with a womens group called Las Soldaderas, was a friend and outlaw companion of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Chris Enss is a New York Times bestselling author who writes about women of the Old West. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Atlas of South America. According to legend, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Harry Longabaugh) infamous Utah outlaws noted throughout the Place had long been tired of life on the run and deeply lamented the loss of their ranch. WebEtta Place - Longabaugh's Alleged Son Longabaugh's Alleged Son Robert Harvey Longabaugh (February 21, 1901-December 18, 1972), who claimed years later to be the son of Longabaugh, claimed that Etta Place was actually Hazel Tyrone, a half-sister to his mother, Annie Marie Thayne. His cohorts in crime thought the idea had promise and were enthusiastic about the opportunity. A Pinkerton account states that "Etta Place, Harry Long[a]baugh's wife, in male attire, is alleged to have held the horses while Long[a]baugh and Cassidy committed the robbery." As for Etta Place, the remainder of her life is just as unclear. Many of the details of Place's life have been lost to time. Although she was dressed in mens clothing, there seemed to be no question from the witnesses who noticed the woman that it was Etta. Under a new law of 1884, they were granted 15,000 acres (61 km) of adjacent land to develop, 2,500 of which belonged to Place herself, who has the distinction of being the first woman in Argentina to acquire land under the new act, as land ownership had hitherto been almost the exclusive preserve of men. Geni requires JavaScript! Taglines. In support of this is his alleged involvement in the July 3, 1901, holdup of a Great Northern train near Wagner, Montana. was a companion of the American outlaws Robert LeRoy Parker, alias Butch Cassidy and Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, alias Sundance Kid. (Another contemporary woman named Place, Martha Place , was the first woman to die in the electric chair.) Estimates of her birth year range from 1878 to 1882 or 1883. History Blazer, May 1995. by Chris Enss | Jul 15, 2019 | Features & Gunfights. Place, Stewardess, which was OK as no passengers were carried, hence put them in the crew's list. If Longabaugh and Place did visit San Francisco, they had to return to Argentina in order to meet Cassidy to plan and execute the December 1905 holdup of the Banco de la Nacion in Villa Mercedes. Its unlikely Etta, Ethel or Place is her real name. Plot summary. Popular locations for her place of birth include Utah, New York City, Pennsylvania, or Theories abound regarding Etta's earlier life. The most conclusive evidence is that from 1902 to the summer of 1904 Etta Place was most definitely in South America, whereas in 1903, Ann Bassett was arrested and for a time incarcerated in Utah. Playwright, author, journalist, dandy-aesthete, w, The rising of physical objects, tables, pianos, etc., or of human beings into the air, contrary to the known laws of gravitation and without any visi, Place Versus Response Learning Revisited in the Brain, He recorded each lead in his 1977 book, The Identity of Harry Longabaugh's Mysterious Lover. The album included her version of Otis Redding's Security, and I'd Rather Go Blind, regarded a blues classic. He rode away in order to escape the possibility of being caught by the Pinkerton men, and the couple never saw one another again. Etta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins on January 25, 1938, in Los Angeles to fourteen year old Dorothy Hawkins. Having spent much of their lives in the United States holding up trains and robbing banks, Butch and the Sundance Kid considered absconding with mining companies payroll shipments to be a natural course of events. Genres. Curiously, the agency took no action, perhaps because of a reticence on the part of their North American clients to support the operation. In researching his claims about his mother, there is some evidence that she did once teach school, but also some indications that she was a prostitute. After eluding their pursuers, the outlaws eventually returned to their ranch near Cholila. They are credited with a number of major robberies and were increasingly becoming a frustration to the authorities. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Meadows, Anne. This unfortunate lack of facts only adds to the curiosity about one of the most mysterious figures of the American West, the woman who rode with the Wild Bunch. Gang member Will Carver also began a relationship with one of Porter's "girls," Lillie Davis, and Wild Bunch female gang member Laura Bullion is believed to have worked at the brothel from time to time. Another series of bullets smacked into the walls above the three. Barring new information, their time ranching was most likely spent lawfully. Etta Place, shown here in a photo taken in either Mexico or Texas with a womens group called Las Soldaderas, was a friend and outlaw companion of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. We do not know the nature of the ailment he was being treated for." In 1993, she recorded the tribute album, Mystery Lady: Songs of Billie Holiday, and began to incorporate more jazz elements and won for her a first Grammy Award for best jazz vocal performance. As had been the case in the United States, many Argentinean crimes were attributed to the trio with little or no reliable evidence. "Place, Etta (fl. In 1961, she released a second studio album, The Second Time Around, covering many genres, and using strings on many of the songs generating two hit singles, Fool That I Am, and , Don't Cry Baby. Without further evidence, it is most likely that on February 20, 1901, the three boarded the ship Herminius, bound for South America. Etta and Sundance made it back to Argentina without interference from any law enforcement agency. Also Known As: Jamesetta Hawkins, Miss Peaches, place of death: Riverside, California, United States, See the events in life of Etta James in Chronological Order, (Singer-Songwriter Know for Hits Such as "The Wallflower", "At Last", "Tell Mama"),, Early to late 1903: Female outlaw Ann Bassett marries a rancher by the name of Henry Bernard, and shortly thereafter is arrested for rustling, having no known contact with her former lover Parker. At her request therefore on May 1, 1905, Longabaugh accompanied her from Valparaiso, Chile, to San Francisco, California, USA, where she apparently remained while he once again returned to South America. In 1906 he and Cassidy returned to outlawry, robbing banks, trains, and mining interests in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. In a cynical jab at the powers that be, a Buenos Aires Herald editorial on December 23, 1905, touted: Those bad, bold, whisky-drinking, hard-riding, round-the-corner-shooting, Anglo-American, gaucho, Bank robbers have not been captured yet. She was the one who held the horses and remained on guard while they robbed and stole. She was said to have spoken in an educated manner, and she indicated that she was originally from the East Coast, although she never revealed an exact location. This photo shows the Sundance Kid, Etta Place and Butch Cassidy getting ready to have tea on their Cholila ranch in 1903. Butch had a plan to overtake the train and meet back at the caf shortly after the job was done. Etta Place (born c. 1878, date of death unknown) was a companion of the American outlaws Butch Cassidy (real name Robert LeRoy Parker) and the Sundance Kid (Harry Alonzo Longabaugh), both members of the outlaw gang known as the Wild Bunch. Legendary figures like Wyatt Earp, Jesse James, Belle Starr and the Apache Kid had their exploits built up far out of proportion to the actuality. In early 1905, the trio sold the Cholila ranch as once again the law was beginning to catch up with them. The manager offered resistance [and] was wounded. After migrating to the landlocked city, Butch, Sundance and Etta discussed another heist. She then, on February 20, sailed with him and Parker (who was now posing as one James Ryan, her fictional brother), aboard the British ship Herminius for Buenos Aires in Argentina. They toured Coney Island and visited his family (originally from Mont Clare, Pennsylvania but by then living in Atlantic City, New Jersey). A mule train rumored to be transporting a rich payroll was going to be in the area. The majority of the experts agree that Butch and Sundance probably met Etta at a bordello around 1900. Place owned 2500 acres herself becoming the first female landowner in the country which had just changed its laws to allow women to own land. There is no further activity from her, and she disappears from all historical records. We arrived here today, and the day after tomorrow my wife and I leave for San Francisco.". Shortly after the trio arrived in South America, they opened a bank account with $12 thousand in gold notes. Pursued by armed lawmen, they crossed the Pampas and the Andes and again into the safety of Chile. 18961905) THE administration of Theodore Roosevelt was in some respects the first modern presidency. WebAccording to reports of the day, Bassett and Davis were two of only five women ever allowed into the Robbers Roost hideout, the other three being Josie Bassett, the Sundance Kid 's girlfriend Etta Place, and Wild Bunch gang member Laura Bullion . WebEtta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins in Los Angeles and had a very tumultuous childhood as she was brought up by foster parents who ill-treated her. We heard from him from time to Four years later, she recorded, Roll with Me Henry, with the Otis band. Retrieved February 22, 2023 from She was continuously in and out of rehabilitation centers. After that, nothing more was ever heard of her. Etta was reportedly killed instantly from a bullet to the chest, and the Sundance Kid was critically wounded. Pinkerton detectives find evidence that Place is homesick and wanting to visit her family, but were unable to identify who her family was. Both of those claims are possible, as members of the Wild Bunch gang often alternated girlfriends. 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