4 of 11. A few days later, I ran into Kylie in the school and was amazed that she was this famous. 29. Jude Law. Even after he got famous, he'd email her. ", Then the polar opposite of the persona Ferrell is known for now, the actor and comedian used to be painfully shy and had to use fairly extreme methods to overcome this. We were at a family wedding and he was telling us, Yeah, theyre making a movie about my life. Robert Pattinson. Luckily, there were some people who went to school with these celebrities and shared some stories about their high school days. I went to high school with Hayden Christensen before he was in Star Wars. 13. 2. He was a year older than me. He was a basketball fan and came to most of our schools games. One Reddit user recalls My cousins lived near Ashton Kutcher and went to school with him for a bit. 50 celebrities you didn't know went to school together. Later on, Gosling ended up being home-schooled for a year which kind of changed his personality. 9. He smiles from ear-ear, gives each fan a great big hug, takes pictures with them, gives them that Johnny Knoxville laugh, and just genuinely appreciates their support. You may not exactly know who he is by name, but I'm sure you would recognize Howie Mandel if you see him. Jude Law didn't have the best start with his peers at school, as one teacher claims other boys grew envious of his good looks and charm. Super quiet and shy. When he was six years old he apparently watched a First Blood video which inspired him so much that he brought a set of steak knives with him to school and began hurling them at his classmates during lunchtime. Honestly, I'm not surprised because she's always got that no-attitude air about her. 37. 33. For the next few months, wed frequently run into each other and exchange smiles and greetings. On the surface, he seems pretty down to earth if a little obnoxious. I wonder what got him to make a complete 180? When we look at worldwide famous celebrities today, it's hard for us to imagine that they too were once completely normal, ordinary human beings that went to school, did their homework, got bullied and got into trouble. Award-winning fashion designer, filmmaker, and Jay-Z muse Tom Ford is the who's-who in the world of fashion. I don't care much for those kinds of shows, especially since the hosts don't ever really seem to be that funny. According to Redditor@serve11's dad, Ferrell used to get in trouble a lot after hijacking the loudspeaker and imitating the teachers. After achieving national acclaim for her work I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, author Maya Angelou taught at Wake Forest University from 1982 to 2011, where she emphasized that she was not a "writer who teaches," but a "teacher who writes." Her dad was in the private jet business and her family lived in a nice house on the lake. (Though he later seemed to grow into it, so good on him.). ", Back in the 80s, Depp hated being a teen idol so intensely that he shaved his eyebrows just to make himself uglier and less photogenic for teen-adoring magazines (Fun fact: Years later, Depp would also get his head shaved by Hunter S. Thompson for his role in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."). When he was nine, he was featured in a commercial for the first time. I was a dorky, quiet kid in high school who didn't have too many friends. I didn't really know her well but one of my best friends was really close with her. The most memorable thing though, is I had her dad as my art teacher for a semester when I was a sophomore. OneReddit user who went to school with the actress has said that they went to high school with Blake Lively. recalls that his dad has a fun drawing made by the legendary Brad Pitt himself. 46. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); He lived with my best friend in a house after graduating. For me, it would come as no surprise that a teenaged Ian would have gotten a modeling contract, but according to Reddit user @captyoyogirl, nobody at school believed him. His most popular works include Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, and Saving Private Ryan. Proceed with caution if you hear these comments. She was very nice, great student, great singer, nice, chill girl. Roosevelt and his siblings suffered from a variety of physical ailments, and as a result, were home-schooled. Janel said she was bullied in high school, as she was "not the popular girl at all" and preferred musical theater rehearsal to going to the mall. Jake said he was a nerd as a young teenager, saying people treated him a "certain way" based on his thick glasses. Speaking about growing up, Liam said, "I used to wear my brothers' hand-me-downs, which were all too big on me. That's the case for Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg, who both attended Long Beach Polytechnic high school in the late '80s/early '90s. Because I was just, you know, I was kind of a nerd and just hung out with like, one person." After that I would always hum and sing the songs and dress up as Snow White. Then my friend would incite the crowd to be like, 'Look at that idiot!' I guess it wasn't really the face that people didn't believe, but he grew up in a fairly small town where becoming a model wasn't very common. "I was a geek, I was into musical theater, which isn't perceived as the coolest thing. I was a band geek, because I took band to the next level. 5. He could shred the guitar even then. Through their successes, we learn that being shy absolutely doesn't mean being powerless. Other famous people who were in choir include Tina Fey, Alicia Keys, and multiple NFL stars. It's like he was meant to do comedy all along. Ill always have respect for him because he was always on the grind and trying to get money to support his family. The agency's aging fleet is finally getting a major overhaul after 30+ years. The actor Tom Cruise seems like a nice guy even if he does hold some weird beliefs. Our town is notorious for being kinda shitty so Im glad someone from there made something of themselves. Redditor@eggmcben has a fun anecdote from his high school days, when he and Drake were classmates. He joked that he didn't talk to a girl until he was 19 and also told the story of a boy who invited him to his birthday party because his mom told him to. Not a personal one but my mothers friend circle was involved with Eminem obviously far before he was famous. I was not cool.". Reddit user @drowsydeku recalls that his dad has a fun drawing made by the legendary Brad Pitt himself. Apparently, she was actually a huge bully who played up the whole "rich girl" persona. Christian Bale. The actress Natalie Portman made it big when she was still in school. To discover more amazing secrets about living your best life,click hereto sign up for our FREE daily newsletter! It's weird enough to think that celebrities were once normal people in high school, but it's even weirder to think that two celebrities went to the same high school. 28. user uploaded a picture of the yearbook drawing. The Pitch Perfect actress has described her high school self as a "flat chested theater nerd." That man was John Glenn: he became a war hero and one of the most famous astronauts in history, despite being a college dropout. I saw glimmers of hope from time to time, but I think it was just having sketchy Stratford parents (despite how the media paints his mom) that screwed him. A good character deserves a powerful name. I mean you would go to jail for that stuff today. I was shy so we didnt talk much, but a lot of my extended group were close with her. Obama was a member of his high school's choir in 1977. According to @alienscxmon Reddit, whose dad went to high school with this iconic show host, Steve was apparently very shy and barely ever said anything back in the day. Apparently, she once managed to frame a kid for trying to beat up one of said entitled rich girls.". She's still struggling with issues stemming from that and in therapy. Updated. Quick to remind other kids of rules nobody else saw them breaking, inclined to take the teachers side if he overheard other kids complaining about her, that kinda thing. And for more proof that celebs are real people, too, don't miss30 Wildly Entertaining Photos of Celebrities Using Public Transportation. I went to high school with Priyanka Chopra (she came to the states for a year or two during high school). He absolutely adores her father. I was president of the varsity club and was on the math team and then student government.. "I'd sit there in school and I'd be hearing people like, 'Oh my god, this party that we're going to is gonna be so awesome on Friday. Bo burnham. In my case I was the weird quiet kid in elementary school. Our basketball team as a whole was amazing to watch. Spielberg is a quiet leader, spending most of his time working behind the camera. Can you imagine the actor Ashton Kutcher being a jerk? 20. My aunt has run into him a few times when he's been back home and he's always been really nice. Teachers and students claim that Mariah was a diva even from young age. Margot Robbie Tried Looking Like Harry Potter, Jennifer Anniston Made Some Fashion Choices. Unlike many, who consider dyslexia a curse, Branson calls it his "greatest strength.". He rode the bus with Jamie Lynn because they both lived in Kentwood,La, but went to school in Mississippi. "In college, I would push an overhead projector across campus with my pants just low enough to show my butt. Leonardo DiCaprio is playing me. Hes a professional liar, so we all just laughed at him. January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. He has said I attended multiple high schools in 4yrs. They said she was a total jerk all through high school and was Ms. Popular Cheerleader. According to Reddit, even though she was already modeling while in school, she managed to keep her modeling life and her school life separate. She was kind of shy and not very confident. The iconic roles of Indiana Jones and Han Solo have made him a relevant figure in film that will continue to live on many decades into the future. Steve Harvey hardly talks about his teen years or his memories of high school. She wouldve been maybe 6-8 at the time and she was just a cute, polite, kind of shy kid. Despite his affinity for storytelling, a trait popularized by Daniel Day Lewis in the film, "Lincoln," the president was frequently described as a quiet man. Uncle also was friends with him, and was there for his first tape he tried to get local shops and people to listen to and pick up during his young/teenage years. She was later homeschooled. Out of all the celebrities out there, there's something about Zach Galifianakis that makes me think that he's pretty much just a normal person. Even though Grande has claimed that she was bullied in school, her ex-classmates have declared that it was, in fact, Grande who bullied other kids. Also one day he saw her crying on the bus because people were calling Britney a slut. He likely saved himself a world of hurt bygraduating high school at 13. He was clearly very talented, lead role in most school plays, musical acts at talent shows etc. A fresh take on sports: the biggest news and most entertaining lists. She had gnarly eyebrows, not in a bad way at all, they were just intimidating but also really cute in a way. Condoleezza Rice. Kylie Jenner was a couple grades above me at a k-12 school we attended in SoCal. The original Footloose was filmed at my high school, so I kind of went to HS with Kevin Bacon and Sarah Jessica Parker for a few months. After finding out that her book is titled Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? I was a sophomore and she was a senior when she made her breakthrough in The Phantom Menace. I remember little Aubrey Graham as, if anything, kind of a goody-two-shoes. Reddit user @jackbeawesome went to school with her and confirms this;she was one of those punkish kids that just really did not care what other people thought of them. Although known for actively standing up -- or perhaps remaining seated -- for equal rights in 1955, and subsequently becoming a key figure of the Civil Rights movement, Parks was not an outspoken woman. But before all the fame, there was once a time when the stars of today were just struggling to complete their GCSEs like you and I did. She also recalled that she always tried to be in the musicals, and always ended up being some kind of beggar or homeless person in the background. But unlike most pretty girls, she never used her looks and position in school to bully others. She was OK. 30. The one thing that stood out to her after all these years was that one time he just casually filled her desk with whipped cream after saying that she preferred cats over dogs. Contrary to popular belief, he wasnt an asshole. He was super popular AND nice. But once graduation happened he was done with everyone and ignored them when they tried to say hi.". Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site, Celebrities Were Just As Awkward In High School (And We Have The Receipts To Prove It! She was just a normal kid, but if you asked for an autograph/made a big deal about her you got detention. Zack Efron went to a neighboring high school. And you can see why while at the beginning of his singing career he seemed extremely lovable, with time he turned into a huge jerk who has complete disregard and lack of respect for his fans. "I was a real nerd. While in high school, the actress competed in the Intel Science Talent Search and made it to the semifinals. 24. He has managed to keep up withhis love ofgame all this time and even had a Dungeons and Dragons cake for his 48th birthday. People also said he was a pretty chill and nice guy who was also a good student. Hes an outstanding actor with a huge range only actor ever to make me tear up in the middle of a play. Here's what people say 21 celebrities were really like in high school Caroline Praderio Updated Aug 21, 2017, 2:44 PM Ariana Grande at age 15, left, and age 23, right. Hawaii, Nashville, and Pennsylvania. We have this idea of what these people are like, but in real life that may not be the case. Then there's the now-infamous story of her college peers creating the Facebook group "Stefani Germanotta,you will neverbefamous"and look at her now! Just plain and simple, the man is beautiful. Jones has said that she was a "straight up nerd" growing up. Literally the last person you'd think would end up being famous. His classmates didn't like his hobby. Mindy will even admit it herself that she spent way too much time in high school trying to be popular, while never actually achieving this goal. 20 Celebrities Who Graduated From Ivy League Schools. Like, I would voluntarily go to band camp.". She was a cute kid and respectful it was years later when she had a hit song that I realized it was actually her. I should clarify I went to school with him from grade 6 to 8 given after that he dropped out and really became big.. Interestingly, before I found this out I could tell she probably was just by looking into her eyes, which told me there was something wrong lurking beneath the surface. Our dorm was Cowell College and he performed a really bizarre rap at the talent show second semester. All her nerdy behavior paid off: Portman graduated with a 4.0 GPA and attended Harvard. Some say that fame and money have spoiled Bieber and turned him into the person he is today. The gaudy mcmansion her dad had built at the front lot of the local rich people subdivision still sits vacant and one time my friends and I got drunk and went skinny dipping in the Moretz pool in high school. I've only ever seen him as witty and full of energy, but that might just be a face he puts on for show. Despite being the 16th President of the U.S. and a towering figure that presided over the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was a great communicator who simultaneously didn't offend by superiority," as Ralph Waldo Emerson put it. Dakota went to a private high school in North Hollywood where she was crowned homecoming queen and a cheerleader all while still pursuing her acting career. Part of HuffPost Wellness. Didnt go to school with him but the youtuber Vitaly went to my school and had my multimedia class. I went to high school with Emily Ratajkowski. I pretty sure he hung out her house one time too, I think their parents were friends. Some of the celebrity-operated schools have been successful, and some have seen their share of problems. 'Your laugh is funny, you're weird, why do you always sing, why are you so into theater, why do you do your make-up like that?' Some of them are easy enough to believe, but there are others that are a huge surprise. Sep 16, 2020, 8:47 AM. Always treated me with respect. Redditor@vidproducer was a year behind Zach and confirms this to be true. He also worked at a restaurant with my aunt. Had a few classes with her throughout 3 years. It's not just enough for Margot Robbie to be extremely beautiful, but she has to have a relatable backstory of her as a teenager, too. We had choir and theater together. In her words, "short little chubby thing would follow me around" she said his teeth were all fu**ed up and when he said he was taking acting classes everyone thought he was bullshitting because he lied all the time., Another Redditor aptly added Pro tip: liars make good actors.. She was beautiful and confident and extra and she LOVED herself. This was in the late 2000s. Before Freddie Prinze Jr. became a '90s teen heartthrob and Neil Patrick Harris entertained television audiences on How I Met Your Mother, the two were . While some, like famed rapper Pitbull, have opened charter schools in their home communities, others, like actress Angelina Jolie, have founded schools in disadvantaged communities overseas. In no way did I know her well, but i remember she was always smiling and very nice. I always ended up seated next to her so it became kind of a running joke through the years. Further, she was approachable, had a great sense of humor and down to earth. I was on the wrestling team with Rachel Brosnahan. ", Another Redditor has confirmed the above statement, adding Going off what the friend said she would always pick on kids she thought were inferior to her and would always hang out with the snobby entitled rich girls. Halsey was bullied in high school for being into emo bands like Panic! So I think she has these origin stories that are trying to make her seem more relatable to nerdier/geekier fans of hers, but it's all just promo stuff to make her seem more relatable.. xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); If you'd asked me what I wanted to be, I would have said something like a librarian. But the evidence is in this dad's yearbook. Even though Drake is like a super famous person, I feel like in real life he's a down to Earth guy, but at the same time, is on a totally different planet. 11 Times A-List Celebrities Became Real Life Heroes. These people from Ask Reddit knew celebs BEFORE they were famous. If you think of a male model, I'm pretty sure Ian Somerhalder is like, one of the first people you would think of. My dad went to school with Vanilla Ice, he said he was nice. What makes me wonder is if he actually had the cash to back these transactions up or if he was just being a total tool. Really talented guy but his level of fame, especially when he made the jump from hustling comedy writer in LA to SNL sensation was shocking to witness. I think I still have the old school newspapers that featured his comics. He apparently called it his "trademark symbol. Years later he scored the ultimate revenge of the nerd by marrying Sofia Vergara. Chloe Moretz is from my hometown but is a good bit younger than I am. That's right a high school Brad Pitt went around and drew dog poop in everyone's yearbooks. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); They even remember a time when they saw her years later and she smiled at them, and then flipped them off for no reason. The stunning model Karlie Kloss is another one of those models who is extremely nice and has always been so. But unlike other celebrities who were considered jerks in high school, Anthonys arrogance has been forgiven due to his talent. Suddenly, after a bit, she all but vanished from the school, and I never saw her again. It was bleached blonde from the sun. Nerds are not always the wallflowers, the quiet ones. At one point, though, Mandel had quite the sense of humor. Celebrities often like to remember their past through rose-colored glasses, and no celebrity has ever confessed to being a bully in school. It was more so the fact that it was a pretty small town and you didn't hear of a lot of people getting modeling contracts. She also locked my friend in a locker. According to Reddit user @Ghost1031, they went to the same high school and he was expelled after hiring a construction company to build additions to the school library. We werent friends ourselves, but she was friends with a lot of people I was friends in. Sometimes you need to be quiet to make real noise, and always remember, actions speak louder than words. Zacsaid he "didn't really care about being the coolest kid in high school," and that he was mostly just focused and got good grades, which "probably made [him] a nerd.". Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. I wasnt personally friends with him but had a few classes here and there and he was relatively well known in our class (then again, in a class of 150 people its more unusual NOT to know somebody). I always had the feeling that sooner or later, she will get worldwide famous cause she just had that inner star in her. However, Redditors claim that he has always been a jerk. I didn't even want to go to school sometimes. 41. I remember that he had a bunch of pretty cool hip hop and a record player in his room. 5. While this isn't the most interesting story, it at least shows me that Drake's head has always been somewhere else. 1. The actor was born in 1949 in . 25. Olivia Cooke (she recently played the lead girl in Ready Player One and she was the love interest in Bates Motel) sat next to me for five years in school because our surnames are very similar. Mindy has said she was "pretty nerdy" in high school and never had a boyfriend. 14 shows to watch if you love Happy Valley. And for more on cerebral A-listers, check out20 Celebrities Who Graduated From Ivy League Schools. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. He used to sell candy or some shit in the hallways. Entrepreneur, billionaire, and "The only person in the world to have built eight billion-dollar companies from scratch in eight different countries.". The19-year-old actor who has played the not-too-bright Luke Dunphy on Modern Familyfor nine seasons has an IQ 150 and is a member of Mensa International. Went to middle and high school with Halsey. The actor Chris Pratt, probably to this day best known for his role as Andy Dwyer in the TV show Parks and Recreation, seems like a real sweetheart. at the Disco. She was always super chill and nice. 'Your laugh is funny, you're weird, why do you always sing, why are you so into theater, why do you do your makeup like that?'" Kutcher has been a sweetheart ever since he was young and thankfully fame has not changed him. 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When A Woman Walks Away Silently, Articles C